
Terrible morning...

sharp pain (n)鋭痛、キリキリ痛い
Gastroenterology (n) 消化器内科
just in case 念の為
bowel (n) 腸
pelvis (n) 骨盤
colonoscopy (n)大腸内視鏡
relief (n)安心、緩和、救い

I overslept this morning. Then, I ran to the nearest train station because I thought I might be late for my shift. Fortunately, I could catch the train which I wanted to ride and I wasn’t late. However, I realised I had a stomach ache after getting on the train.
My stomach pain was becoming worse.

When I arrived at my workplace, it was difficult to stand up straight because of the pain. There was a sharp pain that came and went in my lower abdomen. But, I don’t have any symptoms except for stomach ache. Then, I thought I might be able to work if the medicine got effective. Although, I also thought that if I made some mistake due to my condition, it was the worst situation. Result of talking with my supervisor, I decided to go back home today.

My pain situation got better due to the medicine. But I went to the gastroenterology clinic, just in case. Fortunately, I didn't have any severe situations. A Dr said your bowels were dropping into the pelvis, so that might be the cause of this morning pain. Also, he said that If the symptoms will be again, it was better to check by a colonoscopy.
Anyway, I was relieved I didn't have any serious situations. I really hope today’s symptoms won't come again.
(224 words)
