
World peace ramen from Kyoto

It was published in a NY magazine a few years ago. The woman who came to the interview at that time was a couch surfer. She stayed at our shop and interviewed me.

About Chef Yonekawa

I am a unique chef who wishes for world peace at a vegan ramen restaurant. Through several years of experience, we have mastered the cooking method of vegan ramen, providing deliciousness and health to our customers. In particular, through ramen, I am confident that I can help people become interested in vegan food and develop good eating habits. In addition, I am a certified cook, and I am very strict about hygiene. And my hobby is exploring different cultures and cuisines around the world. By researching the flavors of foreign countries, I strive to enhance my creativity and serve my own cuisine. I believe that my food is delicious and that I can contribute to the realization of world peace.

 A new dream for "Towzen"

Hello everyone. In mid-July, just before the end of the rainy season, we have great news for you! The manager of a locally loved vegan ramen restaurant talked about his dream of opening a restaurant overseas on his blog.

The manager seems to be looking for a new challenge against the background of the success of Vegan ramen that has been loved by many people in the area. His blog captures the passion that burns in his heart.

"It's mid-July. The end of the rainy season is approaching, and a new season is about to begin. Our Vegan ramen has brought many smiles and emotions. It has been supported and loved by everyone in the community. Thanks to that, we were able to grow to this point,” says the store manager.

and continue. “Now is the time to take a new step forward. I dream of opening ramen restaurants overseas. I dream of the day when our vegan ramen spreads further and is enjoyed by people all over the world.”

The store manager also clarified that they are making plans for overseas store openings and are making careful preparations. He plans to research the local food culture and demand and offer an original menu that is rooted in the region.

“Our mission is to make our ramen both healthy and delicious. We want to convey that value to people overseas.We believe that through interaction with them, we can receive new inspiration and grow. I believe," said the manager enthusiastically.
