








Memory: Saddle
I have recalled that I left a banana skin at my workplace and felt really bad about it. So I get on my bike and saw the saddle being gone. I really do not want to go to work, not want to stay at my home, and not want to spend money buying another saddle. It has started snowing. Japan seems to be covered with Sakura flowers. A picture from Japan reminds me of the last year at this time, I was about to lose my mind.
It is quite different this year. I am doing what I like. Only one problem would be my roommate, a wanker, that is all probably. Still, sometimes, I have kind of, you know, weirdly dark moments by myself.
Things you don’t wanna do, you really don’t have to do them.
No one is forcing you. You can quit. You can quit working, paying rent, living your life. No one cares whenever you quit. Thinking like that would make it a little bit easier. The fact that that kind of idea pops up in my mind, am I going nuts? I saw a comedian on Youtube saying something about quitting. 


Maybe everyone has this kind of moment. No matter the age, occupation, nationality, income level, virgin, or sex king, they may feel like” what I am doing…” and submerge to their darkness. It is strange that I sometimes wish that people go through a similar situation. Especially when things are going bad. Or maybe it is a want to be understood, or saved from it. 

Writing this helps usually.
The saddle is taken. My saddle,,, would you want it that bad? I replaced it with another bike that is half broken.
Sigh…I ordered coffee in Denny’s and I have got a coke. My ex-boss used to drink coffee often. His new assistant apparently has got married recently.

