FlutterにおけるState management


今回はFlutterにおけるState managementについて書いていきます。



2つの State

- Ephemeral (束の間の、はかない) state

例: 選択されたタブ、現在開いているページ、など

この Ephemeral State は複雑に変化しないし、他の箇所で使われることもないし、ユーザーがアプリをリスタートしたら失われても良いです。したがって、凝った State management 技術を使う必要もないです。

以下の例のように、Flutterでは StatefulWidget を使って、setState() してしまえば良いです。

class MyHomepage extends StatefulWidget {
 _MyHomepageState createState() => _MyHomepageState();

class _MyHomepageState extends State<MyHomepage> {
 int _index = 0;

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return BottomNavigationBar(
     currentIndex: _index,
     onTap: (newIndex) {
       setState(() {
         _index = newIndex;
     // ... items ...

- App state

例: ユーザー情報、ログイン情報、通知、ショッピングカート、既読

こういった App state は複雑に変化し得るし、アプリ内のあらゆる場所で共有する必要があるし、ユーザーのセッション -> セッションで引き継ぐ必要があります。App state の管理には色々な方法があり、有名どころだとReduxやBLoCなどがあります。


ちなみに公式ページ曰く、Flutter は declarative (宣言的) だそうで、以下のように考えることができるそうです。

ユーザーインターフェース = 関数f(状態) 


結局 App state の管理にどの方法を使うか

上記のFlutterの公式ページにも書いてありましたが、Provider というパッケージを用いた手法が推奨されているようです。

ほんの数年前までは BLoC が推奨されていたようですが、学習コストが高く、Providerが台頭してきたようです。

特に拘りはないので、推奨される Provider を使っていこうと思います。以下のページに、その Provider を使った State Management のサンプルが書いてあったので、これを参考にしてまとめていきます。


上の記事中にあるアプリを作っていきます。カートの中身の状態は「ADD」によって変化していくので、State managementの題材として良さそうです。




$ flutter create provider_sample_tkugimot
$ cd provider_sample_tkugimot
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Initial Commit'
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:tkugimot/provider_shopper_tkugimot.git
$ git push origin master

上記のディレクトリをAndroid studioで開いて上部バーの「>Run」をクリックして走らせると、カウンターのアプリがchromeが起動します。


# pubspec.yaml
   sdk: flutter
 provider: ^4.1.0




$ cd lib
$ mkdir models




import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

/// A proxy of the catalog of items the user can buy.
/// In a real app, this might be backed by a backend and cached on device.
/// In this sample app, the catalog is procedurally generated and infinite.
/// For simplicity, the catalog is expected to be immutable (no products are
/// expected to be added, removed or changed during the execution of the app).
class CatalogModel {
 static List<String> itemNames = [
   'Code Smell',
   'Control Flow',
   'Hydra Code',
   'Bit Shift',

 /// Get item by [id].
 /// In this sample, the catalog is infinite, looping over [itemNames].
 Item getById(int id) => Item(id, itemNames[id % itemNames.length]);

 /// Get item by its position in the catalog.
 Item getByPosition(int position) {
   // In this simplified case, an item's position in the catalog
   // is also its id.
   return getById(position);

class Item {
 final int id;
 final String name;
 final Color color;
 final int price = 42;

 Item(this.id, this.name)
 // To make the sample app look nicer, each item is given one of the
 // Material Design primary colors.
     : color = Colors.primaries[id % Colors.primaries.length];

 int get hashCode => id;

 bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Item && other.id == id;

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CatalogModel.dart';

class CartModel extends ChangeNotifier {
 /// The private field backing [catalog].
 CatalogModel _catalog;

 /// Internal, private state of the cart. Stores the ids of each item.
 final List<int> _itemIds = [];

 /// The current catalog. Used to construct items from numeric ids.
 CatalogModel get catalog => _catalog;

 set catalog(CatalogModel newCatalog) {
   assert(newCatalog != null);
   assert(_itemIds.every((id) => newCatalog.getById(id) != null),
   'The catalog $newCatalog does not have one of $_itemIds in it.');
   _catalog = newCatalog;
   // Notify listeners, in case the new catalog provides information
   // different from the previous one. For example, availability of an item
   // might have changed.

 /// List of items in the cart.
 List<Item> get items => _itemIds.map((id) => _catalog.getById(id)).toList();

 /// The current total price of all items.
 int get totalPrice =>
     items.fold(0, (total, current) => total + current.price);

 /// Adds [item] to cart. This is the only way to modify the cart from outside.
 void add(Item item) {
   // This line tells [Model] that it should rebuild the widgets that
   // depend on it.


notifyListeners(); が add()の中にあり、これがwidgetにrebuildせよと伝えるらしいです。この通知を受け取るのが後述する context.watch (もしくはcontext.read) です。


$ cd ../test
$ mkdir models
$ cd models
$ touch CartModeTest.dart
$ touch CatalogModelTest.dart
# CartModelTest.dart
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CartModel.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CatalogModel.dart';

void main() {
 test('adding item increases total cost', () {
   final cart = CartModel();
   final startingPrice = cart.totalPrice;
   cart.add(Item(1, 'Summer'));
   cart.addListener(() {
     expect(cart.totalPrice, greaterThan(startingPrice));
# CatalgModelTest.dart
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CatalogModel.dart';

void main() {
 test('get first item from CatalogModel', () {
   final catalog = CatalogModel();
   final actual = catalog.getById(1);
   final expected = new Item(1, 'Control Flow');
   expect(actual, expected);

notifyListeners() で状態の変化を通知するためには、ChangeNotifierのインスタンスを受け取る必要があります。それを提供するのが、今回の場合 main.dart の ChangeNotifierProxyProvider になります。必要以上に「上」に持っていかない方がスコープを狭く保てて良いですが、今回に関しては、CartModel.dartの上はmain.dartしかないです。

# main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CartModel.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CatalogModel.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/screens/CatalogScreen.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   // Using MultiProvider is convenient when providing multiple objects.
   return MultiProvider(
     providers: [
       // In this sample app, CatalogModel never changes, so a simple Provider
       // is sufficient.
       Provider(create: (context) => CatalogModel()),
       // CartModel is implemented as a ChangeNotifier, which calls for the use
       // of ChangeNotifierProvider. Moreover, CartModel depends
       // on CatalogModel, so a ProxyProvider is needed.
       ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<CatalogModel, CartModel>(
         create: (context) => CartModel(),
         update: (context, catalog, cart) {
           cart.catalog = catalog;
           return cart;
     child: MaterialApp(
       title: 'Provider Demo',
       initialRoute: '/catalog',
       routes: {
         '/catalog': (context) => MyCatalog(),

続いて、CatalogScreen で Catalogの画面(Widget)を作っていきます。

$ cd lib/
$ mkdir screens
$ touch CatalogScreen.dart
# CatalogScreen.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CartModel.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CatalogModel.dart';

class MyCatalog extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
     body: CustomScrollView(
       slivers: [
         SliverToBoxAdapter(child: SizedBox(height: 12)),
           delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
                   (context, index) => _MyListItem(index)),

class _AddButton extends StatelessWidget {
 final Item item;

 const _AddButton({Key key, @required this.item}) : super(key: key);

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   var cart = Provider.of<CartModel>(context);

   return FlatButton(
     onPressed: cart.items.contains(item) ? null : () => cart.add(item),
     splashColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
     child: cart.items.contains(item)
         ? Icon(Icons.check, semanticLabel: 'ADDED')
         : Text('ADD'),

class _MyAppBar extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return SliverAppBar(
     title: Text('Catalog', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline1),
     floating: true,
     actions: [
         icon: Icon(Icons.shopping_cart),
         onPressed: () => Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/cart'),

class _MyListItem extends StatelessWidget {
 final int index;

 _MyListItem(this.index, {Key key}) : super(key: key);

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   var catalog = Provider.of<CatalogModel>(context);
   var item = catalog.getByPosition(index);
   var textTheme = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6;

   return Padding(
     padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 8),
     child: LimitedBox(
       maxHeight: 48,
       child: Row(
         children: [
             aspectRatio: 1,
             child: Container(
               color: item.color,
           SizedBox(width: 24),
             child: Text(item.name, style: textTheme),
           SizedBox(width: 24),
           _AddButton(item: item),




$ cd lib/screens
$ touch CartScreen.dart
# CartScreen.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CartModel.dart';

class MyCart extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
     appBar: AppBar(
       title: Text('Cart', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline1),
       backgroundColor: Colors.white,
     body: Container(
       color: Colors.yellow,
       child: Column(
         children: [
             child: Padding(
               padding: const EdgeInsets.all(32),
               child: _CartList(),
           Divider(height: 4, color: Colors.black),

class _CartList extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   var itemNameStyle = Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6;
   //var cart = Provider.of<CartModel>(context);
   var cart = context.watch<CartModel>();

   return ListView.builder(
     itemCount: cart.items.length,
     itemBuilder: (context, index) => ListTile(
       leading: Icon(Icons.done),
       title: Text(cart.items[index].name, style: itemNameStyle)

class _CartTotal extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   var hugeStyle =
   Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline1.copyWith(fontSize: 48);

   return SizedBox(
     height: 200,
     child: Center(
       child: Row(
         mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
         children: [
           Text('\$${context.watch<CartModel>().totalPrice}', style: hugeStyle),
           SizedBox(width: 24),
             onPressed: () {
                   SnackBar(content: Text('Buying not supported yet.')));
             color: Colors.white,
             child: Text('BUY'),

context.watch<CartModel>() が、notifyListeners() の通知をキャッチして変更を反映します。


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CartModel.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CatalogModel.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/screens/CartScreen.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/screens/CatalogScreen.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   // Using MultiProvider is convenient when providing multiple objects.
   return MultiProvider(
     providers: [
       // In this sample app, CatalogModel never changes, so a simple Provider
       // is sufficient.
       Provider(create: (context) => CatalogModel()),
       // CartModel is implemented as a ChangeNotifier, which calls for the use
       // of ChangeNotifierProvider. Moreover, CartModel depends
       // on CatalogModel, so a ProxyProvider is needed.
       ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<CatalogModel, CartModel>(
         create: (context) => CartModel(),
         update: (context, catalog, cart) {
           cart.catalog = catalog;
           return cart;
     child: MaterialApp(
       title: 'Provider Demo',
       initialRoute: '/catalog',
       routes: {
         '/catalog': (context) => MyCatalog(),
         '/cart': (context) => MyCart(),


参考にしてるサンプルと同じように、widget testは書いた方が良さそうです。


# common/theme.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

final appTheme = ThemeData(
 primarySwatch: Colors.yellow,
 textTheme: TextTheme(
   headline1: TextStyle(
     fontFamily: 'Corben',
     fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
     fontSize: 24,
     color: Colors.black,
   headline2: TextStyle(
     fontFamily: 'Corben',
     fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
     fontSize: 12,
     color: Colors.black,

# main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CartModel.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/models/CatalogModel.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/screens/CartScreen.dart';
import 'package:provider_shopper_tkugimot/screens/CatalogScreen.dart';

import 'common/theme.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   // Using MultiProvider is convenient when providing multiple objects.
   return MultiProvider(
     providers: [
       // In this sample app, CatalogModel never changes, so a simple Provider
       // is sufficient.
       Provider(create: (context) => CatalogModel()),
       // CartModel is implemented as a ChangeNotifier, which calls for the use
       // of ChangeNotifierProvider. Moreover, CartModel depends
       // on CatalogModel, so a ProxyProvider is needed.
       ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<CatalogModel, CartModel>(
         create: (context) => CartModel(),
         update: (context, catalog, cart) {
           cart.catalog = catalog;
           return cart;
     child: MaterialApp(
       title: 'Provider Demo',
       theme: appTheme,
       initialRoute: '/catalog',
       routes: {
         '/catalog': (context) => MyCatalog(),
         '/cart': (context) => MyCart(),




# CartModel.dart
class CartModel extends ChangeNotifier {
 /// The private field backing [catalog].
 CatalogModel _catalog;

 /// Internal, private state of the cart. Stores the ids of each item.
 final List<int> _itemIds = [];

 /// The current catalog. Used to construct items from numeric ids.
 CatalogModel get catalog => _catalog;

 set catalog(CatalogModel newCatalog) {
   assert(newCatalog != null);
   assert(_itemIds.every((id) => newCatalog.getById(id) != null),
   'The catalog $newCatalog does not have one of $_itemIds in it.');
   _catalog = newCatalog;
   // Notify listeners, in case the new catalog provides information
   // different from the previous one. For example, availability of an item
   // might have changed.

 /// List of items in the cart.
 List<Item> get items => _itemIds.map((id) => _catalog.getById(id)).toList();

 /// The current total price of all items.
 int get totalPrice =>
     items.fold(0, (total, current) => total + current.price);

 /// Adds [item] to cart. This is the only way to modify the cart from outside.
 void add(Item item) {
   // This line tells [Model] that it should rebuild the widgets that
   // depend on it.

 void clear() {
# CartModelTest.dart
void main() {
 test('adding item increases total cost', () {
   final cart = CartModel();
   final startingPrice = cart.totalPrice;
   cart.add(Item(1, 'Summer'));
   cart.addListener(() {
     expect(cart.totalPrice, greaterThan(startingPrice));

 test('clear all items', () {
   final cart = CartModel();
   cart.add(Item(1, 'Summer'));
   cart.addListener(() {
     expect(cart.totalPrice, 42);

   expect(cart.totalPrice, 0);
   expect(cart.items.length, 0);
# CartScreen.dart
class _CartTotal extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   var hugeStyle =
   Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline1.copyWith(fontSize: 48);

   return SizedBox(
     height: 200,
     child: Center(
       child: Row(
         mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
         children: [
           Text('\$${context.watch<CartModel>().totalPrice}', style: hugeStyle),
           SizedBox(width: 24),
             onPressed: () {
                   SnackBar(content: Text('Payment has been received.')));
               context.read<CartModel>().clear(); # ここを追加
             color: Colors.white,
             child: Text('BUY'),





