
Ryoichi Hirano 2016(2)


Ryoichi recalled the first studio rehearsal of Onegin with Christopher Carr as rehearsal master. Ryoichi was general cover for about 18 men. One day someone in the front line was sick and Christopher pointed him out saying ‘how do you pronounce his name?’ and Ryoichi went in with no problem as he remembers things easily. After that Christopher christened him ‘heavenly Hirano’ and addressed him as ‘Heavenly’! That became his first experience of the Opera House stage but his first time on stage with the Company had been in Spring 1999 when they were touring in Japan. He was 15 and a teacher friend of his mum said extras were needed for the Osaka leg of the tour and it would be good experience. He went for it, was picked and appeared in Manon Act II as a boy at the back and beggars in Act III. Now he’s done several roles in Onegin and finally took on Gremin. It is one of the hardest pas de deux as everything is so low and seamless, so it’s very tough. He first danced it with Mara Galeazzi, who was very helpful and saw some talent in him. She pushed him and told Monica she wanted to dance with him. So that gave him recognition in the company. By then they had lots of experience together and it went well but Ryoichi was still young (25) to play an older, sophisticated man which made it a challenge. He had seen some older guys doing it for the first time so it was a nice feeling to be chosen and showed he was appreciated as an actor and partner.

Initially in the company Ryoichi had lots of spare time as he was only cover for most of the shows. Then he did Onegin in the middle of the season and after that he started being seen as a company member. For the first few months he was doing class, and rehearsals at the back to learn steps and going to the gym. Then he was injured in the season before Christmas and Monica, who was the rehab coach, saw him as having something for the company and spoke to Ross about him. At Christmas there was Nutcracker and his mum and dad came to see the show as they didn’t know if it might be the last chance to see him at the Opera House. He was standing under the arches near the back during the pas de deux. Two days later Monica called him in for a chat and said ‘I have your contract so you can stay next season’. What a Christmas present! His mum cried and it was very emotional. His first year they did a long tour to Australia which was a new experience for him.


That season Ross left and Monica became Acting Director. Ryoichi doesn’t remember much from the first year except that it was difficult. He started to understand the language and was trying to fit in and understand the system but work wasn’t coming with it. He found it very difficult to fit in and living in that situation with tough competition is hard. It might have been a disadvantage being tall in comparison to the shorter dancers. Once he talked to Monica saying wanted to do the beggars in Manon, a role Rupert had done but she didn’t see him as the beggar, he was more high class. So he was always at the back rather than dancing roles. The first thing he did was the Lilac Fairy cavalier in Monica’s production of Sleeping Beauty. He tried to be patient and wait his turn and everyone was waiting but Ryoichi knew he had to be prepared and wait until he was given the chance. The first three years, it was hard to keep going and he did think about leaving. People said he shouldn’t waste his talent. Several colleagues – Tamara, Carlos and Zen – asked what he wanted and he said ‘to dance’. Others said it was the quality, not the quantity that mattered. But it’s a privilege to be with the Royal Ballet on the Opera House stage and not in a small theatre in the middle of nowhere, so he decided to hang around.