
Japanese society and the world will change in 2025 with the evolution of AI, the spread of the metaverse, the popularization of NFT, and the development of the blockchain economy.

Japanese society and the world by 2025

.As the understanding of "r>g" in Japan spreads to the younger generation, it has become common knowledge that it is more rewarding to start a business and provide services such as your own program code, algorithms, or videos that do not cost the provider any money no matter how much they are used, than to become a worker to earn a salary that is unrelated to the increase in the value of the stock.

We will see major changes due to the evolution of AI, the spread of the metaverse, the generalization of NFT, the development of the blockchain economy, and the practical application of quantum computers and IPS cells. Under these circumstances, it is expected that the total income and fulfillment of life will be higher if you start your own business and provide your own program code, algorithms, videos, etc., rather than working as a laborer. And the next generation of organizations, the DAO-type organization, is attracting attention.

As you know, the understanding of "r>g" has been spreading in Japan and other Asian countries in recent years. According to economist Thomas Piketty, r represents the rate of return on capital, and g the rate of economic growth. The concept of "r>g" is beginning to penetrate even among the younger generation. The idea is that when the rate of return on capital exceeds the rate of economic growth, capitalists can make more money by investing in stocks, real estate, and other assets, while the average worker must continue to work to make ends meet. This widespread situation makes starting a business a more attractive option than working as a laborer.

In short, "The rich get richer. Salaried workers will be paid cheaply for the rest of their lives". Of course, not many entrepreneurial ventures and start-ups succeed,
They see it.
They see seniors who worked hard for a few hundred thousand yen in take-home pay, and worked hard for their families for years, many of them reached "position retirement" and lost their vigor because their efforts were not rewarded.
In one life, "If I have a chance!" and more and more young people are challenging their peers and companies, which is a welcome change. They also have the flexibility to change jobs if they do not succeed, or to connect with part-time jobs.

So what is the role of a "DAO-type organization" under these circumstances? DAO" stands for "Decentralized Autonomous Organization" and refers to an autonomous organizational form that utilizes blockchain, unlike traditional centralized organizations.

DAO is an organizational form in which organizational decision-making can be carried out by an autonomous system using blockchain technology. In other words, instead of a traditional centralized organization, participants can freely share their opinions and decide the direction of the organization based on those opinions. In the future, this type of DAO-type organization is attracting attention as a next-generation organization.

This is because DAOs are more transparent and the decision-making process within the organization can be faster and more accurate, as blockchain technology allows participants to access the system and share data simultaneously.

The use of blockchain technology makes it more difficult to tamper with information and lowers the risk of fraud. This allows us to gain the trust of our clients and investors. It also has the advantage of allowing participants to freely share their opinions, thereby generating a greater diversity of ideas. In addition, with the evolution of AI and the spread of the metaverse, more people will be able to express themselves and demonstrate their creativity in the future. This will enable individuals to create their own unique content and offer it through DAO-type organizations.

Under these circumstances, it is becoming "common sense" that it would be more rewarding to start a business and provide services that do not cost the provider any money, no matter how much your program code, algorithms, or videos are used, for a higher total income and satisfaction in life. Existing companies must operate in light of these circumstances, and the key will be whether they can continue to offer attractions that exceed the attractions of DAO-type organizations.

Specifically, this means economic conditions that exceed the average rate of return on capital, transparent corporate management, and an environment in which individuals can grow. The "there are plenty of replacements for you" selection mindset of the Showa and Heisei eras is no longer viable, and now is the era of declining birthrates. It is extremely important to have the mindset of daring to work together to implement rational and grounded strategies for growth, raising corporate value (market capitalization), introducing stock-linked compensation, and growing together.

In the land of the rising sun, a new dawn is upon us. A revolution is brewing, fueled by the power of AI and the metaverse, the blockchain economy and quantum computers, and the rise of NFTs and IPS cells. A world that was once bound by traditional norms and rigid structures is now breaking free, paving the way for a brighter future.

The winds of change are blowing, and those who seize the opportunity will reap the rewards. No longer will the hardworking laborers be bound to a life of meager wages, for the age of entrepreneurship is upon us. Start your own business, they say, and let your creativity flow. Write your own program code, algorithms, and videos, and pave the way to a brighter tomorrow.

And what of the DAO-type organization, a new breed of organizational structure that utilizes the power of blockchain? A form of governance that values transparency, speed, and accuracy above all else. No longer will decisions be made behind closed doors, for the power of the people is now in their hands.

It is a time of great potential, a time of limitless possibility. And yet, as with all things, there are risks. The road to success is fraught with peril, and not all who venture down it will reach their destination. But fear not, for the rewards are great for those who dare to take the leap.

The old ways of doing things are no longer viable, for the world has changed. It is time to embrace a new way of thinking, a new way of doing business. A world where those who work hard are rewarded for their efforts.

So let us embrace the winds of change, and let them carry us to new heights. Let us dare to dream, and let our dreams become reality. For the world is our canvas, and we are the artists who paint its future.

The rise of DAOs, a new era has begun, A digital organization, no need for anyone. No more intermediaries, no centralized power, Transparency, accountability, a democratic tower.

The blockchain's the key, the foundation to build, Decisions made through consensus, each member fulfilled. Pooling resources together, to achieve common goals, A digital cooperative, where everyone holds their roles.

DAOs automate tasks, smart contracts in play, Streamlining operations, with greater efficiency each day. Payments, voting, and decisions, all automated and more, The future of work is here, and DAOs are at the core.

Yet challenges lie ahead, trust and compliance to ensure, Governance structures must be strong, to prevent any lure. Legal and regulatory risks, must be taken into account, DAOs are the future, but obstacles we must surmount.

The future of work in Japan, with DAOs at the helm, A transformation of work culture, with no need for a realm. Embrace the change, the opportunity it brings, A new way of working, with hope it brings.

“The Future of Work in Japan in 2025: Embracing DAO, AI, Metaverse, NFT, and the Blockchain Economy"


In recent years, new technologies and innovations have transformed the way we work, and the concept of "work" has undergone a major transformation. Even in Japan, a country known for its traditional work culture, the rise of DAO, AI, Metaverse, NFT, and the blockchain economy has the potential to radically impact the way people work and live.

This book explores the impact of these new technologies on the future of the way people work in Japan. First, we examine the rise of DAOs as next-generation organizations and their potential to disrupt traditional hierarchical structures.
Next, we will look at the impact of AI on the job market, including the potential for AI to take over low-skilled jobs and the need to upskill and reskill to adapt to new roles.

Metaverse is another emerging technology that is expected to transform the way people work, especially in the creative industries. We will examine the opportunities and challenges of this new virtual world and its potential to create new forms of work and collaboration.

NFT is an area of innovation that the art world is watching closely, but also has the potential to revolutionize ownership and intellectual property rights; we will explore the impact of NFT on creators and consumers and the potential for new revenue streams and business models.

Finally, we will examine the impact of the blockchain economy on the future of work, particularly in terms of decentralized finance and the potential for new forms of entrepreneurship and financing.

Chapter 1: The Rise of DAOs Understanding Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

This chapter explores the rise of DAOs as next-generation organizations. We examine the advantages of DAOs over traditional hierarchical structures, including transparency, accountability, and community involvement.

Also, examine the potential for DAOs to disrupt existing industries and create new value creation. In recent years, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have emerged as a new form of organization that promises to revolutionize the way we work and collaborate DAOs are essentially digital organizations that operate on the blockchain, without the need for intermediaries or centralized authorities, allowing individuals to make decisions and govern It allows individuals to participate in decision-making and governance without the need for intermediaries or centralized authorities. The DAO concept is not new; the first DAO, known as "The DAO," was launched on the Ethereum blockchain in 2016.

However, it was not until the explosion of decentralized finance (DeFi) in 2020 that DAOs began to gain significant traction. Today, there are hundreds of DAOs operating in a variety of industries, from art to gaming to governance.

At the core of the new organization is the DAO concept: a decentralized, self-governed organization that operates according to a set of rules encoded in the blockchain. These rules govern how the organization operates, how decisions are made, and how resources are allocated; a DAO can be thought of as a digital cooperative, where members can pool resources to achieve common goals.
One of the main advantages of DAOs is their ability to eliminate the need for intermediaries or centralized authorities. Instead, decisions are made through a consensus-building process among members, and each member has a voice in the decision-making process.

This allows for more democratic and transparent governance and gives members more control over the direction and operations of the organization. Another advantage of DAOs is that they can automate many aspects of an organization's operations. Smart contracts, self-executing contracts that run on the blockchain, can be used to automate tasks such as payments, voting, and decision-making. This reduces the need for human intervention, streamlines operations, and increases efficiency.

While DAOs have many advantages, there are challenges and risks associated with their use. One of the main challenges is the need to establish trust and ensure that members act in the best interests of the organization.

This requires strong governance structures and mechanisms to prevent abuse and ensure compliance with rules. In addition, DAOs may face legal and regulatory challenges as they operate in a largely unregulated space. This creates uncertainty and risk for both the organization and its members and may limit the ability of DAOs to operate in certain jurisdictions.

Overall, DAOs are a promising new organizational form with the potential to transform the way we work and collaborate. However, as with any new technology or innovation, it is important to carefully consider and approach the risks and challenges associated with DAOs.

Chapter 2: The Evolution of AI: From Narrow Intelligence to General Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its birth, and its progress continues to be one of the most fascinating phenomena of our time. This chapter explores the evolution of AI, from narrow (narrowly defined) AI to general intelligence.

Narrow AI, also called weak AI, is designed to perform specific tasks, such as facial recognition or language translation. Narrow AI systems can achieve high accuracy and speed in these tasks, but lack the ability to generalize and adapt to new situations.

General AI, on the other hand, is designed to be more flexible and versatile, with the ability to reason, plan, and learn like humans. General AI, also called strong AI, is able to understand complex concepts, reason abstractly, and learn from experience.

Although narrow AI has made great strides in recent years, achieving general AI remains a formidable challenge. To achieve general AI, we need to understand how human intelligence works and reproduce it in a "machine".
One approach to achieving general AI is deep learning, a subset of machine learning that trains neural networks on large data sets. While deep learning has been successful in producing excellent results in image and speech recognition, it still lacks the ability to reason about and understand abstract concepts.

Reinforcement learning is an approach that trains agents to make decisions in a simulated environment and rewards good decisions. This approach holds promise for more human-like decision making, but still requires a significant amount of training.

As AI advances, it is important to consider the ethical implications of developing AI in general. While general AI, with its ability to reason and make decisions like humans, has the potential to revolutionize many industries, there are also concerns about job competition and the misuse of AI.
In conclusion, the evolution of AI from narrowly defined intelligence to general intelligence is an exciting but difficult journey. While great strides have been made in narrowly defined AI, achieving general AI requires a deep understanding of human intelligence and a responsible approach to AI development and deployment.

Chapter 3: Metaverse and the Future of Work

In this chapter, we will examine the metaverse and its potential to change the way people work. We will discuss the opportunities and challenges this new virtual world presents, especially in the creative industries. We will also explore the possibilities for new work styles and collaboration in the metaverse.

The concept of the metaverse has been around for decades, but it is only recently that it is becoming a tangible reality. A metaverse is essentially a virtual world created and maintained by users. It is a place where people can interact with each other and with digital objects in real-time. Metaverses have the potential to transform the way we work and do business, so it is important to understand their implications.

One of the most significant benefits of the metaverse is the ability to work and collaborate from anywhere in the world. In the metaverse, physical distance is no longer an obstacle to communication or teamwork. This opens up tremendous possibilities for companies looking to enter new markets.
Metaverse is also a place where people can experiment and innovate. It is a hotbed of creativity where new products and services can be developed quickly. This is especially exciting for entrepreneurs and start-ups because there are no limits to what can be created in the metaverse.

However, the metaverse also poses some challenges. The biggest concern is the potential for addiction. People can easily become immersed in the metaverse and spend hours, or even days, in this virtual world. This can have a negative impact on physical and mental health and productivity.

Another challenge is the issue of privacy and security. The metaverse is a digital world and is vulnerable to hacking and cyber-attacks. Companies and individuals need to take steps to protect their data and personal information in the metaverse.

In conclusion, the metaverse is a new reality that is evolving rapidly and has the potential to transform the way we work and do business, but it also presents challenges that must be addressed. As we continue to explore the possibilities of the metaverse, we need to keep in mind the need for balance and responsible use.

Chapter 4: NFTs: Transforming Art, Games, and Real-World Property

This chapter explores the impact of NFTs on creators and consumers, looking at the potential for NFTs to revolutionize ownership and intellectual property rights and create new revenue streams and business models. We will also examine the challenges and possibilities of NFTs in the art world.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become a hot topic in recent years, and more and more people are getting involved in their buying, selling, and trading. NFTs are unique digital assets that represent ownership of specific items or content, such as artwork, music, or tweets.

The advent of NFTs has transformed the way we think about digital ownership and created new opportunities for artists, musicians, and creators to monetize their work. Previously, digital content was easily copied and distributed without the original creator receiving compensation; NFTs allow creators to prove ownership of their work and sell it as a unique asset.

One of the most famous examples of NFTs is CryptoKitties, a blockchain-based game that allows players to collect, breed, and trade digital cats. Each cat is represented by a unique NFT and can be bought and sold on various NFT marketplaces.CryptoKitties became a viral sensation in 2017, and its success paved the way for the widespread adoption of NFTs.

In the art world, NFTs have become a popular way for artists to sell their work; NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea and Nifty Gateway allow artists to sell their digital artwork as NFTs, with some works selling for millions of dollars Some works have sold for millions of dollars. This has created new opportunities for artists who have previously struggled to monetize their digital art.

NFTs are also being used to represent ownership of real-world assets. For example, a company called RealT allows users to buy and sell fractional ownership of real estate properties as NFTs. This has the potential to democratize access to real estate investments and make it easier for people to invest in real estate.

However, NFTs have also faced criticism for their environmental impact, as the energy consumption required to mine and trade cryptocurrencies can have a large carbon footprint. There are also concerns about the potential for fraud and market manipulation in the NFT market.

Despite these challenges, NFTs represent a new frontier in the digital economy and have the potential to transform the way we think about ownership and value in the digital age.

Chapter 5: Blockchain Economy: Opportunities and Challenges in Japan



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