



英検1級 パス単と英検1級 過去問10回分の英単語を含め、約3500単語の英単語帳ができました。

コンテンツ (英文)

In the turbulent times of the early 17th century, Europe was gripped by famine, war, and social transgression. The populace, often unsophisticated in their knowledge of governance, found themselves unwittingly swept into conflicts that rail against the stability of their countries. It was a period where every decision made by kings and commanders could alter the trajectory of nations, and the consequences were often astonishing.
One of the most notable leaders, King Ferdinand, had to veer between different alliances, desperately trying to preserve the self-determination of his people. His opposition came not only from rival monarchs but from his own societal elites, who would often renege on their promises. As famine and economic hardship worsened, the king had to face the clamor of the suffering masses.

Ferdinand’s attempts to improve his kingdom’s situation through political intervention frequently fell short, leading him to broach desperate ideas. His petition to neighboring countries for aid was met with mixed responses. Some offered relief, but many others chose to deceive him for their own gain. The European aristocracy, notorious for their clamorous gatherings and their gaudy displays of wealth, often mocked the king’s plea. Despite these setbacks, Ferdinand showed his prowess in leadership, though it was clear his position was untenable without external support.

As the war dragged on, Ferdinand faced many ramifications. The intercepted communications from his enemies provided valuable intelligence, but this information came too late to prevent the inevitable collapse of his forces. His army, plagued by diseases like pathogens spreading rapidly among the troops, became weak and meager. Many soldiers went truant, fleeing the battlefield, further weakening the kingdom's defenses.

Even as Ferdinand’s reign began to unravel, he refused to surrender. He considered using his knowledge of the genome, which was just beginning to be explored scientifically, to develop stronger soldiers. However, this idea was nothing more than a hypothesis that never saw realization. Instead, he focused on mentoring younger commanders, hoping to leave behind a legacy, a long-lasting impact on his descendants. However, Ferdinand could not escape the inevitable. As his kingdom faced complete depossession, the king met his end, leaving his people in a state of consternation and confusion. The era of Ferdinand was over, and Europe would never be the same.



In the turbulent times of the early 17th century, Europe was gripped by famine, war, and social transgression. The populace, often unsophisticated in their knowledge of governance, found themselves unwittingly swept into conflicts that rail against the stability of their countries. It was a period where every decision made by kings and commanders could alter the trajectory of nations, and the consequences were often astonishing.



1. turbulent

  • 意味: 混乱した、波乱に満ちた

  • 英文: "In the turbulent times of the early 17th century, Europe was gripped by famine, war, and social transgression."

  • 日本語訳: 「17世紀初頭の波乱に満ちた時代、ヨーロッパは飢饉、戦争、そして社会的な違反に揺れていた。」

  • 意味合い: ここでは、時代の混乱や不安定さを指している。

2. famine

  • 意味: 飢饉

  • 英文: "Europe was gripped by famine, war, and social transgression."

  • 日本語訳: 「ヨーロッパは飢饉、戦争、そして社会的な違反に揺れていた。」

  • 意味合い: 食糧不足による大規模な飢えを指す。

3. transgression

  • 意味: 違反、逸脱

  • 英文: "Europe was gripped by famine, war, and social transgression."

  • 日本語訳: 「ヨーロッパは飢饉、戦争、そして社会的な違反に揺れていた。」

  • 意味合い: 社会的または道徳的な規範からの逸脱を指す。

4. populace

  • 意味: 一般大衆

  • 英文: "The populace, often unsophisticated in their knowledge of governance, found themselves unwittingly swept into conflicts."

  • 日本語訳: 「民衆は、しばしば政治の知識が未熟で、知らぬ間に戦争に巻き込まれていった。」

  • 意味合い: 一般の市民や民衆を指している。

5. unsophisticated

  • 意味: 未熟な、単純な

  • 英文: "The populace, often unsophisticated in their knowledge of governance, found themselves unwittingly swept into conflicts."

  • 日本語訳: 「民衆は、しばしば政治の知識が未熟で、知らぬ間に戦争に巻き込まれていった。」

  • 意味合い: 政治や複雑な問題に対する知識や経験が乏しいことを表す。

6. unwittingly

  • 意味: 知らずに

  • 英文: "The populace found themselves unwittingly swept into conflicts."

  • 日本語訳: 「民衆は、知らぬ間に戦争に巻き込まれていった。」

  • 意味合い: 自覚せずに、意図せずに何かに巻き込まれることを表す。

7. rail against

  • 意味: 激しく非難する

  • 英文: "Conflicts that rail against the stability of their countries."

  • 日本語訳: 「国の安定を激しく非難するような闘争。」

  • 意味合い: 激しく反対し、非難することを意味する。

8. commander

  • 意味: 指揮官、司令官

  • 英文: "The decisions made by kings and commanders could alter the trajectory of nations."

  • 日本語訳: 「王や司令官の決断が国家の軌道を変えることができた。」

  • 意味合い: 軍を指揮する者、または権力者を指す。

9. trajectory

  • 意味: 軌道

  • 英文: "The decisions made by kings and commanders could alter the trajectory of nations."

  • 日本語訳: 「王や司令官の決断が国家の軌道を変えることができた。」

  • 意味合い: 国や物事が進む道筋や方向性を示す。

10. astonishing

  • 意味: 驚くべき

  • 英文: "The consequences were often astonishing."

  • 日本語訳: 「その結果はしばしば驚くべきものだった。」

  • 意味合い: 驚きを引き起こすような状況や結果を表す。



One of the most notable leaders, King Ferdinand, had to veer between different alliances, desperately trying to preserve the self-determination of his people. His opposition came not only from rival monarchs but from his own societal elites, who would often renege on their promises. As famine and economic hardship worsened, the king had to face the clamor of the suffering masses.



11. veer

  • 意味: 方向を変える

  • 英文: "King Ferdinand had to veer between different alliances."

  • 日本語訳: 「フェルディナンド王はさまざまな同盟間を方向転換しなければならなかった。」

  • 意味合い: 進行方向を急に変えることを示す。

12. self-determination

  • 意味: 自己決定権

  • 英文: "He tried to preserve the self-determination of his people."

  • 日本語訳: 「彼は国民の自主性を守ろうとした。」

  • 意味合い: 他国からの干渉を受けずに、自国の運命を決める権利。

13. opposition

  • 意味: 反対、対立

  • 英文: "His opposition came not only from rival monarchs but from his own societal elites."

  • 日本語訳: 「彼の反対勢力は他国の王だけでなく、自国のエリート層にも存在していた。」

  • 意味合い: 対立や反抗を示す言葉。

14. renege

  • 意味: 約束を破る

  • 英文: "Societal elites would often renege on their promises."

  • 日本語訳: 「エリート層はしばしば約束を反故にすることがあった。」

  • 意味合い: 何かの約束や契約を守らないこと。

15. clamor

  • 意味: 大きな叫び、抗議

  • 英文: "The king had to face the clamor of the suffering masses."

  • 日本語訳: 「王は苦しむ民衆の叫びに直面しなければならなかった。」

  • 意味合い: 多くの人々が大声で抗議や訴えをする様子。



Ferdinand’s attempts to improve his kingdom’s situation through political intervention frequently fell short, leading him to broach desperate ideas. His petition to neighboring countries for aid was met with mixed responses. Some offered relief, but many others chose to deceive him for their own gain. The European aristocracy, notorious for their clamorous gatherings and their gaudy displays of wealth, often mocked the king’s plea. Despite these setbacks, Ferdinand showed his prowess in leadership, though it was clear his position was untenable without external support.



16. intervention

  • 意味: 介入、干渉

  • 英文: "Ferdinand’s attempts to improve his kingdom’s situation through political intervention frequently fell short."

  • 日本語訳: 「フェルディナンドが政治的な介入で王国の状況を改善しようとする試みはしばしば失敗に終わった。」

  • 意味合い: 他人や他国の問題に積極的に関与すること。

17. broach

  • 意味: 切り出す、持ち出す

  • 英文: "The king had to broach desperate ideas."

  • 日本語訳: 「王は追い詰められた状態で新たなアイデアを切り出した。」

  • 意味合い: 難しい話題や問題を持ち出すこと。

18. petition

  • 意味: 嘆願、請願

  • 英文: "His petition to neighboring countries for aid was met with mixed responses."

  • 日本語訳: 「近隣諸国に対する彼の嘆願は賛否両論を呼んだ。」

  • 意味合い: 支援や許可を求める正式な要請や願い。

19. relief

  • 意味: 救済、安堵

  • 英文: "Some offered relief, but many others chose to deceive him."

  • 日本語訳: 「一部は救援を提供しましたが、多くは彼を欺くことを選びました。」

  • 意味合い: 困難な状況や苦しみからの解放や救済。

20. deceive

  • 意味: 騙す、欺く

  • 英文: "Many others chose to deceive him for their own gain."

  • 日本語訳: 「多くは彼を欺くことを選びました。」

  • 意味合い: 偽りや誤解を与えて他人を騙すこと。

21. clamorous

  • 意味: 騒がしい

  • 英文: "The European aristocracy, notorious for their clamorous gatherings, often mocked the king’s plea."

  • 日本語訳: 「ヨーロッパの貴族たちは、騒がしい集まりで有名で、しばしば王の請願を嘲笑した。」

  • 意味合い: 騒がしく、大きな声や音が立つこと。

22. prowess

  • 意味: 優れた能力、勇敢さ

  • 英文: "Despite these setbacks, Ferdinand showed his prowess in leadership."

  • 日本語訳: 「これらの失敗にもかかわらず、フェルディナンドは指導者としての力量を示した。」

  • 意味合い: 戦闘や能力面での卓越した技量や勇気。

23. untenable

  • 意味: 持続不可能な

  • 英文: "It was clear his position was untenable without external support."

  • 日本語訳: 「外部からの支援がなければその立場は持続不可能だった。」

  • 意味合い: 維持できない、守れない状態。



As the war dragged on, Ferdinand faced many ramifications. The intercepted communications from his enemies provided valuable intelligence, but this information came too late to prevent the inevitable collapse of his forces. His army, plagued by diseases like pathogens spreading rapidly among the troops, became weak and meager. Many soldiers went truant, fleeing the battlefield, further weakening the kingdom's defenses.



24. ramifications

  • 意味: 結果、影響

  • 英文: "As the war dragged on, Ferdinand faced many ramifications."

  • 日本語訳: 「戦争が長引くにつれ、フェルディナンドは多くの影響に直面しました。」

  • 意味合い: ある行動や出来事が引き起こす、予想される(あるいは予想外の)影響や結果を指す。

25. intercept

  • 意味: 傍受する、途中で止める

  • 英文: "The intercepted communications from his enemies provided valuable intelligence."

  • 日本語訳: 「敵からの傍受された通信は貴重な情報を提供した。」

  • 意味合い: メッセージや物を途中で取り、計画を阻止すること。

26. inevitable

  • 意味: 避けられない、不可避の

  • 英文: "This information came too late to prevent the inevitable collapse of his forces."

  • 日本語訳: 「その情報は彼の軍隊の不可避な崩壊を防ぐには遅すぎた。」

  • 意味合い: 必ず起こる、避けられない結果や状況を指す。

27. pathogen

  • 意味: 病原体

  • 英文: "His army, plagued by diseases like pathogens spreading rapidly among the troops, became weak and meager."

  • 日本語訳: 「彼の軍隊は、兵士たちの間で急速に広がる病原体による病気に苦しみ、弱体化し、貧弱な状態に陥りました。」

  • 意味合い: 感染を引き起こす細菌やウイルスなどの病原体。

28. meager

  • 意味: 貧弱な、不十分な

  • 英文: "His army became weak and meager."

  • 日本語訳: 「彼の軍隊は弱体化し、貧弱な状態に陥りました。」

  • 意味合い: 不十分で、量や質が貧しい状態を指す。

29. truant

  • 意味: 無断離脱する、怠ける

  • 英文: "Many soldiers went truant, fleeing the battlefield."

  • 日本語訳: 「多くの兵士は無断離脱し、戦場を去りました。」

  • 意味合い: 特に義務や責任を果たさずに逃げる、あるいはそれを怠ること。



Even as Ferdinand’s reign began to unravel, he refused to surrender. He considered using his knowledge of the genome, which was just beginning to be explored scientifically, to develop stronger soldiers. However, this idea was nothing more than a hypothesis that never saw realization. Instead, he focused on mentoring younger commanders, hoping to leave behind a legacy, a long-lasting impact on his descendants. However, Ferdinand could not escape the inevitable. As his kingdom faced complete depossession, the king met his end, leaving his people in a state of consternation and confusion.



30. genome

  • 意味: ゲノム、遺伝子全体

  • 英文: "He considered using his knowledge of the genome to develop stronger soldiers."

  • 日本語訳: 「彼はゲノムの知識を使って、強い兵士を育成することを考えていました。」

  • 意味合い: 生物の全遺伝情報を指し、ここでは兵士を強化するための科学的知識として言及されている。

31. hypothesis

  • 意味: 仮説

  • 英文: "This idea was nothing more than a hypothesis that never saw realization."

  • 日本語訳: 「このアイデアは実現しない仮説に過ぎませんでした。」

  • 意味合い: まだ証明されていない理論や考え方を指す。

32. mentor

  • 意味: 指導する、助言を与える

  • 英文: "He focused on mentoring younger commanders."

  • 日本語訳: 「彼は若い司令官たちを指導することに専念しました。」

  • 意味合い: 経験のある人が、他者を指導し、成長を助けること。

33. long-lasting

  • 意味: 長期的な、永続的な

  • 英文: "He hoped to leave behind a legacy, a long-lasting impact on his descendants."

  • 日本語訳: 「彼は子孫に長期的な影響を残そうとしました。」

  • 意味合い: 長期間にわたって続く、または残るものを指す。

34. depossession

  • 意味: 奪取、没収

  • 英文: "As his kingdom faced complete depossession, the king met his end."

  • 日本語訳: 「王国が完全に没収される前に王はその生涯を閉じました。」

  • 意味合い: 何かを奪われること、特に財産や土地などを強制的に失うこと。

35. consternation

  • 意味: 驚愕、狼狽

  • 英文: "The king met his end, leaving his people in a state of consternation and confusion."

  • 日本語訳: 「王はその生涯を閉じ、民衆は驚愕と混乱の中に取り残されました。」

  • 意味合い: 突然の恐怖や驚きによって動揺した状態を表す。
