
Please sign our online petition!! We need 300,000 signatures by Sep.4

"STOP! INVOICE" is an action started in 2021 by freelance writers and designers etc. in Japan.

We are very concerned that “the Invoice System” to be launched in this October will have a huge negative impact on people in a wide range of occupations, including animators, voice actors, manga artists, theater people, musicians and designers who are contributing to Japan's proud arts and culture industry, as well as writers, translators, interpreters, and also builders and farmers who are supporting our daily lives. For example, our questionnaire revealed that 20% to 30% of animators, manga artists, voice actors and theater people are considering closing their businesses after enforcement of the system.

Furthermore, there are concerns about the leakage of personal data caused by the Invoice System, which may have an adverse effect on writers and artists who work under pen names, and also on those who have been victims of domestic violence.

Therefore, we would like to ask everyone in the world who loves Japanese culture to sign this online petition.

On September 4, 2023, we will hand over this petition to the Japanese Government. We strongly hope to collect 300,000 signatures by then.

Please help us!!

Promoter of STOP INVOICE Natsumi Koizumi

Urgent proposal by citizens to request cancellation/postponement of the Invoice System, scheduled to start after 27 days &
Press conference on handing over the petition to the Ministry of Finance

September 4 (Mon.) 13:30 start, 15:00 finish (scheduled)

[Contents] *Schedule may be changed.
- Handing over citizens' (our) policy proposals to each political party
- Delivering the petition of signatures to the Ministry of Finance
- Press conference, etc.

Video distribution@STOP! INVOICE Youtube channel
