

2021年11月04日(木) by:イーサン・ハフ

(Natural News) 武漢コロナウイルス(Covid-19)の「ワクチン」によって重傷を負った約12人の医師たちが、政府や他の医師たちに、この実験的な薬を服用することに伴う深刻なリスクを認めるよう求めている。

Siri Glimstad法律事務所のアーロン・シリ弁護士が代表を務める11人の医師は、注射を受けるかどうかについて誰もが十分な情報を得た上で判断できるように、この注射を徹底的に調査し、その結果を公表することを求めている。



この1年間、Siri Glimstadは全国でコビットジャブの義務化と積極的に戦ってきました。現在、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)、米国疾病管理予防センター(CDC)、米国保健社会福祉省(HHS)に対策を求めています。

もし彼らが拒否すれば、シリはこれらすべての連邦機関に対して法的措置を取り、大手製薬会社のために活動し続けるのではなく、一度だけでも正しいことをさせるつもりだ。(関連記事 FDAのワクチン諮問委員会のメンバーのほぼ全員が、製薬業界と金銭的なつながりをもっている)




シリ氏によると、これらの傷害はいずれも、"患者の主治医の臨床的判断に基づき、コビッド-19ワクチンによって引き起こされたものである "という結果が確認されているとのことです。


ワクチンに関連した死傷者のうち、政府のVAERS(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)に報告されるのはごく一部にすぎません。そのため、ワクチン接種による実際の傷害を追跡することは困難です。


これらの事実やその他の事実に基づき、Siri氏は手紙の中で、"全米の医師を代表して、最も緊急に何かをしなければならない "と書いています。

自分が最初に注射された一人だという医師の一人は、その結果、小線源神経障害を患っている。彼女によると、"両側の四肢のピンプリックと温度感覚 "を失い、また、"動くと筋肉が常に震える "とのことです。

この方は接種前は "非常に健康で活動的 "だったそうです。自分自身が医学の専門家であることから、「自分の症状がワクチンによって引き起こされたことは間違いない」と言っています。

もう一人の医師は、胃腸科医で昨年退職した認定医ですが、"ファイザー社のコビッド-19ワクチンの最初の投与を受けた30分後に、生命を脅かすような激しい反応に見舞われた "と語っています。






11 doctors seriously injured by covid injections speak out
Thursday, November 04, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Nearly a dozen physicians who were seriously injured by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are urging the government and other doctors to acknowledge the serious risks involved with taking these experimental drugs.

Eleven doctors represented by attorney Aaron Siri of the Siri Glimstad law firm want the shots to undergo a thorough investigation, and the results to be made public, so everyone can make an informed decision about whether or not to get injected.

“The harms they have been reporting are not redness at the injection site,” wrote Siri in a letter. “The harms are all serious.”

“To avoid future harms from this vaccine and to heal the doctors’ patients, and in some cases to heal themselves, research is critically needed to understand how the Covid-19 vaccine is causing these harms,” he added.

For the past year, Siri Glimstad has been actively fighting covid jab mandates across the country. It is now calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take action.

If they refuse, Siri is planning to pursue legal action against all of these federal agencies to force them to do the right thing for once rather than continue to operate on behalf of Big Pharma. (RELATED: Nearly all of the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee members have financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.)

How many more people need to become injured or die before this charade ends?
In his letter to numerous high-ranking public health leaders at the HHS, CDC and FDA, Siri attached signed declarations from each of the 11 vaccine-injured doctors describing in detail their various respective reactions to the shots.

Among the side effects reported are small fiber neuropathy, constant muscle shakiness, paresthesia, tinnitus, difficult balancing, chronic fatigue, menstrual cycle irregularities, hair loss, persistent numbness and tingling in the hands, weakness and cognitive impairment.

Siri says that each of these injuries has been confirmed as an outcome “based on the clinical judgment of the patient’s treating physician, as being caused by a Covid-19 vaccine.”

He also noted that their respective experiences post-injection are not isolated events but rather accumulating evidence that continues to grow in opposition to the government’s claim that the shots are “safe and effective.”

As it turns out, only a very small percentage of vaccine-related injuries and deaths are reported to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Because of this, tracking real-world injuries caused by vaccination is difficult.

A Harvard Pilgrim Health Care study that tracked 715,000 patients over the course of three years found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported” to VAERS.

Based on these and other revelations, Siri wrote in his letter that something must be done “with the utmost urgency on behalf of physicians from across the country.”

One of the doctors who says she was one of the first people to get injected now suffers from small fiber neuropathy as a result. She says she lost her “pinprick and temperature sensation of bilateral extremities” and also has “a constant shakiness to muscles upon movement.”

Prior to getting the jab, this person was “extremely healthy and very active.” As a medical expert herself, she says she has “no doubt that my medical symptoms were caused by the vaccine.”

Another of the doctors, a gastroenterologist and board-certified medical doctor who retired last year, says she “suffered a life-threatening and life-altering severe reaction 30 minutes after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.”

You can read more details about the 11 doctors at LifeSiteNews.

The latest news about the Chinese Virus injection scam can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

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