
TOEIC 模擬テスト10問(第1回)








Q1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Q2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Q3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.



Q4: What is the main purpose of this tour?
A) To sell wine directly to customers
B) To teach visitors how to make wine
C) To showcase the winery's operations and products
D) To recruit new employees for the winery

Q5: How long does the vineyard walk last?
A) 30 minutes
B) 1 hour
C) 90 minutes
D) 2 hours

Q6: What special offer is available to tour participants?
A) Free wine samples
B) A discount at the gift shop
C) A complimentary cheese platter
D) Priority booking for future tours



Questions 7-10 refer to the following article.

Green Energy Initiative Gains Momentum

The city of Sunnyville has announced an ambitious plan to (7)____ its carbon footprint by 50% within the next decade. This initiative, dubbed "Sunnyville Goes Green," aims to transform the city into a model of sustainable urban development.

Mayor Elena Rodriguez stated, "We are committed to (8)____ a cleaner, greener future for our residents. This plan will not only reduce our environmental impact but also create new job opportunities in the renewable energy sector."

Key components of the plan include:

1. Installing solar panels on all public buildings
2. (9)____ the city's public transportation fleet to electric vehicles
3. Implementing a comprehensive recycling and waste reduction program
4. Offering tax incentives for businesses that adopt eco-friendly practices

The city council will hold a series of public meetings to (10)____ community feedback on the initiative. Residents are encouraged to attend and share their ideas for making Sunnyville a more sustainable city.

(A) reduce
(B) reducing
(C) reduced
(D) to reduce

(A) create
(B) creating
(C) created
(D) to create

(A) Convert
(B) Converting
(C) Converted
(D) To convert

(A) gather
(B) gathering
(C) gathered
(D) to gather




Q1 正解: B) Dr. Yamada from R&D.
Q2 正解: A) Until 5 PM today.
Q3 正解: B) Due to supply chain issues.


Q4: 正解 C) To showcase the winery's operations and products(ワイナリーの運営と製品を紹介するため)

Q5: 正解 A) 30 minutes(30分)

Q6: 正解 B) A discount at the gift shop(ギフトショップでの割引)


7. (D) to reduce
8. (B) creating
9. (A) Convert
10. (A) gather


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