
養生訓 The Precept of Care of Health第149回

巻第七 用薬  VolumeⅦ Medicine for Use 

(363-07-01) 薬の適応と不適応 Adaptation and maladjusted of Drug
(364-07-02) 薬の飲みすぎは危険 It is dangerous to take too much medicine
(365-07-03) 薬は偏性がある Drug has a nature of bias
(366-07-04) 良医の投薬は臨機応変 Good doctor give medicine to adaptation circumstances
(367-07-05) 薬補は食補に如かず Supplementing at medicine is inferior to supplementing at a meal
(368-07-06) 薬を服用せず自然治癒 Natural healing without taking drugs
(369-07-07) 病気の初期と良医 When early of the disease and good doctor
(370-07-08) 長生きの薬は無い There's no medicine for a long life
(371-07-09) 薬の性質と正確な調合 The nature and precise concoction of the drug
(372-07-10) 良薬の煎じ方 How to make a good decoction medicine
(373-07-11) 薬剤の分量 Amount of drug
(374-07-12) 小服では力が足りない Small size quantity lacks power
(375-07-13) 利薬の分量 A strong medicine to treat diseases
(376-07-14) 補薬の分量 Amount of supplement
(377-07-15) 婦人の薬量 Women's medicine dosage
(378-07-16) 小児の薬量 Children's medicine dosage
(379-07-17) 薬を煎じる水量 The amount of water that is used to roast medicine
(380-07-18) 補薬の服用法 How to take supplements
(381-07-19) 身体の大小と薬の分量 Big and small of the body and the amount of medicine
(383-07-21) 時宜に適応する薬量 The amount of medicine adapted to the appropriate occasion
(384-07-22) 日本の人の薬量 The amount of medicine in Japanese people
(385-07-23) 煎じ薬に加える四味 Four flavors to add to the decoction medicine
(386-07-24) 泡薬の方法 A method of medicine of soak
(387-07-25) 振薬の方法 A method of swing medicine
(388-07-26) 補薬と利薬 Supplement medicine and strong medicine
(389-07-27) 補湯の飲み方 How to drink a supplemental decoction medicine
(390-07-28) 利薬の飲み方 How to drink strong medicine
(391-07-29)丸薬、散薬、煎湯、泡薬 Medicinal pill, Powder drug, Decoction medicine, Medicine of soak.
(392-07-30) 薬の服用法と食事 How to the taking medicine, and a meal
(393-07-31) 薬を煎じる人 A person who make a medical decoction
(394-07-32)薬湯、散薬、丸薬の服用法 How to take decoction medicine, powder drug and medicinal pill
(395-07-33) 薬剤の調合法 Method of medicine concoction
(396-07-34) 中国と朝鮮の煎じ方法 How China and Korea are decoction
(398-07-36) 甘草の使用量 The amount of used of a licorice
(399-07-37) 生姜の分量 Amount of ginger
(400-07-38) 棗の使用法 A jujube usage
(401-07-39) 中国と日本の味の違い The difference between the taste of China and Japan
(402-07-40) 焙煎薬にする水の選択 Selection of water to be roasting medicine
(403-07-41) 利湯と煎じ薬 Strong decoction medicine and decoction medicine
(404-07-42) 生姜の分量の決め方 How to determine the amount of ginger
(405-07-43) 棗の収穫時期 Harvest time of a Jujube
(406-07-44) 薬の服用と酒食 Taking of medicine and taking food and alcohol drinks
(407-07-45) 薬を服用する時の注意 Precautions when taking medicine
(408-07-46) 補薬と利薬の煎じ方 How to roast Supplement medicine and Strong medicine
(409-07-47) 薬量の大小や軽重 large and small and relative weight of the amount of medicine
(410-07-48) 薬を煎じる器 A vessel that make decoction medicine
(411-07-49) 利薬の煎じ方 How to roast strong medicine
(412-07-50)解毒には冷水を使用する Use cold water for detoxification
(413-07-51) 中毒の応急処置 First aid of poisoning
(414-07-52) 酒を煎湯に加える時 When you add sake to decoction medicine
(415-07-53) 腎臓を養生する方法 How to care of health your kidneys
(416-07-54) 散薬と丸薬の使用方① How to use Powder drug and Medicinal pill No1
(417-07-55) 散薬と丸薬の使用方② How to use Powder drug and Medicinal pill No2
(418-07-56) 秤と薬の調合 The balance scale and drug preparations
(419-07-57) 香の種類と養生 Incense types and care of health
(420-07-58) 悪気を取り除く方法 How to get rid of evil spirit
(421-07-59) 便秘の治療法 How to treatments of constipation
(422-07-60)丸薬より早く効く薬の製法 Medicinal pill faster effective medicine recipe
養生訓 巻第七 用薬 終
The Precept of Care of Health  VolumeⅦ Medicine for Use The end

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