
三つの星の詩/An Elegy of Three Stars

第三、四章/Chapter 3&4


”Which star did Mother become?”
A blue pony’s golden eyes stared at Kaori from the painting hung by the window. Kaori had drawn and colored it with her mother.
“You miss her, too?” Kaori said to the pony.
The pony nodded.
“Take me to my mother.”
The pony nodded again.
In the next moment, Kaori flew over the wheat field and into the sky, riding the pony toward the large star.




On the star, children dressed in white were picking chrysanthemums, each holding a bunch in one arm.
“Did you come here to pick chrysanthemums too?” a boy asked.
“No, I am looking for my mother,” Kaori answered, sliding down from the pony.
“You will find her soon. We are picking flowers for our mothers,” a girl said.
“So our mothers will be happy forever,” all the children said at once. Their voices whispered like bubbles through the sky.
“Come join us,” they said to Kaori.
“No, thank you,” Kaori answered. “My mother likes pink roses, not white chrysanthemums.”
“What?” A murmur spread.
“What are roses?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never heard of them.”
“It has to be chrysanthemums, and they must be white.”
“She should know that.”
“But she wants pink.”
“Isn’t she strange?”
“Why is she here? She doesn’t belong here.”
Their pale eyes turned to Kaori. Lifeless eyes, like glass balls. And like floating feathers on water, the children approached her, and a chill spread through Kaori from heart to limbs, and she was unable to move.
Just then, the pony jumped between them. In the next moment, Kaori was up in the sky on the pony, heading for the second star.
