


A certain novel features the “Multilevel Marketing,” in short, “Pyramid Scheme,”written by a popular author.
A job we cannot take pride in tend to keep our friends away from ourselves, therefore, we must listen to those who have suffered from their anxieties and uneasiness.
We should have the attitudes to heal people in need in the mental perspectives, simultaneously, we shouldn’t impose what we want to sell on others, an article says.
Ordinary citizens usually don’t purchase what they are imposed to buy, so that we consider it as something indispensable to construct the friendly relationships with someone potential, although it might take much time.

The drama series “Tokyo Fraudulent Swindlers” has been popular in recent months on the subscription services, which should be based on the actual fraudulent cases, in fact, the major real estate developers was stolen a large amount of money by the fraudulent organization in 2017.
However, the chief executive who was in charge of the transactions hasn’t been dismissed yet, which forces us to doubt that he couldn’t failed to be deceived, he says.
On the contrary, he has been employed as one of the executives and still been extremely profitable, she says.
He actually had known that the fake landowner might be one of the notorious fraudulent organization, otherwise, he should have been fired from the victim firm because he brought his corporation into the lethal circumstances.

He participated in the early voting just now, in fact, the following Sunday would be inconvenient for him because he would join the vital competition in the next prefecture.
The election would choose the congressmen of our town.
Only a few of them would vote for the candidates of the notorious government party, in other words, numerous voters wouldn’t support the Liberal Democratic Party because many of them have been someone fraudulent.
They collect much kickbacks but they won’t pay their income taxes, whom we call tax frauds, tax criminals.
However, we fail to be informed of such information, in short, we cannot learn about the candidates’ supportive organizations, which might be hidden deliberately.
He elected a certain young convenience store staff, but he isn’t likely to be elected as a congressman, after all, the government party are composed of someone vicious.
