#5_「茶の湯」と「茶道」の違いとは? What is the difference between "Chanoyu" and "Chadou"?


What do you think about the question at the beginning of this article?


Dr. Koizumi, one of our instructors, gave us a definition of the Chanoyu and Chadou.



Chadou is strict because it is a "way" of tea.


On the other hand, Chanoyu has a more enjoyable, rather than strict essence.



I will teach you.


So why are there such differences? The clue lies in its historical origins.


 History of Japanese Tea Culture


As you can see in the diagram in English, we have organized the "1000 years of Japanese tea culture" as follows.



The point is that the tea ceremony was established by Sen no Rikyu about 400 years ago.


A time when tea was more expensive than gold.


Tea came to Japan from China 800 years ago (according to documents, tea was enjoyed by aristocrats from the Heian period, 1000 years ago). At that time, tea, which came to Japan as "medicine," was more expensive than gold.


As a result, tea was only available to the aristocracy, and it was enjoyed "happily" by the cheerful Japanese people, representing the "elegant culture of the Heian period" where the beauty of colors was said to be most developed. This is the origin of the "spirit of Chanoyu".


When Tea Intersected with Bushido and Became the Way of Tea


About 400 years ago, Sen no Rikyu established the "tea ceremony"-茶道.


The tea ceremony is said to have contributed to the end of the Warring States period in Japan by teaching morality and ethics to the warriors who spent all their time fighting. In addition to the "spirit of harmony" that had been inherited from earlier tea cultures, the tea ceremony also started to reflect the spirit of Bushido. That's how 茶道 was established.


Since then, the tea ceremony has been carried on as a way of life for leaders who govern the country, even after the Meiji Restoration.


The Essence of the Difference


So, what is the essence of the difference between the two?


In the tea ceremony, strict rules are required to be followed. And since the rules and the way of thinking about each and every gesture differ from school to school, in order to enter the "way" of the tea ceremony, you have to knock on the door of the school you have decided to follow.


On the other hand, "Chanoyu" is, as Sen no Rikyu said, "to boil water, to thank nature (the gods), and to taste tea slowly. The most important thing is to pursue this, to enjoy it in your own style.


The meaning of "Chanoyu Diplomacy" instead of "Tea Ceremony"


Our goal is to create a tea ceremony that will serve as a "gateway" to introduce Japan to the world, or as a "catalyst" for people to become interested in Japan.


Therefore, when we meet people who are interested in learning more about Japan through chanoyu, we tell them that there are many different schools in Japan, so please knock on the door of your choice.
