





今回の内容は「Semilla Coffee」(2019年設立。カナダとアメリカに生豆を保有する小規模グリーンインポーター)がインスタグラムのストーリー投稿にて、マタケスクイントラ闘争の経過情報を発信していました。

今回も記事作成にあたり、Semilla Coffee FounderのBrendanとコンタクトを取り、日本語に訳し発信させていただいております。I appreciate your support、 thank you very much Brendan :)

Semilla Coffeeは設立以降コーヒー生産者への支援と権利擁護の原則を元に活動をし続け、今回のマタケスクイントラ先住民とカナダの鉱山会社との闘争も、逐一情報を発信し続けておりました。


Semilla Coffee については下記リンクから、企業理念などをご覧いただけます。









The struggle against the illegally built El Escobal silver mine continues, though it now exists in a nebulous state with the consultation process underway.

While independent expert investigators from other countries like Colombia - called upon for their impartiality in the context of highly corrupt Guatemala - undergo their studies on the cultural, religious, and environmental impact of the mine, 59 Xinka delegates maintains a continuous presence in meetings with members of Pan American Silver and the Guatemalan Ministry of Mines.
…コロンビアなど他国の独立専門調査員(腐敗化の激しいグアテマラの社会環境では他国による公平性が求められるため)が、この鉱山が文化的、宗教的、環境に与える影響について調査を行う一方で、59人のXinka(マタケスクイントラ地域先住民)代表団がPan American Silver社(カナダの鉱山会社)やグアテマラ鉱山省のメンバーとの会合で継続的に存在をアピールしています。

These delegates includes growers we work with like Miguel Rodríguez, Juan Rodríguez Cano, Daniel Orantes, and Marta Muñoz.
…この代表団には、ミゲル・ロドリゲス、フアン・ロドリゲス・カノ、ダニエル・オランテス、マルタ・ムニョスなど、私たち(Semilla Coffee)が一緒に働いている生産者が含まれています。

By international law, this consultation process is required to be done in good faith, meaning both the Xinka people and Pan American Silver should respect the process as it unfolds and not take any action that could undermine a resolution.
…国際法では、この協議プロセスは誠実に行われることが要求されています。つまり、Xinka族とPan American Silver社の両者はそのプロセスを尊重し、解決を損なうような行動をとってはならないのです。

According to lawyers for Pan American, the ongoing existence of resistance points which monitor for the illegal entry of materials in the towns of Casillas and Mataquescuintla - is a show of bad faith and they've asked for the communities to stand down as the consultation unfolds.
…ですがPan American Silver社側の弁護士は、“カシージャス町とマタケスクイントラ町にPan American Silver社の資材の搬入(これはおそらく不法に行われている)を監視し、抵抗できる場所が存在し続けることは不誠実さの表れである”と主張し、協議が進むにつれXinka族はコミュニティから身を引くよう求められています。

The response from the Xinka has been clear that until the mine is shuttered and decommissioned, the resistance points remain.

It has now been nearly 10 years since this struggle began and the truth is, from the mouths of members themselves, the resistance is weakened. The sacrifice of maintaining a 24 hour presence at these points has been huge, with members having to leave their families and their work behind, and placing themselves in risk of arrest or physical violence.

To make matters worse, the Xinka people have viewed what they view as acts of bad faith in the form of provocative action in order to draw the group into legal trouble that would bring an end to the consultation process.


One such action was the request made two months ago to send 19 trucks into the mine under the premise that they were necessary for maintenance purposes. The group asked for time to consult before giving approval but before they could respond, the trucks were sent through.

Though some were stopped, many were not, as there was real fear that their stopping the trucks would be used against them as a means to cancel the proceedings. In short, Pan American and Minera San Rafael want to see the group pose resistance and then state they are not interested in seeing the consultation unfold.
…数台は止められましたが、ほとんどのトラックは止められませんでした。自分たちがトラックを止めることで、現在協議している手続きが取り消される手段に使われてしまうということを恐れていたからでした。つまり、Pan American社とMinera San Rafael社は、Xinka族が抵抗(しているような行為)を示した後、協議の行方を見守ることに関心がない(=協議は無意味なものである)と表明することを望んでいるのです。

Additionally, there has been an ongoing misinformation campaign in both traditional and social media platforms, and even infiltrators sent to join the resistance.

Their aim is to sow discontent and mistrust in the group by spreading rumours that group members are taking money from Pan American foe their own benefit. Sadly, this has had some effect and led to internal issues that are ongoing.
…潜入者たちの目的は、グループのメンバーがPan American社から自分たちの利益のために金を受け取っているという噂を流し、グループ内に不満と不信感を植え付けることです。悲しいことに、このことが影響して、現在もXinka族グループ内部にも問題が続いています。

The struggle has been long and it's still likely years from over. Asked if they believe they will win, the answer is that nothing is guaranteed. Though there is direct evidence the mine is built on lands that hold spiritual and cultural significance for the Xinka, it is still possible the consultation will lead to a green light for El Escobal.
…闘争は長く、まだ何年もかかると思われます。勝てる見込みはあるのか、と問われれば、「何も保証はない」と答えます。Xinka族にとって精神的・文化的に重要な土地に鉱山が建設されるという直接的な証拠はあるが、協議の結果、El Escobal鉱山への介入にゴーサインが出る可能性はまだ残っています。


What is incumbent on us is that we as buyers, roasters, and consumers take seriously the ongoing existential threat posed to the Xinka people and the incredible struggle they continue to wage, in the name of their future generations, their land, and the earth.

Our continued purchasing and support of the group is directly tied to their ability to resist this mine and to not lose faith, as stated by many group members. And what's even more important is continuing to raise our voices against the Canadian government and private sectors extractive projects that garner wealth for the rich and powerful at the expense of the environment and a whole culture.

Ya basta, no more.













"A real brother is one who gives his life for another" Don Miguel Rodriguez


