
人の心を動かす~Committing to good deeds without expectations~








































I’ve finally begun reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. I’d been considering reading it for a while now, but kept putting it off. Having recently seen this book in a friend’s blog, and then Facebook, and then coming across it in a bookstore, I figured it was about time to pick it up.

I’m only halfway through the book, but so far I find it interesting and easy to understand. Everything Carnegie writes is common sense, but it is the type of common sense that is difficult to actually act upon. For instance, he states that thinking from the perspective of others is one of the 3 principles of influencing people. He states, “he who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.” It seems simple enough - so simple in fact that it is a cliché; put yourself in someone else’s shoes. In practice, it is easier said than done.

There are countless situations in which you have to choose between two things that clearly either benefit yourself, or another party. For example, when you go to lunch with someone (or a group of people), you have the ability to give input on what restaurant to choose. You can simply go with your gut - or in this case your stomach - and go with whatever it is you’re craving at the time, but even with a concept as mundane as this, you are presented with an opportunity to take others into consideration. It’s as simple as asking yourself, what might this other person want to eat right now? If you were to constantly think in this manner - asking how you can make choices that benefit others rather than yourself - it can get exhausting pretty quickly. There is the potential, however, to create this habit to the point that you think about others as subconsciously as you breathe - a goal that I believe carries immeasurable value.

If you are able to consistently put yourself in other’s shoes - to think about how you can put others before yourself, you may find in the long run that you are reaping unexpected benefits. I might even venture to call it an inevitable side effect of countless short-term decisions; decisions that didn’t seem to benefit you in any manner, but you went about making them anyway, simply for the sake of others.

Flashback to 2 days ago. I was getting ready to clean Waya hostel in the morning, when 2 guys walked in with 2 big smiles. I told them check-in was from 4 pm, and then they politely asked, “can we just drop our luggages off here until the check-in time?” I could tell that they were tired so I recommended they take a rest at the Waya bar. They’d been traveling Japan for a while at that point and had just flown in on an early morning from Tokyo. I considered how I could go about helping them, and could only come up with letting them use the bar space freely, as we don’t generally show guests to their room until we’ve finished cleaning the place.

Before I got to cleaning, I asked them, “can I help you with something?” They responded, “not really, thanks. Actually, can we help you with something?” They’d responded with a smile, so I figured they were joking, and played along. I said, “yeah, I’m actually about to start cleaning the whole hostel, so you can feel free to help out!”

They quickly said, “okay then, we will help you out.” I assumed this was a joke as well, so I laughed and said, “cool, lets head upstairs.”

Without hesitation, they got up and headed up the stairs, ready to work. I was so surprised. I knew they must have been weary from all the moving around, but they kept smiling and were going to do something for me with zero merit (t is possible that they thought they could check in earlier by helping me, thus getting to rest sooner, but I give them the benefit of the doubt).

I was moved by their actions.

By chance, the room they would be using was not used the day prior, and so it was already clean, beds ready and everything. We all exchanged a glance, and then I said, “it seems that we do not have to clean this room, so although we are far from check-in time, you guys can head on in and have a rest.” There was a momentary look of surprise on their faces, but then the smiles came back, and they simply said, “thank you.”

Perhaps this is stretching the whole putting yourself in someone else’s shoes thing, but I think it is important to learn to read people the way they want to be read, and to then ask yourself and figure out, what can I offer them? If you can anticipate someone’s needs, or even just their wants, it is a touching gesture. If you commit touching gestures genuinely, people will go from being touched, to being moved. In the same manner, if you are able to move people’s hearts with genuine actions, you will eventually reach the ability to send positive vibrations through their souls. This is the level I would like to reach, and I came to this conclusion thanks to 2 nice Waya guests with genuine smiles.

I went drinking with my friends yesterday, and I came across some classic bathroom-wall philosophy. It struck a chord with me, so I will share it, albeit loosely translated from Japanese:

“To work, is to do whatever it is you’re capable of doing, in order to benefit others.”

Try and view the world from the perspective of others. Once you’re seeing from that point of view, try to ask yourself, what is it that I can do for this person? If this doesn’t come so naturally, why not start out by doing so consciously?
