
Story For English Learners GPT




タイトル: The Lost Key

3 words

  • Tim found key.

  • Key was shiny.

  • Tim felt curious.

  • Door was locked.

4 words

  • Tim needed the key.

  • He opened the door.

  • Inside was a box.

  • Box had strange symbols.

5 words

  • The symbols glowed bright blue.

  • Tim's heart started to race.

  • He took a deep breath.

  • Slowly, he opened the box.

6 words

  • Inside the box was a map.

  • The map led to hidden treasure.

  • Tim felt excited and nervous.

  • He grabbed his backpack quickly.

7 words

  • The map led to an old cave.

  • Tim walked through the dark forest.

  • He heard noises in the distance.

  • Shadows danced in the moonlight.

8 words

  • He reached the cave, heart pounding with excitement.

  • Inside, he saw glittering gold and jewels.

  • Tim couldn't believe his eyes, treasure everywhere.

  • Suddenly, he heard a loud noise.

9 words

  • A shadowy figure appeared, blocking the cave entrance.

  • "Who are you?" Tim asked, feeling very scared.

  • The figure laughed and said, "I'm the guardian."

10 words

  • "You must solve this puzzle to claim the hidden treasure."

  • Tim looked at the puzzle, feeling both scared and determined.

  • He solved it quickly, and the guardian disappeared into darkness.

  • Tim collected the treasure and ran out of the cave.

The Lost Key (English Learners)


Tim found key. Key was shiny. Tim felt curious. Door was locked. Tim needed the key. He opened the door. Inside was a box. Box had strange symbols. The symbols glowed bright blue. Tim's heart started to race. He took a deep breath. Slowly, he opened the box. Inside the box was a map. The map led to hidden treasure. Tim felt excited and nervous. He grabbed his backpack quickly. The map led to an old cave. Tim walked through the dark forest. He heard noises in the distance. Shadows danced in the moonlight. He reached the cave, heart pounding with excitement. Inside, he saw glittering gold and jewels. Tim couldn't believe his eyes, treasure everywhere. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise. A shadowy figure appeared, blocking the cave entrance. "Who are you?" Tim asked, feeling very scared. The figure laughed and said, "I'm the guardian." "You must solve this puzzle to claim the hidden treasure." Tim looked at the puzzle, feeling both scared and determined. He solved it quickly, and the guardian disappeared into darkness. Tim collected the treasure and ran out of the cave.



Tim found a key. It was shiny, and he felt curious. The door was locked. He needed the key. He opened the door and found a box inside, covered in strange symbols. The symbols glowed bright blue. His heart started to race. Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened the box. Inside was a map that led to hidden treasure. Excited and nervous, he grabbed his backpack quickly. The map guided him to an old cave. He walked through the dark forest, hearing noises in the distance as shadows danced in the moonlight. When he reached the cave, his heart pounded with excitement. Inside, he saw glittering gold and jewels. He couldn't believe his eyes; there was treasure everywhere. Suddenly, a loud noise startled him. A shadowy figure appeared, blocking the entrance. "Who are you?" Tim asked, scared. The figure laughed, "I'm the guardian. You must solve this puzzle to claim the treasure." Tim looked at the puzzle, feeling both scared and determined. He solved it quickly, and the guardian disappeared into the darkness. He collected the treasure and ran out of the cave.



  1. 短い文: 各文が非常に短く、シンプルであるため、理解しやすい。

  2. 直線的な構造: 各出来事が明確に順を追って記述されている。

  3. 繰り返し: 同じ単語が繰り返し使用されており、語彙が限定されている。

  4. 主語の明示: 各文の主語が明確で、誰が何をしているかが分かりやすい。


  1. 複合文と接続詞の使用: 短い文の代わりに複合文が使われ、接続詞(and, asなど)が文章を滑らかに繋げている。

  2. 語彙の多様性: 同じ意味を持つ別の単語が使われており、よりリッチな表現がされている。

  3. 情景描写: より詳細な描写がされており、状況を想像しやすい。

  4. 自然な流れ: 文と文の間に自然な流れがあり、物語がスムーズに進行する。


  • 構造の複雑さ: 母国語の人が読みやすい文の方が、文の構造が複雑である。

  • 語彙の多様性: 多様な単語が使用されており、より高度な語彙力が必要。

  • 流暢さ: 文と文のつながりが滑らかで、より自然な文章になっている。


  1. 複合文を使う練習: 短い文を連結して、複合文を作る練習をする。

  2. 接続詞の使用: and, but, because などの接続詞を適切に使うことで、文章の流れを滑らかにする。

  3. 語彙を増やす: 同じ意味の異なる単語を学び、使い分ける練習をする。

  4. 詳細な描写を加える: 情景や感情を詳しく描写することで、文章を豊かにする。

  5. 自然な流れを意識する: 文と文のつながりを意識し、スムーズな文章を心掛ける。



