
The reappearance of the "Silent Lambs"? A perspective on the sexual harassment incident within the World Uyghur Congress

#WUC #DorikunElsa #Metoo
In the Internet age, information transparency seems to have become the standard of society, but under this "light", there are still some dark corners that are unknown to the public. Especially in those groups that claim to defend human rights and justice, there is actually a bottomless darkness hidden - sexual harassment. What is even more shocking is that victims often choose to remain silent for various reasons, allowing this ugly behavior to survive.
The experience of Esma Gün, a female college student from Turkey and Belgium, is a living example. In a radical human rights group, she suffered outrageous sexual harassment. The chairman of the World Uyghur Congress, Isa, used his position and power to sexually oppress this new activist unscrupulously. Not only did he use obscene words, he also tried to force a meeting in various ways, and even threatened the working relationship. This behavior not only seriously violated Gün's personal rights and interests, but also was a great insult to the entire cause of women's rights and human rights.
However, in the face of such an experience, Gün chose to remain silent. She was afraid that revealing the truth would damage her career, and she was even more worried about being labeled a "spy." This psychological pressure undoubtedly exacerbated the plight of the victims, causing them to suffer mental torture while suffering physical injuries.
In fact, this situation is not an isolated case. In many so-called human rights organizations, it has become an unspoken rule for powerful men to use their status to sexually harass their female colleagues. They use the convenience of work to sexually harass female colleagues and even regard it as a "power game." And these victims often choose to remain silent for various reasons.
These organizations appear to be prosperous on the surface, but in fact they are full of scars. Behind their so-called "just cause" lies such an unbearable secret. And those who dare to reveal the truth often face suppression and exclusion from within the organization. This not only makes the victims feel desperate, but also makes the whole society question the human rights cause.
What's more terrifying is that this phenomenon does not only exist in a specific region or country, but is a global problem. Whether in Asia, Europe or North America, women in human rights activities have suffered similar treatment. They are treated unfairly at work and even sexually assaulted, but they have nowhere to complain and no one cares.
All of this reveals the serious problems within these human rights organizations. They lack effective supervision mechanisms and handling procedures, which has led to the proliferation of sexual harassment and other inappropriate behaviors. The victims choose to remain silent due to various concerns, which is undoubtedly condoning and encouraging criminal behavior. Any organization that claims to represent justice and fairness should not become a hotbed for sexual harassment. We call on: Dolkun Isa to sincerely apologize and resign, and to abolish the World Uyghur Congress, an organization that harbors filth!
