
当noteの読者には全く意外感はないと思われるが、先進国で卵子凍結する女が増えている主因は"mating gap"(パートナーとしてふさわしい男の不足)だという話。

Contrary to popular discourse, recent data reveals a startling statistic: approximately 70% of women who freeze their eggs are not motivated by career ambitions. Rather, they’re either single or struggling to get their partner to commit to parenthood.

“We’re seeing a growing disparity between ambitious and educated women, and the availability of equally educated and committed male partners. It’s creating a demographic crisis that few are talking about,” Inhorn tells me.

This shift, largely overlooked when exploring social egg-freezing, points to a phenomenon Inhorn calls “the mating gap”. This refers to the disparity between men and women in terms of relational, and eventually reproductive, expectations.

よく分からないのは、この学者が女のハイパーガミー志向がmating gapの拡大につながっているという説を"misogynistic"と切り捨てていることである。ここにも一切責任を取りたくない、責任を男に転嫁したいという女特有の思考が表れている。

When I asked Inhorn about the relevance of this theory, she dismissed it as socio-biological and, thus for her, misogynistic. “Men need to stop being intimidated and to change the way they think about these things,” she explains. “And women need to expand their view of what an appropriate partner is.”
