
BBC英語ニュースmemo | 【解説】 無情な軍事論理が支配 イスラエルとヒズボラの紛争

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ formidable | 恐ろしい / 恐るべき

strong and powerful, and therefore difficult to deal with if opposed to you. 「恐怖を引き起こす」という意味だが、翻って「素晴らしい」「抜群の」の意も。
The days since have represented a series of catastrophic setbacks for the formidable, Iranian-backed Shia militia.

■ composure | 冷静さ

the state of feeling or seeming calm. 「組み立てる」や「整える」を意味する動詞composeに、動作や過程、結果などを表す接辞後「-ure」がついて名詞になった単語。
With alerts constantly sounding across northern Israel, Yoav Gallant has told Israelis to “show composure, discipline and full obedience to the directives of Home Front Command”.

■ animosity | 敵意

Animosity is a strong feeling of dislike and anger. animalやanimationなどでも使われる語源の「anim」は、ラテン語で魂や命を意味する。
He said he feels no animosity towards the people of Lebanon, but says Hezbollah started the war for no reason.

