
BBC英語ニュースmemo | スイスで「自殺ポッド」を使って女性死亡、警察が複数人を逮捕

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ abetting | 幇助した

Abet implies both assisting and encouraging. たいていは悪事を手助けすることを意味するが、まれに仕事やプロジェクトの支援や援助を意味するケースも。
Police in the Schaffhausen region said they arrested "several persons" on suspicion of inciting, and aiding and abetting suicide after she died reportedly by using a pod made by the company Sarco on Monday.

■ euthanasia | 安楽死

Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending life to eliminate pain and suffering. ギリシャ語の「eu」(「良い」「幸せな」)+ 「thanatos」(「死」)が語源。
Advocates say it provides an option not reliant on drugs or doctors, and that it expands access to euthanasia as the portable device can be 3D-printed and assembled at home.

■ Assisted dying | 幇助自死

Assisted suicide describes the process by which a person, with the help of others, takes medications to end their own life. 医療従事者から処方された薬を服用し、自ら命を絶つ(安楽死は医療従事者が患者に薬を投与)。
Assisted dying is illegal in the UK and in most other European countries, but thousands have travelled to Switzerland over the years to end their own lives.

