”ボブ・ディラン(Bob Dylan)”は、ディープステートに利用された。(私の、私見)

私は、バート・バカラック(Burt Bacharach):ハル・デヴィッド(Harold Lane David)の作品が好きです。

 ジェイソン・モーガン(JASON MORGAN)氏著「アメリカはなぜ日本を見下すのか?:間違いだらけの『対日歴史観』を正す」において、清教徒達の残虐性を、述べられており、アブラハムリンカーンの残虐性(ダコタ族、ナバホ族に対する虐殺、虐待を、南北戦争時に行った。南軍に対し、「無条件降伏」を突きつけ戦争を、長引かせた。この「無条件降伏」と言う事は、太平洋戦争においても日本に対して条件として突きつけたが、戦争において「無条件降伏」と言う事は多くの学者が、してはいけない事と、様々な論文や本で述べられています。)を改めて学び、この様に清教徒、ピューリタンより台頭したリベラリストの凶暴性を学び直しました。ジェイソン・モーガン氏は、USA南部出身のカトリック教徒です。カトリック教徒の良さも述べられておりますが、私としては、カトリック教徒である、スペイン人のインカ帝国、アステカ帝国等や、そこに住む人々に対する虐殺、略奪も、とても許されぬ事と思いますが、その残虐性よりもっと酷いという主張だと思います。
ジェイソン・モーガン(JASON MORGAN)氏著「アメリカはなぜ日本を見下すのか?:間違いだらけの『対日歴史観』を正す」は、私が高校生時代に、読んだウィリアム・フォークナーの著作や、「サンドクリークの虐殺」を、映画化した「ソルジャー・ブルー」(Soldier Blue)(「ソルジャー・ブルー」は、1970年のアメリカ合衆国の映画(監督ラルフ・ネルソン:脚本ジョン・ゲイ:原作セオドア・V・オルセン:製作ハロルド・ローブ:ガブリエル・カツカ:出演者キャンディス・バーゲン:ピーター・ストラウス)で、アメリカ人の残虐性を、知って、太平洋戦争に関しても、学校や当時のマスメディアによるマインドコントロール的教育、報道に関して、大いに疑問を、感じておりました私に、確信を与えて頂きました。
この様に感じていた中、”ボブ・ディラン(Bob Dylan)”は、ディープステートに利用された。と、結論が出てきました。
 ボブ・ディランは、何も悪くありません。主張している事は、至極まともです。しかし、何故、バート・バカラック(Burt Bacharach):ハル・デヴィッド(Harold Lane David)の作品を、貶める道具にされたのか?
バート・バカラック(Burt Bacharach):ハル・デヴィッド(Harold Lane David)の作品"A HOUSE IS NOT A HOME""What the World Needs Now Is Love"等に、「何時までも甘ったるい愛の歌を作っている」等と、誰が文句を付けたか解りませんが、今から思うと、中国人の「孫子の兵法」を、上回る、心理戦、ステルス戦と言う策謀を感じてしまうのです。

google translate
"Bob Dylan" was used by the Deep State. (My personal opinion)

I like the works of Burt Bacharach: Harold Lane David.

I don't remember if it was when Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016 or when Burt Bacharach died on February 8, 2023, but I learned that during the Vietnam War, which took place from November 1955 to April 1975, Bob Dylan was praised and Burt Bacharach was disparaged, such as saying that he "would write sweet love songs forever." I may have heard it before, but I may have forgotten it.
Recently, I have had some free time and have been relearning the world situation, Japanese politics, history, and religion. I have also been relearning radical liberals, the deep state, Sun Tzu's Art of War, cognitive warfare, stealth warfare, and the religious background of the world, and the above-mentioned ideas came together in my mind.

The reason why I came up with the above-mentioned ideas is because I have felt that the recent social situation and liberal movements in the West are "no longer hiding the fact that they are destroying the traditional family structure." After hearing and seeing the claims of "LGBTQ+" and "feminism/feminists (recent activists)," I compared the state of men and women in the Edo period in Japan, especially the state of ordinary people's families, with the state of men and women and families in the West from the same era, and examined the claims of modern-day "LGBTQ+" and "feminism/feminists (recent activists)," and I came to the conclusion that "they are no longer hiding the fact that they are destroying the traditional family structure."
Until recently, I wondered how people called "activists" get the money to do their work. When my eldest son and I visited our house, or when I visited him at his house, or when we were camping, we had many conversations over drinks, and the topic of "Greta Thunberg" came up, and my son said, "She's an activist, after all." I'm quite stubborn, so I thoroughly researched and re-learned about "activists." I came to the conclusion that the "Jesuit monks" who visited Japan in the Sengoku period can also be considered activists. They were active in Japan with financial support from the King of Spain and the Roman Catholic Vatican, who were trying to colonize Japan. Looking at it this way, since people have used "activists" as pawns to fulfill their own or their organizations' desires, and have used Sun Tzu's Art of War, cognitive warfare, and stealth warfare to achieve their goals since ancient times, I feel it is not surprising that there are plots to destroy "families and homes" for certain purposes. In Jason Morgan's book "Why does America look down on Japan?: Correcting the erroneous 'view of history towards Japan'", he describes the cruelty of the Puritans and re-learns about the cruelty of Abraham Lincoln (who committed massacres and abuses against the Dakota and Navajo tribes during the Civil War, and prolonged the war by demanding "unconditional surrender" from the Confederate Army. This "unconditional surrender" was also imposed as a condition on Japan during the Pacific War, but many scholars have stated in various papers and books that demanding "unconditional surrender" in war is something that should not be done), and I re-learned the brutality of the liberals who rose to power from the Puritans in this way. Jason Morgan is a Catholic from the southern USA. The good things about Catholics are also mentioned, but I believe that the massacres and plunderings committed by the Spanish Catholics against the Inca and Aztec empires and the people who lived there are also completely unforgivable, and I believe the argument is that this is even worse than their cruelty. Jason Morgan's book "Why does America look down on Japan?: Correcting the Misguided 'View of History' of Japan" has inspired me to read the works of William Faulkner that I read in my high school days, as well as the film "Soldier Blue" ("Soldier Blue" is a 1970 American film (directed by Ralph Nelson, screenplay by John Gay, based on the original story by Theodore V. Olsen, produced by Harold Loeb, Gabriel Katsuka, and starring Candice Bergen and Peter Strauss), which confirmed my doubts about the Pacific War and the mind-control education and reporting by schools and the mass media at the time.

It was during this time that I was reminded of the cruelty of the Americans, and the book "Why does America look down on Japan?: Correcting the Misguided 'View of History' of Japan" has inspired me to read the works of William Faulkner that I read in my high school days, as well as the film "Sand Creek Massacre" ("Soldier Blue" is a 1970 American film (directed by Ralph Nelson, screenplay by John Gay, based on the original story by Theodore V. Olsen, produced by Harold Loeb, Gabriel Katsuka, and starring Candice Bergen and Peter Strauss). The conclusion was that "Bob Dylan" was used by the deep state.
The United States invaded the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Philippines, which was a Spanish colony at the time, and dragged Japan into the war. I am convinced that Bob Dylan was used as a tool for the United States' insatiable desire and aggression.
Bob Dylan has done nothing wrong. What he is claiming is perfectly reasonable. But why is Burt Bacharach (Hal David) Was it used as a tool to denigrate the works of Harold Lane David?

I was convinced that it was used to destroy "home and family" and to satisfy financial desires. This was due to the collapse of the middle class in the United States since the Vietnam War, the collapse of conservative thinking that had been preserved for a long time, and the division of society that exploited the ideas of "LGBTQ+" and "feminism/feminists" from the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

In Japan, there is no need to be swayed by the West regarding "LGBTQ+" and "feminism/feminists," but we are foolishly being swayed by them.

Burt Bacharach: Harold Lane David's works "A HOUSE IS NOT A HOME" and "What the World Needs Now Is" I don't know who complained that he "keeps writing sappy love songs forever" with songs like "Love," but looking back on it now, I can sense a psychological and stealth strategy that surpasses the Chinese "Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
Is it just my imagination that I feel there is an increasing danger in organizations and people who continue to pursue financial greed while destroying the most fundamental building blocks of a peaceful and safe world: home and family?
