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In my last article, I talked about organizing the structure and background of phenomena, which is the fourth process of improvement and innovation. In this article, I will discuss the pitfalls to watch out for especially when the direction of the solution has been identified.

This article will also discuss the fourth process of improvement and innovation: Organizing the structure and background of phenomena.

Don't be relieved just from capturing the structure of a problem that creates a repeating pattern

In my previous article, I discussed the need to understand the structure that creates a problem, rather than simply solving the problem in a whack-a-mole way when we identify a problematic phenomenon.

At this point, I explained that it is useful to utilize systems thinking, "a way of thinking that tries to understand things holistically and integrally rather than by breaking them down," to grasp the entire structure of the problem, and that if we can grasp the problem with a holistic view, we will naturally get the sense that the direction of the solution will come into view.

At this point, you might think that it would be a good idea to implement the solution.

Yes, it would be good to implement that solution in terms of addressing the structure of this problem. On the other hand, it may still not be enough.

This is because the structure of the problem is often based on the bias of the mental models of the people involved (especially those in leadership positions with a great deal of influence).

How is the problem structure generated?

In the usual sense, it seems to me that, like tangled pasta, problems create problems, which then become more complex and create an overall problem structure.

That way of looking at it is correct, but in fact, there is an underlying assumption, a way of thinking, a way of perceiving, a way of being that inevitably produces the structure of the problem. In the metaphor of tangled pasta, it would be like having an assumption that (for some reason) "pasta should not be eaten right away."

If someone were to assume that pasta should not be eaten immediately, it is inevitable that the pasta served to that person would dry out and become tangled. It is a bit nonsensical to attribute the cause to the pasta itself, and it is clear that the cause lies in the person's assumption.

Mental model bias is often behind the structure of a problem

Thus, the background to repeated problems and the creation of vicious cycles is often the bias in the mental models of the people involved.

What does mental model bias mean more specifically? Here are some examples.

Biased future scenario
・A future vision that is biased toward what can be seen (result figures, etc.), without any essence
・Self-centered, socially inconsistent vision of the future
・Pessimistic (at an irrational level) vision of the future

Identity bound by one's own rope
・Identity bound by social norms
・Identity that is not in harmony with society
・Self-centered identity
・Identity that is not updated

Irrational Beliefs
・The belief that "I have to"
・Values that view people as means or tools
・Pessimistic or overly optimistic viewpoints
・Value judgments that remain biased and fixed

Let us consider the example of "too high goals" discussed in the previous article. This illustrates the structure of the problem: when goals are set too high, even when deviations from the goals occur, people tend to give up, which does not lead to actions for improvement.

What mental model bias could be behind this?

There are a number of possible patterns, but the following may be possible.

・Assumption that once a goal is set, it must be achieved.
・Assumption that the higher the goal, the better.
・Assumption that setting goals that are not high will cause people to be lazy.
・The belief that people are a means to achieve a goal.

Imagine that there is a leader who has this mental model. And suppose the leader is discussing goal setting without being aware of this mental model.

Even if that leader had once stopped and set an appropriate level of goals in response to the problematic structure of goals that are too high, if he or she retains this mental model, it is clear from the fire that the problematic structure of "goals that are too high" will emerge sooner or later.

Leaders need to become aware of their own mental model biases

We have talked about the bias in the mental models of the people involved as the background that creates the structure of the problem. In particular, the mental models of those in leadership positions have a significant impact.

We are not talking about the leader being solely responsible for creating the structure of the problem. Problems are created and solved by the influence of all those involved. However, those in leadership positions need to be more aware of their own mental models than others and be careful not to have biases (assumptions) in their mental models that create the structure of the problem.

Let me use our company's example to illustrate. In response to the impact of the spread of infectious diseases, our company has been moving our services online, and as a side effect, various problems have surfaced, as I mentioned in my previous article. The following figure summarizes the structure of these problems.

Note the part of this diagram labeled (1). There it states "management's consciousness". This expresses a warning against "biased mental models of the management team."

Specifically, we reflect on the following mental model biases.

・Emphasizing the front end (sales and marketing) and underestimating the back end (operations and logistics)

・Over-emphasizing the "try first" approach, and taking a chance without sufficient prior research and involvement of all relevant parties.

・A mindset that places too much emphasis on dealing with business problems and leaves human and organizational issues to the back burner (an easy way of thinking that it is a difficult time and there is nothing to be done).

Being aware of this bias will change the way we behave and think in situations that are different from this issue. In fact, the following changes in approach have occurred.

・In the investment phase after the recovery of business performance, priority was given to the back end of the business rather than the front end.

・In the cutover of services, it was a prerequisite that not only the marketing and commercial materials were ready, but also the business operations were in place.

・When there were human or organizational problems, we positioned them as our top priority and established a sufficient structure to deal with them.

Be aware of repeating patterns

"I understand the importance of understanding the structure of the problem and being aware of the mental models behind it, but how do I find the situations that require such a response?"

Some of you may have this question.

As you say, it is not realistic to capture the structure of every problem or to be aware of mental models for every possible problem. I think there are many problems that can be solved by addressing them immediately, and there is no need to dig deep into problems that can be solved that way.

"Isn't there a repeated pattern here and there?"

I think this is the question that separates the issues that should be explored in depth from those that should not.

・When there seems to be a common pattern in the events, even though they are different events.
・When there is a sense of déjà vu, as if we have seen a similar event in the past.
・When there is an intuitive sense of knowing what kind of problem will occur.

In such cases, you may be sensing a pattern that is repeating itself. In such cases, understanding the structure of the problem and thinking back to the mental model behind it can be a useful approach.

In this article, I discussed the fourth process of improvement and innovation, organizing the structure and background of phenomena, and discussed some of the pitfalls to watch out for especially when the direction of the solution has been identified.

Here are the quests of the day. (If you'd like, please share your thoughts in the comments.)

・What are some of the "recurring patterns (of problematic phenomena)" that you have noticed?

・What mental model biases of the people involved might be behind this pattern?

Bunshiro Ochiai
