
NYC PreK自主隔離用オンライン授業2021・6/24 2021・6・24

How do we feel about stepping up to Kindergarten?

The goodbye book

Author: Todd Parr
Hi Friends! Today we talked about our emotions and how we feel about stepping up to Kindergarten. Stepping up to Kindergarten also means saying goodbye to our Pre-K friends and teachers. This can be really difficult on children so we encourage them to talk about their feelings. After reading this story with your child have them draw a picture for a friend that they have to say goodbye to. They can also write them a letter if your child chooses to do that. Upload on google classroom and share with us.

Cerebrate a great school year

Hey friends! Let's stand on our feet and follow along to these cool dance moves :)

1. Grab a partner
2. Sing along and dance your silly's out
3. Post and share your dance moves with us on our google classroom :)

Lava Lamp

Materials:.Water, Glass or plastic container, baby oil or cooking oil, food coloring, Alka Seltzer tablets
Transforming Water: Water can move and transform its shape. Water mixes with other objects. Make your own Lava Lamp and see how you can transform water.

スクリーンショット 2021-06-24 13.13.02

Thank you, Thank you

to all my friends! Last week you all had your stepping up ceremony and now you’re
ready to move on up to kindergarten next school year :) Here is a great
song we can sing along too. Let's see who can sing the loudest? :)
