
NYC PreK自主隔離用オンライン授業2021・6/21 2021・6・21

How have you changed in PreK?

Graduation song

Just wanted to congratulation all my friends! Last week you all had your stepping up ceremony and now you're ready to move on up to kindergarten next school year :) Here is a super fun song we can sing along too. Can you help me sing this graduation song. Let's see who can sing the loudest? :)

Yoga Monday

Hi friends, Happy Monday! Let's breathe in (smell the flower) and breathe out (blow out the birthday candle).

1. Take a sip of water
2. Have fun following the yoga poses
3. Share with us on our google classroom your favorite yoga poses :-)

Kindergarden play

Pretend you are in kindergarten! Discus with your child what you think kindergarten would be like and act out roles. Pretend it is the beginning of the school year. Children can look through books about kindergarten to get ideas! Upload a video of your thoughts and share with us on google classroom.

PreK memory

Draw and label your favorite Pre-K memory! Upload a video with your dictation and share with us on google classroom!

5.4 Sanford Harmony Reflecting and connecting

What is something special you remember about this school year?
In this story, Z and the kids think back on the times spent together and the memories they share.
As you listen, pay attention to how the kids feel as they recall their time together and think about what they hope will happen in the future.
Listen to the story. Afterwards, think about and discuss these questions with a grown up. Draw a picture answering at least one of these questions.
Write your name, label and ad dictation to your picture.
1. How did Kayla and Z remember feeling when they first met?
2. How did that change over time?
3. What are some of the memories Z and the kids shared?
4. What things did the kids help Z learn?
5. How did you feel when you started school this year?
6. How have your feelings stayed the same or changed since the beginning of the year?
7. Why is it nice to think about things you did with friends?

Leo the late Bloomer

Author: Robert Kraus
1. What is something Leo couldn't do?
2. How do you think Leo improved?
3. Why do you think it is important to give other people more time?
4. What is something that took you a while to learn how to do this year in Pre-K?
