無限への瞑想詩 Infinity, a meditation

Infinity, a meditation
Human, the place of existence and its accorded meaning of this species in the universe is still unknown;
Behind him, to his eye there were to be Infinite Time yet to come,
yet before him, also Infinite Time yet to go.
Although through the eye of Science towards the future,
and of Romanticism Poetry towards the past,
one trains one's sight in an attempt see better and further, escaping the constraining fetters of body,
but ever it did was to only make the borderline of corporeal vision more dreamy and ambiguous;
And regardless of what kind of effort one puts into his own Life, when they search---in searching for the one and only Truth extratemporal,
he finds for himself, at a loss before, each accompanying a big question mark,
infinite Things extemporaneous.
