QUARANTINE DIARY DAY12 2020.9.05(Sat.)


A typhoon is coming to Japan. It seems to be a super powerful typhoon. The weather forecast always repeats "unprecedented" and "record high" so it doesn't come to my mind(I always think that the world is not coming to an end even though it keeps breaking records..), but as long as I watch the news, I can feel the terrible situation this time, so it must be a strong typhoon.
However, it seems that they landed in Kyushu and escaped to the Korean Peninsula, and they did not pass Tokyo. In addition, as an isolated person, there are some parts that don't make sense to me, but I still think that if I were to be placed in that situation.
First of all, as an isolated person, I would not be able to go to a shelter. Besides, I can't use public transportation. And I live near the river, so there might be a risk of flooding. So what should we do? Should I go to a quarantine hotel? But is it acceptable for this negative isolator to squeeze a limited number of beds? Does LINE from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare give us any notice? And so on.
Anyway, there must be people in Kyushu and the Korean Peninsula who are in the same situation as me.
Brother, please take care.
