魔術 / it's so magical way

English is below↓







冨士山アネット 新作
[Invisible Things]構成・演出・振付・映像・魔術:長谷川寧2020/2/13(木)-15(土) at急な坂スタジオ


This note, I try to write simple sentences! I hope so too.

Well, I have been preparing for a new work since the end of last year. And this time the credit is "Alchemy(magic): Ney Hasegawa". You might think what's Alchemy/magic, but of course I'm thinking too. And I studying right now. After a long time, I went to "workshop".
I haven't had the opportunity to go to a workshop where I can become a completely newcomer in recent years, so I'm working on magic with a feeling like a baby. And, of course, it's so hard way for me.
Looking at the participants, I think / I found his trick / I tottaly understood this trick / Ah, he's so nervous / I thought in my heart, but it's time to do my own thing, I'm so nervous that I can't do this much , and I feel "Why I'm so amateur for magician's world!!"(Well it's obvious..).
But this amateur feeling is so fun. A place where I can fail as much as I want and be ashamed of it among all the participants is precious. 

Yes, shame is so precious.

By the way, you've read here and you'll be anxious.
Is such amateur magic safe? Huh, you're right.
but it's okay, no problem.
I am thinking about that as well.

Of course, cause it's magic.

FujiyamaAnnette New works
[ Invisible Things ] (TPAM2020)
13-15th Feb.2020
at Yokohama/ Steep Slope Studio
