
Under the light - ALL I WANT

Under the light - ALL I WANT

Please kick me out of the world I'm stuck in
Did you leave me and forget?
Just pretend we were nothing

Those days are not coming back
So a new story starts

You’re my first girl that I could tell
every silly things just like children say
And always I was gonna tell what I want to be with you

You said that you don't need anything but me
I couldn’t tell my dreams are more precious to me
Now our days left as a blighter memory

Under the light
Just call for you
Oh, how could I tell my feelings till the end?

Crying under the light
You are not here
I'm under the light
Just counting my lies
I can’t say goodbye to what we've been through


Under the light
Just call for you
Oh, how could I tell my feelings till the end?

Crying under the light
You are not here
I'm under the light
Just counting my lies
I can’t say goodbye to what we've been through

Is it your fault?
I just repeat your word until
I can forget all your colors and smile…

Under the light
Just call for you
Oh, how could I tell my feelings till the end?

So is this our last that we can not reach to the end?
Crying under the light
Just counting my lies


3rd EP出す前に全部出し揃えなきゃと思ってたんで遂に最終弾です。


