
地球気候変動の原因と引き起こされる問題 Causes and Problems Caused by Global Climate Change





The largest cause of Global Climate Change is carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal.

Global Climate Change has already caused these climate changes in rising temperatures, rising sea levels, heat waves, droughts, heavy rainfall, and floods, affecting not only us but also the ecosystems of plants and animals that live on the Earth.

It is essential that as many people as possible take action against Global Climate Change, even on a small scale, not only in words but also in practice.

The small, high-efficiency solar power and energy storage system I am currently working on is one such measure, which is not expensive, can be installed by a do-it-yourselfer, and can generate and consume several kilowatts of electricity daily on fine days (reducing commercial electricity use by several tens of percent almost every day).
