True Ethical Practice: Beyond Superficial Goals

In contemporary society, the notion of setting goals is often hailed as a paramount endeavor. However, an increasing number of critics argue that many of these so-called "goals" are inherently superficial, confined to the realms of keyboard typing, casual boasting, and mere psychological gratification. Engaging excessively in such pursuits not only squanders valuable time and life but also corrodes one's moral character.

True ethical and political practice, as these critics assert, is grounded in concrete actions and personal integrity. To live a meaningful life, one must not only cultivate personal virtues but also strive to bring comfort and security to others. This involves not only self-cultivation but also the resolution of doubts and dilemmas. Protecting and assisting those around us, and even forming small, like-minded communities that embody mutual support and solidarity—communities that eschew harm and internal conflict—are considered the epitome of authentic ethical and political engagement.

This perspective challenges the conventional wisdom that prioritizes abstract goal-setting. Instead, it advocates for a pragmatic approach, emphasizing real-life application and the creation of tangible, positive impacts on both oneself and one's community.
