
【参加者募集!】2月1日開催! グローバルアントレプレナーの祭典 EMC GLOBAL SUMMIT


※For an explanation in English, please see the end of this message.


この活動の、今年度の集大成となるイベント「EMC GLOBAL SUMMIT」を2025年2月1日に新宿住友ホールにて開催します!!

日時:2025年2月1日(土)13時〜19時半 ※途中参加、途中退出可能
場所:新宿住友ホール(東京都新宿区西新宿2丁目6番1号) ※オンライン配信あり


13:00- EMC GLOBAL SUMMITスタート ※英語セッション予定
    基調講演(武蔵野大学アントレプレナーシップ学部 学部長 伊藤羊一)
    EMC GLOBAL学生ピッチ(日本人学生、海外招待学生の発表)
14:40- ポスターセッション兼休憩(1)
15:10- 【日本語セッション】EMC生のプロジェクト発表
15:50- ポスターセッション兼休憩(2)
16:35- 表彰・クロージング(表彰、講評、フォトセッション)
17:30- ネットワーキングパーティ(英語・日本語)
19:30 終了





■For an explanation in English.

The Faculty of Entrepreneurship (Musashino EMC) at Musashino University will host the EMC GLOBAL SUMMIT on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall.

As the only Faculty of Entrepreneurship in Japan, Musashino EMC is committed to fostering global entrepreneurs. In the summer of 2024, selected students visited the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, and India, where they toured universities and companies, participated in business pitch events, and engaged in internships.

Building on the success of last year’s “EMC SUMMIT,” the 2025 EMC GLOBAL SUMMIT will feature project presentations by Musashino EMC students, along with presentations from students across Asia and Tokyo aiming to become global entrepreneurs. The event will be a platform to gather, inspire, and co-create for a better world.

This event welcomes participants with an interest in Musashino EMC’s activities, fostering global entrepreneurs, and global business. Don’t miss this opportunity to join us!

Event Details
• Date & Time: Saturday, February 1, 2025, 1:00 PM - 7:30 PM
• Venue: Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall (2-6-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo) Online participation available
• Fee: Free
• Languages: Sessions will be held in English and Japanese.

Tentative Schedule
1:00 PM - EMC GLOBAL SUMMIT begins (English session planned)
    • Keynote speech by Yoichi Ito, Dean of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship
    • EMC GLOBAL Student Pitch (presentations by Japanese and international students)
2:40 PM - Poster Session & Break (1)
3:10 PM - Japanese Session: Project Presentations by EMC Students
     English Session: GLOBAL Breakout Discussions
3:50 PM - Poster Session & Break (2)
4:35 PM - Awards & Closing (including comments and photo sessions)
5:30 PM - Networking Party (English & Japanese)
7:30 PM - Event ends

The Japanese and English sessions at 3:10 PM will be held in separate rooms.
At 11:30 AM, there will be a lunch reception primarily for international guests. If you are interested, please contact us for details (capacity is limited).
The networking party is open to professionals and invited students.
