
Not too late! 遅いけど!



Hey, y'all! Long time no see. This is my first ever bilingual post! I want to reach out to people worldwide! 


I actually wanted to post this on Father's Day, but I didn't have time. So, I was debating whether this was too late to post. But! Times and days don't matter much in the end. This is a very timely message!


You do not have an easy job, but you are so blessed to be a father. It is a wonderful thing to bring life into the world, and an honor to raise your own daughters or sons.


I think the world of my own father and I thank God for him every day. My father is a gentle man, but strict and responsible when he needs to be. He has always been a sentimental guy, so he had a habit of giving me, my brother, and my mother gifts and presents - just small trinkets - out of nowhere. I remember, when I was a kid, he came home and gave me a small, green 1963 Impala. I never asked for it or expected it, but my father found joy simply in giving things to those he loved. I also remember him working 3 jobs when I was in junior high school; he spent most of his free time sleep, and at the time, I didn't know how hard it was for him. He sacrificed his time and his energy for our family because of one simple thing: love.


I love my father. I think he is amazing. If I can be half the man he is, I'd be happy.


And yet, what if I told you there was someone greater than any father - yours, mine, anyone's? There is a father who loves us so much, that he actually died for us. Who is this great man?


Well. He isn't a man. He is God. Our Heavenly Father.


When many people think of 'God' we have many images: a powerful being in the clouds, a scary force with frightening power, a kind and benevolent creature who we cannot see or touch. But how many of us call him Father?


The Bible says that God is not just the being that made us, He wants to be our Father; in other words, he wants a real, living relationship with us. 

その聖なるすまいにおられる神は みなしごの父、やもめの保護者である。

Psalm 68:5 says God is, "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling."


Some people may think God made the earth and let creation run its course. But in reality, He participates in our daily lives, cares deeply for us, and wants us to know how much He loves us. Maybe you don't know your father, or don't have a good relationship with him, but you DO have a creator and He loves you. What kind of father is our Heavenly Father?

申命記 31:6 心を強くもち、勇敢に戦いなさい。恐れてはいけません。おじけづいてはいけません。主が味方なのです。主は絶対に、あなたを裏切ったり見捨てたりなさいません。」

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

みんなは裏切られたことがあるね?でも、天のお父さんは一度も裏切らん、見捨てない!絶対に! ひとりぼっちだなぁと思う時でも、神様がおる。距離で離れてもええお父さんは自分の子供に連絡するな。でも、天のお父さんは距離がない。いつもそばにおる。じゃけぇ、怖いことがない、孤独もない!いつでも声かけてええ!
We have all been betrayed by someone before. It hurts. But our Heavenly Father never leaves us or forsakes us. Even when we feel alone, He is there. A good father contacts his children even if they live far away. But our Heavenly Father is actually physically present with us wherever we go. You don't need to feel afraid or alone! He is not distant from you; He is always waiting for you to speak to Him.

ヨハネの手紙Ⅰ1:9 しかし、もし自らの罪を神に告白するなら、神は真実な方ですから、その罪を赦し、すべての悪から私たちをきよめてくださいます。

1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
People may sometimes not forgive us when we wrong them - maybe even our fathers haven't forgiven us for some things we've done. But our Heavenly Father always forgives us. When we tell God that we are sorry for what we've done, He forgives immediately. There is no lasting bitterness in His heart. 

ヨハネの福音書 3:16

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

本物の愛ってなんじゃろ?!でも、そんな難しい答えじゃない。聖書のヨハネの福音書 15:13によると、「愛は何によって測ることができるでしょう。友のためにいのちを投げ出すこと、これより大きな愛はありません。」命がなくなるまでの愛かい?!ほう。イエスキリスト、神の子、地球に来て人類が天のお父さんに繋げるように、自分の命を投げ出した。すごくない?

Everyone of us has wondered what 'true love' is. But it is not hard to find.The Bible says in John 15:13, "There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." Love to the point of death? Yes. The ultimate form of love is the ultimate sacrifice. That may be hard for many of us to understand. However, Jesus - who is Himself God - came to earth and died for us - mankind - so that we could have right standing with God.


But why did Jesus feel the need to die in the first place? That could be a post in itself. The short of it is, we unfortunately are born in a state that is separate from God. That state is something called sin, and we are born into it. It's why we kill each other, rebel, lie, cheat, steal, and every other thing that falls under 'bad.' We are bound to sin and imprisoned by it. But Jesus came "that we may have life and have it more abundantly." He came and took on all of our sins and gave Himself as a sacrifice. His death brought us freedom, His resurrection brought us life. That, my friends, is true love. It is a mind-blowing thing that the God who created everything we see actually died for us. 


I remember fondly the great gifts my dad gave me. Not always because of what they were, but because of who gave them. The gifts are nice, but what's even greater is the giving heart my dad has. But our Heavenly father gives us so much more.

エペソ人への手紙 3:20 どうか、私たちの祈り、願い、考え、望みをはるかに超えたすばらしいことを、その偉大な力でなされる神に、栄光がありますように。

Ephesians 4:20 - now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.


Not only does our Father want to give us gifts, but He wants to give more than we can even ask or think. Like my regular father, He loves to give to us and see us smile. That, my friends, is love!


I want to talk to readers whose relationships with their fathers aren't the best. Even though it may not seem like it, God blessed you with a father on earth. Even if you feel your father has done nothing for you, it's because of him that you are here right now. He gave you life. I want you to try something; reach out to your father today - he may be a world away wanting nothing to do with you, he may be in prison, he may even hate you. But call him or meet him, and tell him two things:

I forgive you. I love you.


And, if you've done some wrongs to your father or feel hatred for him, try this one, too:


I'm sorry.

こりゃお父さんだけでなく、あなたのため。トラウマ、傷を手放すのはすごい力がある。許すことも力がある。わしらを傷つけた人に愛を伝えることも力がある。罪を告白する限りでは、わしらは何をやっても、神様に許してくれる。エペソ人への手紙 4:32「互いに親切にし、心のやさしい人になりなさい。そして、神がキリストにあってあなたがたを赦してくださったように、互いに赦し合いなさい」許すことは簡単じゃないかもけど、過去のことを抱えるのは毒と一緒!時間が経つにつれて、被害が悪くなる。

This is not just for your father, but for you. There is immense power in letting go of past hurt, in forgiving those who hurt us, and showing love for those who hurt us. The Bible says God is faithful and just to forgive us when we wrong Him, and that we forgive because he first forgave us. It is not easy. It might suck a lot. It might make you furious. But holding on to the past is holding on to poison.


Remember your Heavenly Father. He sent his son, Jesus, down to earth to die for us and restore fellowship between man and God. If you want to taste the fullness of God's love and want to know more about Jesus, there is an open door to you. If you're open to it, lift your hands right where you are, towards Heaven, and say with your mouth or your heart:


"Jesus, I believe that you are God, came down to earth, died, and was resurrected so that mankind could have a relationship with its Heavenly Father. I want to walk with you. Please, come into my heart. In Jesus' name, Amen."


God bless you!

If you prayed that prayer, I am so happy for you! Welcome to the family of God. This is not just a religion, but a journey. Christianity is not about following rules, it's about a relationship with Him who created us. If you decided to become a Christian today, please let me know in the comments or send me an email at harper.emmanuel77@gmail.com and I will pray for you and answer any question! God bless you.
