
何があっても - No matter what!

Hey, y'all.

How are things on your end?

There's a lot of craziness happening in our little world, right?

明日があるさってよく耳にするね。こりゃ難しい話じゃけど、明日が正直、、、ないかもね?こりゃ 結構暗い投稿が見えそうけど、そうじゃないけえ、続きんさいや(笑)
We often here 'there's always tomorrow.' This is hard to swallow, but tomorrow may...if we're honest...not come. Right? I know this is shaping up to be a dark post, but hang with me.

For us here in Japan, we faced the shock of a famous actor, Haruma Miura, maybe a month ago. Around that time, my uncle also suddenly passed away in his sleep. My family and I were shocked. At the young age of 60, with his clear smile, big laugh, and strong spirit, how could my uncle pass so quickly? Here in Japan, at the start of the pandemic, a national treasure and comedian, Shimura Ken, also died of Corona. And due to the fear this pandemic is spreading, suicide rates are climbing.

Hard times just keep coming, blow after blow.

最悪なことはなんで起こる? 神様がほんまに存在しとるなら、なんでこんなことをさせるじゃろ? 残酷な存在じゃない?
Why do such things happen? If God really exists, why does the terrible take place? Would we not typically call that cruelty?

But, the word of God gives us encouragement.


ローマ人への手紙 8:28 口語訳

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” 
Romans 8:28

In other words,

For those who love God and are led by Him, everything works out.


全て? うん、オールよ。何があっても。
Everything? Yes. ALL. No matter what.

When I came to Japan, my job sent me to Ehime. This was exactly as I had hoped. I had liked Ehime from before and wanted to know more of Shikoku.

But Ehime is not only the island of Shikoku; it encompasses the Seto Inland Sea. It was this area to which I was sent - to a remote island, no less. I was surprised. There was NOTHING there. The only thoroughfare was a boat that went out four times a day. For shopping, you had to go to a different island.

No convenience stores. Supermarkets? Nope. And no karaoke or bars for miles of sea.

Meanwhile, the other teachers were dispatched to better islands, had much to enjoy, could live comfortably, and meet cute local women. I was just surrounded by old men and old women. Haha.

'もー勘弁してくれ!'と思った。せっかく遠くから日本に来たのに、何もねぇ島に住むって何やん?! 毎週末日本人の先生たちは地元に帰って、家族とか恋人とかと一緒の時間をすごしていた。わしも退屈して寂しくて刑務島から毎週末出てた。でも、終便はめっちゃ早くて、日曜日に6時半ぐらい間に合えんと帰れんかった。
I thought, "Come on, are you kidding me?'' Despite coming all this way to Japan, I have to live on this desolate island? What a joke! Every weekend, the Japanese teachers left for their hometowns and spent time with family or partners. And I, top - bored and lonely - escaped the prison island every weekend. However, the last ship returned very early, which required me to be back by 6:30PM on Sunday. If I didn't make it on time, I didn't make it back home.

なんでワシ? 大爆笑
God, why here? And why me!

I continued living on the island for 2 years. Then, I moved to Hiroshima and became who I am now - a weird foreigner who speaks like he was born in Hiroshima.

2年間どうじゃった? 結局よくなった? まぁ、なれた。でも、好きになったって言えん。じゃあ、時間無駄じゃった? 全く。むしろ、振り返ると、その島でえかった! 自分じゃない国に住むのは大変なことがあるけど、海外の離島に住むのはまじですごい経験じゃった。日本語の能力がどんどん上がって、普段外人が味わえない経験がいっぱい出来て、心もメンタルも前より強くなって、忍耐も強くなってきた。方言にも慣れて自分のものになった。
So how were my 2 years on the island? Did they get better? Well, I got used to it. But I can't say I grew to like it. Was it a waste of time? Far from it. Actually, looking back, it was an amazing experience living on a remote island in a foreign country. My Japanese improved rapidly, I experienced things most foreigners wouldn't, my heart and mind grew stronger, and my patience matured. I also started using a Japanese dialect and made the language more personal to me.

An interesting story: one day, I was short on food, so I went to the sea, picked barnacles from the rocks, and made dinner with them.

こんな離島に住めるなら、何でも出来るんじゃないか! その島のおかげで、周りの日本人ともっと簡単に打ち解けられるようになったと思う。だって、deepジャパンに住んで身近に日本の文化を経験したから!
If I could live there, I could do anything! Thanks to that island, I can interact more easily with Japanese people. After all, I experienced Japanese culture with an intimate closeness.

I can honestly say thank God for it.

神様の計画はなんじゃった? わしは表現者じゃ。たくさんの人にええメッセージを伝えること。2年間苦しい体験のおかげで忍耐力もついて日本文化への知識を深めた。
What was God's plan? I am an expressive individual. God's plan is for me to share many wonderful stories with others. Thanks to my difficult 2 years on the island, my knowledge of Japanese culture deepened and I can share my stories better with Japanese people.

But, there are people who have it harder than I did. Just because you love God, you aren't guaranteed a life without hardship and, in extreme cases, death. However, what God promised:

For those who love God and are led by Him, everything works out.

is this.

もちろん、最悪なことや状況の中で、万事を益となる'ってなかなか見えんかも。わしのアメリカ人のbest friendは数年前恋人と結婚する予定じゃった。彼は仕事を辞めて、ノースカロライナ州からニューヨーク州まで引っ越して、恋人と同棲した。結婚の前に恋人から最悪な告白:
Of course, in the midst of hardship, it may be hard tl see how 'everything works together for good.' My best friend in America was engaged to his fiancee several years ago. He quit his job, packed up, and moved from our native North Carolina to New York, where she hailed from. Before they married, she announced something terrible:

"I'm sorry. I don't think I love you anymore.''

Crushed, he returned to North Carolina and seemed suicidal. Even as the years passed, he couldn't quite get over his past hurt. But he eventually found a woman he loved and married her. Unfortunately, they couldn't have a baby. For several reasons, she stopped loving my friend. Life hit him with another blow.

Once again, time passed.

とあるサイトで今結婚する女性と出逢って、その女性からキリスト教にまた引っ張られた。 その結果、その友達はわしもキリスト教にまた引っ張ってくれた。彼は多分宣教師としてアフリカに行く使命がある。危ない国に行っても、人生で苦労がいっぱいあったからこそ、彼は怖がらずに行ける。イエス・キリストの弟子のように、危険な場所でイエスの教えを教えられる人は重要!
Then, on a website, he met the woman he is going to marry this September. She also helped lead him back to his faith in Jesus, which years of hurt had damaged. As a result, he pulled me back into the good faith, and here I am, sharing my faith with you. Part of my friend's mission in life is ministering to people in Africa as a missionary. Though he may journey to dangerous lands, his life of hardship (and there was much, not just the crises of love) allows him to go without fear. We need people who, like Christ's disciples, go to hazardous places to teach the word of Christ!


I've another story to tell, but that's one for next time.

Whatever happens, believe in God, for he loves you deeply!

When you feel you can't take it anymore, remember this!

箴言 3:5-6 JA1955

心をつくして主に信頼せよ、自分の知識にたよってはならない。 すべての道で主を認めよ、そうすれば、主はあなたの道をまっすぐにされる。Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

わしは神様じゃないけぇ、なんで最悪なことが起こっとるか分からんかも。あなたがもっと強くなるためかも。あなたは次のステージに行けるためかも。あなたは周りの人を助けるため。自分の使命が分かるためかも。でも、神様を信じたら、力なり! 諦めないで下さい。
Because I'm not God, I unfortunately can't tell you why you're going through hard times. It may be to strengthen you. It may be to take you to your next stage. It may be so that you can help those around you. It may be for your to understand God's amazing purpose for your life. But, your faith in Him is your strength! Don't give up!

Thanks for reading.
I love you!
