
the box 19

I ordered the box.

If Koharu and Mutso-san are in the box,
they will never be seen.

In that way, the effects of the ritual
will not melt away
like at the time of my mother.

It is a box to protect
Koharu and Mutsuo-san.

If it is not tough,
it must be useless.

I searched the shop
where I could get the box
I really wanted.

Then, I managed to find
a woodworking factory
that was in charge of
undertaking woodworks.

I received the ideal box, which was truly
perfect more than I expected.

In this box, I will create a world
only for Koharu and Mutsuo-san.

The cross section of Koharu's legs and
Mutsuo-san's arms are arranged so that
the joint part of the bone tips are
popping out.

I put on fishnet tights and pumps
on Koharu's legs.

Then, I fixed them to the board
that is set as the lid of the box.

I attached the bones exposing joints
to the board.

Mutsuo-san's arms were also fixed
to the board in the same way.

Mutsuo-sans arms are
necessary in case of emergency.

I needed his hands to
hook the lock from the inside.

In addition, they may prevent the lid
from opening, and shut down the box.

This is the the structure
to protect Koharu.

When it comes to Plastination,
I'm an amateur itself.

The brain is covered by the skull.

I was worried weather
Mutsuo-san's head
had been properly antiseptic.

It cannot be corrupted.

Thus, as for Mutsuo-san's head,
I did everything I could.

First, I had all his hair shaved off.

I'm talking about the body hair of
stubble, eyebrows, and hair.

Inside the box,
an aquarium is attached
to the inner plate.

The tank was filled with half of the
low volatile alcohol.

In addition,
I put Mutsuo-san's head there.

The aquarium is supported
by metal fittings.

When I viewed the metal fittings from the side,
they are not only L-shaped but ring shaped.

The metal fittings are little strange and
have curtain rails.

Thus, I put on a short curtain.

Furthermore, I put an intravenous drip.

The content is ethanol.

I inject it into the thick blood vessel
of his neck.

To be honest,
I don't know if this will prevent his head
from corrupting.

In short, it's like a fortune charm.

However, the decoration
which I did for my mother was
including the psychological meaning
at most part.

Finally, I prepare the Koharu's heart.

There is nothing in this world
that scares you, Koharu.

Muttering like that in my mind,
I put Koharu's heart in a box.

Countless blood vessels
extend from the heart.

I fixed those blood vessels
on the ceiling of the box
and the inner wall.

Then, I attached the net
that covers the blood vessel.

At last, the ritual has been
done completely.

I was confident.

It is the same feeling as
when I impulsively decorated
my dead mother.

Unknowingly, I made an action
that had become a ritual...

I lost myself in creating
their worlds in a box.

The box lid has a round window.

The heart of Koharu can be seen
from the round window.

I was waiting for Koharu's heart to move.

After confirming the revive of
Koharu and Mutsuo‐san,

I will close the round window
completely from above.

I was kneeling in front of the box
and waiting for the two
to come back alive.

When it was my mother,
she called my name.

However, Koharu can't do it
in the current situation.

I just wait for the heart
to start moving.

It's taking a long time.

I kept sitting in front of the box.

I don't know how many hours
have been passed.

Koharu's heart does not move.

It's been a day
since the box was completed.

I never slept.

Forgetting to sleep and eat,
I was always watching the box
through the window.

Please bring Koharu and
Mutsuo-san back to life.


Three days have passed.

I become anxious.


They won't come to be alive...



My mother came to life again...

She revived and she became happy to
chat with me a lot...

why, Why, WHY...

Why don't you come back...

Oh my...

What should I...

It must be lie……

lie, Lie, LIE...

It’s a LIE……


That's not true.
They'll definitely come back to life...

I was desperate to wipe out
my bad feelings.

Koharu and her lovers will not be
able to come back to their life,
if I'm overwhelmed by bad feelings.

I thought the way,

with my full mind.

Please, please.

Just as like my mother, please.

I don't care myself at all.

I'll do anything to bring them back to life.

I don't need my life.










I was sore with tears,
sweat and runny nose.

I prayed and prayed
with all my mind.

I was hoping their alive and
cried out with a voice
similar to a scream.

Then I was fainted.

I returned to consciousness
and looked into the box.

It wasn't changed...

There is no sign that
Koharu and Mutsuo-san
will come back to life.


I might make a mistake in some point.

I realized that it was irreversible.

I am at countryside on winter.

There are no private houses around us.

It's truly quiet.

It's the same silence as just before
my mother revived.

However, Koharu and Mutsuo-san
will not come back to life.

There are just silence and despair.

I killed Koharu and Mutsuo-san.

"Ko, Koha, ru..."

I couldn't breathe well
and didn't make a voice properly.

Almost all my tears had been drained.

If Koharu was still alive,
she might have recovered from her phobia.

She might have been able to
join Mutsuo-san again.

I thought I could help her...

Koharu might become happy
as the same as my mother...
That's what I thought.

To tell the truth, I was so scared that
I couldn't see Koharu,
who would be suffered
as much as my mother.

I truly thought Koharu would be the same
as my mother, who kept blaming herself
and lost herself at last.

Therefore, I just wanted to help her.

Was I confused when I was a kid
and my mother died?...

Was the memory of my mother revived
a illusion that I created?...

I intended to help my mother...

Though, I couldn't help my mother either.

Mom, I'm sorry...



I killed Koharu...

I... have done awful thing...

What should I do……

I'm a worse human than Koharu's father
who tried to kill her.

I'm the same worse human as my father
who drove my mother to death.

I'm a murderer.

A terrible person like me
should not be alive.

Such terrible person like me should die and
compensate my life for them.

Of course, even if I die,
I won't be allowed.

I should die and fall into hell.

There were several medicine that
my mother would have taken.

I used to have a plan to
let Koharu have it.

However, this drug could
make her suffer when she lost her life.

Thus, I looked for another way
to take away her life.

And then, I reached the method
of euthanasia
and did not use the medicine.

I took the medicine
as much as my mother did.

It is a lethal dose.

I felt dizzy and nauseous.

At that time,
there was a noise in the box.

I think that something
I attached has fallen.

I'm so scared, and
I can't even look into the box.

I have all failed.

I've made a wrong way at all.

I couldn't even sit and lay down
due to the effect of medicine.


I'm sorry


I'm truly sorry

I've done a terrible thing
to Koharu and your loved one...



I can't be forgiven...

Koharu said she should have been born,

It's me, not Koharu...

I wish I had never been born at all...

It was a mistake that I was born...


I can't even open my eyes anymore.

However, I saw it in such a
fading consciousness.

The box is opening.

The box opens slowly...

Koharu's heart was moving.

It was certainly working.

And Mutsuo-san caressed
Koharu's beating heart.

To respond to his caress,
Koharu gently made a sound,
knocking the bottom of
the aquarium with heels.



It's great……

It is very nice.

The two love each other...

Both became……

truly happy...

I'm going to be dead,

but I am happy to see
how Koharu and Mutsuo-san
love each other.


It was fun to play with water
at the small park.

Thank you……


I really
really love you……

7,595 letters

日常と非日常を放浪し、その節々で見つけた一場面や思いをお伝えします♪♪ そんな旅するkonekoを支えて貰えたなら幸せです🌈🐈 闇深ければ、光もまた強し!がモットーです〇