
ニューヨークフェロー滞在記7/30〜8/2 |NY Fellow Diary 30th JUL -2nd Aug


7月29日 ストアフロント〜PS1










29th July storefront~PS1

I went to the storefront which is the place for art and architecture. Leili recommended today’s performance by experimental musician. Unfortunately his performance wasn’t really touching to me,  but exhibitions of Francisca Benítez were really interesting. She is not only artist but an activist. During the exhibition there are some activists event will be held.


In Japanese context, when you say political, it means social issue, vote, and gossip of the members of the congress. But issues of the local community is even more political. It means we reconsider what we are.

Then I went to PS1. They have some artists exhibition. Among of them, Puerto RIcan artist Daniel Lind-Ramos’s exhibition was really nice. He has created scripture by using a bunch of debris. Even though they were garbage, some of them expressed sacred feeling. Especially, trilogy of Maria were quite touched to me.
 Also research based project researched in the Egyptian community in Queen’s also interesting. I also need to research this kind of community.

7月30日 ストップ・ショッピング合唱団~ベケット・ウィメン

フランシスカ・ベニテスがこの合唱団グループに関わっているということで、ビリー牧師とストップ・ショッピング合唱団のパフォーマンスを観にイースト・ヴィレッジに行ってきた。Earth Chxrchと名付けられた会場は、元銀行だった建物。資本主義がこのアナーキックな会場に取って代わり、ストップ・ショッピング合唱団が何曲か歌うのだが、そのすべてが社会への抗議である。ファンチェスカの展覧会によると、彼らのパフォーマンスは路上で行われることもあるという。彼らの姿勢にはとても共感を覚えた。しかし、そのパフォーマンスの中で、ある種の宗教的なテイストが私には強すぎた。キリスト教というより、ヒッピー趣味。地球は友達、自然は美しい......。私にはちょっとひどすぎた。


しかし、2作目の『NOT I』はクソだった。この作品も2020年に電話で演出した。この演出家は、女優の口元に光を当てるだけのオーセンティックな方法を選んだ。上演中、女優はウクライナ語を使い、歌を歌うように発音する。なぜこのような大げさで無意味な英語からウクライナ語への変化を選んだのか理解できなかった。
最後の曲は『ロッカビー』。冒頭、ロッキングチェアのテンポの速さに驚いた。止まらない!(The time she stopsという台詞が繰り返される)このテンポが女性をとても立派に見せている。彼女は死なない、どうやら自分でロッキングチェアを動かしたようだ。彼女は観客に背中を見せ、観客は鏡越しに彼女を見ることができる。時々、彼女は踊るように腕を使う。なぜ足踏みをするのか?怒り?しかし、録音された声は弱い。

その後、フラッシングに移動し、「Home-O-Stasis」展を見た: フラッシングの生活と暮らし」展。






30th July Stop Shopping Choir~Beckett Women
I went to the East villedge to see a performance by Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir because Francisca Benítez involved this choir group. The venue named Earth Chxrch is the building ex. bank. Capitalism replaced  this anarchick venue and stop Shopping Choir sing some songs those all of the songs are protest to society. According to Fancesca’s Exhibition, sometimes their performance will be performed on the street. Their attitude is very sympathetic to me. But in the performance, some sort of taste of religion were too much for me. Not like christianity but more like hippie taste. Earth is friend, nature is beautiful this kind of thing they sang. It was a bit too much for me
I left their performance in the middle, I hurry to go to the theater Here. Me and Haruchi see the show ‘Beckett women’. This show is omnibus of beckett’s short pieces.
Here is a small venue. May be audience seats are less than 100, height is approx 4.5m. Acting area is broad.
First piece was footsteps. It was very good. Actress walked and talked very carefully on the mirror seat. The noise made by foot and mirror seat is also effective. And even though she didn’t express anything, I could feel her feelings.
But second piece ‘NOT I’ was shit. I also directed this piece by telephone in 2020. This director choose an authentic way which only uses light to the actress’s mouth. During the performance, the actress uses Ukrainian language and she pronounces like sing songs. I couldn’t understand shy they choose this exaggeration and meaningless change form English to Ukrine.
The last piece was Rockaby. In the beginning I was amazed that the tempo of the rocking chair was very fast. It won’t be stopped!(There is a repeated line ‘The time she stops’) This tempo makes the woman very fine. She won’t die, apparently she moved the rocking chair by herself. She shows her back to the audience, the audience can see her through the mirror. Sometimes she uses her arms like dancing. Why does she stomp? Anger? But the recorded voice was weak.
Careful stage light up and down. The show was finished. I couldn’t catch the meaning but I felt it was not her misinterpretation but her new interpretation. I wanted to talk to the director but I couldn’t.
Then move on to flushing and to watch exhibition ‘Home-O-Stasis: Life and Livelihoods in Flushing’.
Flushing is largest China town in NY. In this town, Chinese artists exhibit their art piece. But it wasn’t museum but  in a small shopping mall. In this mall some stores like cell phone, meat shop, and 99 €shop. Except habitats, no one needs to visit here, it's very local. 
In this mall, there are lot of message put on the glass door such like rent house, recruiting, and so on . Among this kind of message, there were art pieces like drawing, picture, installation. If you don’t know the information, you can’t find these pieces. Each pieces are very tiny and fits in with this environment. It was also treasure hunting like experiment. For me to be exhousted by art in the museum, it was really nice exhibition. 
I met grant mates  Shi-Yang, Chet, and Machi in this exhibition(Actually Machi shared this information to us.) We went to dim-sum restaurant.



31st of July Holiday 
Take a holiday. I sent an email to ACC. I asked the staff if I could move out from I-House. But I can’t because of the contract, she said. Is U.S free country??

8月1日 ピーターと




1st of Aug with Peter
If I’m a vinyl freak, I’ll be bankrupt in this city.
I went to the office of IDNYC near union square, but I didn’t bring some documents that they require. Fuck IDNYC. The next reservation is next month. Fuck.
I met with Peter Eckersal who is a professor at CUNY. He’ll invite me to his class this autumn. We talked a lot about my research, theater in NY, and Peter's piece(he also works as a dramaturg in his company). I was amazed that my master Hironobu Oikawa and Peter had a strong connection in the past. He also knows about molecular theater which is the theater company I deeply influenced. Ah, I can’t believe that I talk about them in NY. Both of them made really important contributions in the Japanese performance scene. 

8月2日 フェルデンクライスメソッド


2nd of Aug Feldenkrais Method
In Chambers Street, there is a big rehearsal studio complex named GIBNEY. It looks the place is not only an art piece but also an entertainment piece. But in this place, there is a class of Feldenkrais Method. This method is a body method that recognize his or her body precisely and feel slight connection in your body. 
Lay down on Yoga mat, and the teacher points out the parts of the body where we pay attention. Through this worming up already feel relax. Then we up our elbow, upo finger(both less than 1 inch), both sleep on my stomach and sleep on my back. Apparently my sense was changed by this slight movement. He often ask us ‘how do you feel?’ I think if i keep this training more, I can feel more and more slight feeling and find many path in my body. 
I went pool. Actually, nowadays NY is a bit cold, but I want to feel summer. My summer is finished. a

