
ドルの暴落がやってくる - ロバート・キヨサキ/RT(ロシアトゥデイ)より

Dollar crash coming – Robert Kiyosaki
ドルの暴落がやってくる - ロバート・キヨサキ

By 2025, faith in the greenback will be destroyed, the author claims

Famed writer and economist Robert Kiyosaki has warned investors that the stock markets are about to crash and the US economy is heading into a “depression.”

According to the ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ co-author, this will be fueled by the fact that the US Federal Reserve will print billions in “fake money.”

“Giant crash is coming. Depression possible,” Kiyosaki tweeted late Sunday.

He also wrote that by 2025, Bitcoin will hit $500,000, followed by $5,000 and $500 price marks for gold and silver respectively. He explained that this will be “because faith in the US dollar, fake money, will be destroyed,” adding that Bitcoin is the people’s money, and gold and silver are “God’s money.”
また、2025年にはビットコインが50万ドルに達し、その後、金と銀がそれぞれ5000ドル、500ドルの価格水準を記録すると記した。これは「USドルというフェイクマネーへの信仰が破壊されるから」と説明し、ビットコインは人々のお金であり、金と銀は "神のお金 "であると付け加えている。

巨大な暴落が来る。恐慌の可能性。FRBは何十億もの フェイクマネーを印刷することを余儀なくされた。2025年までに金は5000ドル、銀は500ドル、ビットコインは50万ドルになる。なぜか?米ドルという偽札への信頼が破壊されるから。金・銀は神様のお金。Bitcoinは人々のドルだ。気を付けて。

The spot price for gold is currently at $1,856.58 per ounce, with spot silver at $21.99 per ounce and Bitcoin at $21,864.

This is not the first time Kiyosaki has tweeted about an approaching market crash. He has made several similar warnings, tweeting that everything will crash, including the prices of gold, silver, and Bitcoin. This has caused some skepticism regarding his predictions.

Recently, Kiyosaki predicted an impending collapse of the financial markets, which could happen, he said, as early as this week. Analysts noted that he probably attributed the worsening of market conditions to US inflation data, which is due on February 14. Kiyosaki urged people not to panic and to increase their exposure to strong assets.
