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Hello! Today while I'm crocheting a mimosa motif, I'm going to talk about mimosa which is my channel name :D  I think it would be pretty to make motifs one by one, then bunch them together with a ribbon to make a corsage.

My channel name, Mimoza, (uniquely with a "z") is taken from the name of the flower.  Why did I choose Mimosa?
This flower is related to my birthday.

March 8th. This is  International Women's Day.
In Italy, it is customary for men to send mimosas to women on this day as Festa Della Donna (Women's Day). One of my Italian friends taught me about this custom a long time ago. Then I started to use it as my online name. By the way, it seems that the custom of sending mimosas began in Italy in 1946, immediately after World War II.
The habit of sending flowers is wonderful, isn't it?

There is also a mimosa festival in France, which is said to be held around February during the flowering season. A mimosa queen is elected every year. It seems like a fun festival. I would like to participate at least once.

Mimosas are very pretty especially when many small fluffy yellow flowers gather and bloom all at once on a tree, then when I see so much yellow, it makes me feel energetic. That's why mimosa is so special to me as a "birthday flower".

Also, while not directly related to flowers, there is a National Mimosa Day in the United States. This is the day of Mimosa drink(cocktails).  I sometimes order this cocktail because of the name Mimosa.  It is a yellow cocktail derived from mimosa flowers. Mimosas were invented at the Ritz Hotel in Paris in 1925, by the head bartender, Frank Meier. Mimosa is a common brunch drink and is also popular for weddings. I think it's palatable and easy to drink.

Now, regarding the flower language, there are meanings such as "gratitude," "true love," "secret love,"  as well as  "elegance”, ”sensitivity" and ”safety". Every meaning is wonderful, isn't it?

The mimosa flower typically represents the sun, like
yellow flowers growing in the clear blue sky.

Mimosa is generally thought of as a yellow flower, but in fact it also has white and orange flowers. It seems that there are different flower words depending on the color, white is "reliable person" "love over death", orange is "elegant".

I haven't investigated this, but who decides the flower language and how? Also, I guess the flower language may be different depending on the regions and languages.  If you are interested, please check it out.

Basic information about mimosa is that it is a plant of the genus Acacia and family Leguminosae, and the country of origin is Australia.  There are over  1200 mimosa tree species throughout the world.

Mimosa is the national flower of Australia. The national flowers of Japan are cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums (not officially). In the US it is said to be roses.  However, many of you may be more familiar with the state flowers. California state flower is the poppy. I like these too!
Do you know your prefecture flower? I don't know.

By the way, the yellow flower that we generally thought of as mimosa is Acacia dealbata.  The scientific name for mimosa is actually Mimosa pudica. They are similar, but different.
Both are legumes.

So why did the yellow Acacia dealbata come to be called mimosa?
When Acacia dealbata was brought to Europe, it came to be called "mimosa acacia" because "This is an acacia that resembles mimosa (Mimosa pudica)".  So they named yellow Acacia also as mimosa.

It's complicated,  but anyway the mimosa for me is a flower with a lot of yellow flowers and looks like small pompoms.

So, Today I talked about mimosa, which I also use as my channel name.  If you see them at a flower shop, please buy some and decorate your home.

I'll decorate with the mimosa motif that I'm making now, somewhere in my house.

That's it for today!  If you like this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to
my channel!  Thanks for watching! Hope to see you soon!








また花とは直接関係ないのですが、アメリカでnational Mimosa dayというのがあるそうです。こちらはカクテルの方のミモザの日だそうです。ミモザという名前に釣られてこのカクテルをたまに注文することがあります。やはりミモザの花に由来しているので黄色いカクテルです。これは1925年、パリのリッツホテルのバーテンダーフランクマイヤーによって開発されたということです。ミモザは一般的なブランチドリンクで、結婚式などでも人気だそうです。口当たりのいい飲みやすいお酒だと思います。







話が逸れましたが、一般的に私たちがミモザと聞いて思い浮かべるあの黄色いお花はフサアカシア(Acacia dealbata)のことでで、実はミモザの学名を持つのはオジギソウ(Mimosa pudica)の方です。似ているけど、色がピンクっぽいお花です。両方豆科の植物です。





