

タイトルの上の写真は使用しているカメラです。Canon EOS X50です。細かな汚れや傷があります。手入れもしっかりしなければと反省しています。

The picture above the title is the camera used. Canon EOS X50. There are fine dirt and scratches. I regret that I have to take good care of it.






This is a lens I haven't used recently. The left side is the standard lens that came as a set when the main unit was purchased. I hardly use it from the beginning. I used the right lens I purchased at the same time as the main one. It is a 50mm single focus lens. I was confused with the wide-angle lens, but I chose single focus. Because I thought it was cheap, I thought it was possible to shoot brightly, and I thought that it would be better to use a single focus to improve the shooting technique.

I'm still not sure if the technology has improved with the use of single focus lenses. That's not to say, but I've been using single-focal lenses all the time. The photo in the title has a single-focal lens that has been replaced.

The open F-number remains unchanged at 1.8, but some have been renewed. The exterior design and diaphragm blades have changed. Besides, the fact that it uses a gear-type stepping motor makes the movement during AF quite comfortable.

I was looking for a film camera that I used before, but I couldn't find it because I got lost somewhere when I moved. Unfortunately, have you thrown it away?


このカメラの存在を忘れていました。初めて購入したデジカメです。CASIO QV-700です。単三乾電池4本で駆動するのですが、もう動きませんでした。機械、いや道具って使用しないとダメになるんですよね。

ネットで調べました。このカメラ、CASO初の外部記憶メディアを採用したものだったようです。全然知らなかったです。ちなみに画素数が35万画素です。いま使用しているiphone XSが1200万画素、Canon EOS X50が1220万画素ですから、進歩したものです。画素数や性能が写真の全てではありませんがこんなに変わるものなんだと再確認しました。


I forgot the existence of this camera. It is the first digital camera I purchased. It is CASIO QV-700. It was powered by 4 AA batteries, but it didn't work anymore. If you don't use a machine or a tool, it will be useless.

I searched on the net. This camera seems to have adopted CASO's first external storage medium. I didn't know at all. By the way, the number of pixels is 350,000. This is an improvement because the iphone XS that I am using now has 12 million pixels and the Canon EOS X50 has 12.2 million pixels. I reconfirmed that the number of pixels and performance are not all in the picture, but they will change so much.

I could save this camera to a compact flash external medium, but I left it in the main body. I pulled out the card reader and loaded it into the mac. It won't open. It had an unfamiliar extension called a cam file. I searched on the internet and immediately found software that could be converted. And I opened one.



I don't remember well, but it's probably a night view rather than an evening shot from my old mansion. I think the moon shines above. Of course, the image quality is poor, but this is not bad either.
