
Strange dream

I have strange dreams, but I don't often remember them or write about them.
Last night's strange dream I do remember:
I was it a prison camp in a foreign country (I'm not sure what country it was). None of the other prisoners acknowledged that they were in a prison camp and they seemed comfortable. I asked "what are the rules here?" but they just looked at me with a blank stare as if to say, "You'll have to figure that out on your own. I could get into a car and drive, but I always ended up back in the camp no matter what direction I went. I was free, but not free. It's as if we were put there so as not to interact with the general population whoever they were. Someone who seemed to be a doctor was complaining that he had no help, but I noticed that everyone was healthy and it was never clear why he was complaining. It was here that the dream (nightmare) ended.
