
Job Hunting Guide

At Living in Peace (LIP), our posts are focused on providing basics to foreign-born stude…


vol.10 Group Discussion-Job Hunting Guide for International Students

This is Living in Peace (LIP) Refugee Project. So far, we have been giving you tips on preparing resumes, entry sheets, and interviews. In this article, we would like to talk about “Group Discussions”, which is an important part of job hun

Vol. 9 Hiring types in Japan - Job-hunting Guide for International Students

Hello, everyone! In this post, we would like to discuss hiring and employment types in Japan, which are very different from Western (American/European) companies. ◆Typical hiring style in JapanIn short, hiring in Japan is similar to a mem

Vol. 8 Status of Residence - Job-hunting Guide for International Students

Hello everyone! In this post, we would like to discuss visas and how to renew them when onboarding a new job. Please feel free to share this with your family and friends who may find this post helpful. ◆What is a visa?In short, a visa is y

Vol. 7 Preparing for Interview - Job-hunting Guide for International Students

Hello everyone! Finally, after all the job-hunting preparation, let’s talk about interviews. In this post, we will focus on job-hunting interviews in Japan. We will include general interview questions, appropriate answers, and questions t

Vol. 6 Useful Information & Websites - Job-hunting Guide for International Students

Hello everyone! In the last post, we discussed how to analyze companies and gather relevant information. This time, we summarized some websites that provide helpful information to international students on job-hunting. ◆Job-hunting Info

Vol. 5 Company Analysis - Job-hunting Guide for International Students

Hello everyone! One key for job-hunting is company analysis (job analysis). It is as critical as self-analysis, which we discussed in the previous post. We recommend doing company analysis earlier to prepare better for your rirekisho and e

Vol.4 Self-Analysis - Job Hunting Guide for International Students

Hello everyone! For your job hunting, there is the preparation that is best done beforehand. One part of this preparation is self-analysis, and another is job-analysis. In this post, we summarize how you can better analyze yourself and

Vol.3 Job-Hunting Schedules - Job Hunting Guide for International Students

Hello everyone! At Living in Peace (LIP), we are supporting refugees in Japan on Japanese job-hunting process. Job-hunting in Japan has some unique characteristics: These points could be obstacles for foreign students if not known beforeh

Vol.2 Entry Sheet - Job Hunting Guide for International Students

Hello again from the LIP Refugee Project team! In our last post we began discussing the first hurdle in applying to jobs: the Rirekisho. We also briefly mentioned the Entry Sheet, which will be our focus for today’s post. Similarly, there

Vol.1 Rirekisho - Job Hunting Guide for International Students

Hello everyone! At Living in Peace (LIP), our posts are focused on providing basics to foreign-born students on the Japanese job-hunting process, referred to as “Shushoku Katsudou”, or simply, “Shukatsu”, as we will refer to it in this po