
Job Hunting Guide

At Living in Peace (LIP), our posts are focused on providing basics to foreign-born stude…


キャリア相談を受け付けています!(難民等の方々向け)[Career Support Counseling For Refugees] 日本での就職活動ガイド【番外編】

===English follows Japanese=== ❑インターン・就活等のキャリアに関するお悩み、いつでもご相談くださいこんにちは、認定NPO法人Living in Peace(以下、LIP)難民プロジェクトです。キャリアのことや、就職活動で困ったとき、だれに、どんなふうに相談してよいかわからず悩んでいませんか? LIPでは、難民等の方々の就職活動・就職に関するご相談を「キャリアサポート相談窓口」にて常時受け付けております。こちらの相談窓口は、国連難民高等弁務官

vol.11 Job Hunting from HR's Perspective - Job Hunting Guide for International Students

This is Living in Peace (LIP) Refugee Project. After interviewing HR professionals from many industries, we've put together some Q&A that job hunters may be interested in. Please take a look. ◆What is the recruiting schedule like?Most co

vol.10 Group Discussion-Job Hunting Guide for International Students

This is Living in Peace (LIP) Refugee Project. So far, we have been giving you tips on preparing resumes, entry sheets, and interviews. In this article, we would like to talk about “Group Discussions”, which is an important part of job hun

Vol.2 Entry Sheet - Job Hunting Guide for International Students

Hello again from the LIP Refugee Project team! In our last post we began discussing the first hurdle in applying to jobs: the Rirekisho. We also briefly mentioned the Entry Sheet, which will be our focus for today’s post. Similarly, there

Vol.1 Rirekisho - Job Hunting Guide for International Students

Hello everyone! At Living in Peace (LIP), our posts are focused on providing basics to foreign-born students on the Japanese job-hunting process, referred to as “Shushoku Katsudou”, or simply, “Shukatsu”, as we will refer to it in this po