
the person I most want to meet now



私は、2025年リッツカールトンホテル福岡でJapan Art Partyを開催します。私は、今まで、ダンスをホテルのパーティーでしか踊って来ませんでしたが、新型コロナウイルス感染症流行時に、何年も治療効果が見られなかったうつ病の患者さんが私のダンスで一瞬で笑顔になったことがきっかけで、もっとたくさんの人を私のダンスで元気にしたいと思うようになりました。




数年前に、私はディズニーの「I see the light」という曲でスローフォックストロットを踊りました。愛する人に感謝の気持ちを表現したくて、自分の想いや願いを形にしたものです。今まで、自分のためだけに踊っていた私が、初めて人に感謝と愛を表現したくて踊ったダンスです。













私の予防ケアイベント、Kyoko’s Health Care Japan Art Partyは世界中に発信したい。世界中の人に感動してもらいたい。ダンスに言葉の壁はない。私には武器がたくさんある。私のような者でも夢を叶えようと頑張れる街です。



Beauty Japan Wellnessで優勝した人は、皆、自分が住む街の市長に合えています。もしかして、私も会えるかも。願いは叶う。会える気がしています。


I live in Fukuoka, Japan. Fukuoka is a unique city in the world, with both sea and mountains, good food and an airport in the city.
I believe that living in harmony with nature is most important for my health. There is now a working space in Aburayama where you can work in nature. I think it is the best city.
I am organising a Japan Art Party at the Ritz Carlton Hotel Fukuoka in 2025. I have only danced at hotel parties, but during the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection, a patient with depression who had not responded to treatment for years instantly smiled when I danced, which inspired me to want to inspire more people with my dance. I have been doing this for a few seconds now, but I have been able to do many different things.
Now I dance for a few seconds, but I dance in many different places.
I have been told that ballroom dancing is expensive. It is true that many wealthy people are among the customers. Nevertheless, it has a certain appeal that even I, a commoner, would like to continue it for the rest of my life, even if I have to put up with other things.
My dream is to become a dancer who impresses people, so I have been dancing show dances once a year at hotel parties, thinking only of acquiring skills. Until now, I have never been satisfied with my dancing. Even if the teacher praised me or the people watching me said it was good.
A few years ago I danced a slow foxtrot to the Disney song ‘I see the light’. It was a form of my thoughts and wishes to express my gratitude to my loved ones. I used to dance only for myself, but for the first time I danced this dance to express my gratitude and love to others.
After dancing this dance, I could feel that my body was under my control.
The combination of my desire for more people to see me dance and the realisation that I am better than when I started dancing led me to integrate dance into my preventive care project. It has been confirmed in clinical practice that music and dance can be an alternative to medication. Science has also proven that emotion repairs genes.
The dream I want to realise coincides with everyone’s health and happiness.
Fukuoka City is a city with generous support for entrepreneurship. I have only worked in a hospital, but there is an environment where I can consult with people as often as I want. That was also handled by a lecturer at the Globis Management Institute. I think I am the type of person who puts emotions before numbers. Nursing is developed with an emphasis on scientific evidence, but I have always valued the idea of care that captures feelings and the heart. This is because the patient’s behaviour changes when the heart is present. Both are important, but I think Fukuoka City is the only support system where reasonable opinions can be given.
People move to Fukuoka City to fulfil their dreams, not only from within Japan but also from abroad. I have recently learnt about this.
I saw Mayor Takashima explaining on SNS his vision and implementation status of the kind of city he wants to become and the kind of city he wants to be. What impressed me the most was the way he talked about the sense of excitement. When I saw the video, I felt that he is really great and that he really thinks about us, the citizens, properly. Because he is making the city a place of dreams and hopes for the future of our children.
I love people whose words match their actions.
I also believe that Fukuoka’s charm is world-class. I have been going on business trips to the Kansai and Kanto regions more and more often, and for some reason I have felt that Kyushu is considered to be like another country. They think it is very far away.
I used to go to Kansai a lot for dancing, so I feel that within Japan it is very close. There are direct flights to Singapore.
The attraction of Fukuoka is not well known to the world.
I can show the world what Fukuoka has to offer with dance, Japanese culture and traditional performing arts. I am now gathering information about Metaverse as well.
Of course, the best way for people to enjoy it is to come to Fukuoka, but it can be achieved even if they cannot come. That is the virtual world. We live in an age where we can connect the real and the virtual, and connect with people from all over the world in the real world.
I want my preventive care event, Kyoko’s Health Care Japan Art Party, to reach the world. I want people all over the world to be moved. There is no language barrier in dance. I have many weapons. This is a city where even someone like me can work hard to realise my dreams.
Thanks to Mayor Takashima’s exciting concept.
I heard that the Agency for Cultural Affairs has allocated a budget of six billion for art over three years. I want Fukuoka to spend a lot of money. We want to boost Fukuoka. We want to share the charm of Fukuoka with everyone. We want everyone to be happy.
The winners of Beauty Japan Wellness have all met the mayor of the city they live in. Maybe I can meet him too. Wishes come true. I feel like I can meet him.
I create my own future. I am the one who creates the future. I will run through the rest of my life as fast as I can.
