
konnoduoの全編英詞アルバム"You are so cool"配信開始!

7月29日よりkonnoduo待望のニューアルバム"You are so cool"が配信開始されました。spotifyやApple music、LINE MUSIC他多くのストリーミングサイトにてお聴き頂けます。



まず今回のアルバム"You are so cool"は全編英詞です。何故かと言うとkonnoduoは英国ソングライティングコンテストでの最高評価5つ星獲得や、音楽ストリーミングサービスサイトaudiusでの「イイね」や"Reposted"の数など、海外での評価の方が国内よりも圧倒的に高いからです。


1. secret party

Ah secret party
Rattle snake dances in the fire
The medicine is ready soon
Ah secret party
"The angel of death is smiling behind you"
Jim said, and rode a horse

The lizard king poet is a dead rock star
Leave the graveyard in Paris

It's like Brecht
Kurt Weill's Mahagonny

Père-Lachaise reaches
out for evil to pull people in

Ah secret party
Organ, the sound is like a witch's voice
Dazzle and
confuse the night
Ah secret party
Ride the Crystal Ship on the River of Thoughts!
Ray is screaming from the other side

The lizard king poet is a dead rock star
Dance in the city of LA
It ’s like a tribal
It's like a rain-making dance and prayed

Père-Lachaise reaches
out for evil to pull people in

2. adieu

When you say goodbye,
The curtain shook in the wind
and she said

"Shall we decorate the room with some roses? again"

I don't know why, but she said she brought a rose from the yard.

and she took out the vase in the cabinet 

When you say goodbye,
cat sleeping on the couch woke up
and he went out to the yard.
I put the magazine on the desk.

and I waited for a long time after
your story.

but no words were ever spoken
from your mouth.

Drowning in sweet fragrance and wine,
we spend the night
but now, this room is dark and quiet,
like in a tired whale's stomach.

There is no one there.
The end is about to begin


3. the old clown

Sunday morning
an old clown wears a hat
and stands on the stage of the park

stand on the stage made with a beer case
and it's time for the
old clown show

bright yellow balloon
swallowtail butterfly
bend a balloon in the shape of a butterfly
and raised it high,
old clown said

This balloon butterfly will fly
in the sky by my magic.
can you believe it?

If you believe that even
the balloon butterfly
can fly in the sky,
you will be saved

Those who believe will be saved

sunday morning
an old clown
cast a spell on the balloon butterfly

and he also
breathed on it many times
then the balloon
inflated and burst.

Lots of yellow
Swallowtail butterfly
It came out of the balloon
and fluttered in to the sky.
and the show is over

The old clown took off his hat and bowed deeply
but no one cares without
voice of praise so
old clown
just leave the stage
old clown
just leave the stage

but the show will be held
next week

This is the end of this story

4. You are so cool
この曲は自分の中ではまさにカエターノ・ヴェローゾっぽいと思っています。でも実はこの曲を作ったのは僕が20歳そこそこの頃で、その時は速いテンポの8ビートのロックンロールっぽいアレンジで、これとはだいぶ違います。正直言うと、カエターノ・ヴェローゾ版ニルヴァーナのCome as you areにも影響されています。
"あなたのことをとても尊敬していますが、これ以上はついていけない。なぜならあなたは自分でOther sideに旅立ってしまったから"

You shot your head with a shotgun
on a creepy night.
A hungry mouse sniffs your blood and is
coming to bite.
but you have a very happy smile to die
No one but the club members can
understand why.

How did you feel when you were young
and got everything?
Does it feel like you've lost all hope?

I couldn't see anything in the moonlight
Cold night breeze,can you hold me tight?
What did you think of love?
Please answer
I want to know the answer.
but it's in your number
How did you feel when you were young
and got everything?
Does it feel like you've lost all hope?

You are so cool.
I have always felt that way
but I can't go with you
You are so cool.
but you should go on this trip alone tonight
You are so cool.
I have always felt that way
but you were cowardly
You are so cool.
but have you ever thought about the people left behind?

5. the space goldfish


I'm riding an old Kawasaki
and brilliantly pulling you
out swimming in the ocean towards the paper moon

I longed for deep-sea fish,
so I painted midnight black.
Then she got angry and said to me,
"What are you doing my bedroom?"

Chased by mad scientists, my Suzuki Samurai changed lanes many times
I feel like Jim Clark and overtake some hybrid cars

the space goldfish
Run away to the moon
the space goldfish
Before the sun rises

If you and your fellow rabbit could
cross the vast scorching desert with this selfish,camel, 
you could become a pharaoh.

The boarding airplane is a trouble
When descending with a parachute
The stars are like sapphire blue

She said, "I like sake," but instead of touching the glass, she stares behind the bartender and says, "I want to eat the goldfish in the Cheap small aquarium."

the space goldfish
Run away to the moon
the space goldfish
Before the sun rises
Through the stratosphere
Run away to the moon

Je ne comprends pas ce que tu dis

6. the sinful flower

He put a bouquet
of white roses on
his bloody chest,
Get a sleep in the casket
He will never
wake up again.

So we never hear that lonely and gentle voice
His consciousness is
Drowning in sweet memories.

THE lonely ghost
wanders through an
abandoned hotel
in search of something

Now there is no one
in the whisky bar

the ghost Cry
for the
of the past
The sinful flower
have finally withered.
have finally withered.

The sinful flower
is gone.

