
2019:7/24報告 財政難

Human Rights Committee holds informal meeting with states parties



Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Costa Rica
United States of America


24 July 2019 - The Human Rights Committee this afternoon held an informal meeting with States parties to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The discussion centred on the reform of the treaty bodies, the improvement of the working methods of the Committee, and the Committee’s draft General Comment on the right of assembly.

2019年7月24日-人権委員会は本日午後、市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約の締約国との非公式会議を開催しました。 議論の中心は、条約機関の改革、委員会の作業方法の改善、および集会権に関する委員会の一般的意見草案です。

Committee Chairperson Ahmed Amin Fathala, in his opening remarks, noted that the Chairs of the treaty bodies had met in New York in June to produce a common vision on the improvement of the functioning of the treaty bodies. 


The three Vice-Chairs of the Committee described a number of measures discussed to rationalise the work of the Committee and to coordinate its work with other treaty bodies. They said that the simplified reporting procedure had been successfully tested and would now become the regular procedure. States would soon be informed by this, and they had the option of opting out and continuing with the old reporting procedure. The Vice-Chairs also noted that the list of issues would be limited to 25 questions.

委員会の3人の副議長は、委員会の作業を合理化し、その作業を他の条約機関と調整するために議論された多くの措置を説明した。 彼らは、簡素化された報告手順が正常にテストされ、現在は通常の手順になると述べた。 これはすぐに州に通知され、古い報告手順をオプトアウトして続行するオプションがありました。 また、副議長は、問題のリストは25の質問に限定されると指摘した。

Concerning the budget, Mr. Fathala said the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, had assured that the third session of the Human Rights Committee in the fall of 2019 would be held. As for 2020, the situation depended on States, who provided the funds and voted on how it would be spent.
Speaking in the discussion were Paraguay, Spain, France, Iran, Tunisia, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Pakistan, Costa Rica, Egypt and the United States.
The Committee will next meet on Friday, 26 July in the afternoon to conclude its one hundred and twenty-sixth session and adopt its concluding remarks on the Netherlands, Tajikistan, Nigeria, Mauritania, Paraguay and Equatorial Guinea. 

予算に関して、ファタラ氏は、国連事務総長のアントニオ・グテーレスが、2019年秋に第3回人権委員会が開催されることを保証したと述べた。 2020年に関しては、状況は国に依存しており、各国は資金を提供し、それがどのように使われるかについて投票しました。

Statements by Committee Experts 


AHMED AMIN FATHALA, Committee Chairperson, in his opening remarks, noted that the Chairs of the treaty bodies had met in New York in June to produce a common vision on the improvement of the functioning of the treaty bodies. They had discussed reducing the unnecessary overlap between lists of issues and limiting the lists of issues to 25 questions, in order to simplify the work of States. The idea of a consolidated report to be presented to Committees was discussed and would be possible in certain cases. The Chairs also discussed making concluding observations more concise. The Chairs proposed measures to accelerate the examination of reports, for example for a committee to work in two chambers on individual communications. Mr. Fathala said the aim was to better coordinate the dialogues with States and to synchronise the examination of reports. 

委員長のファタラ氏は、開会の挨拶で、条約機関の機能の改善に関する共通のビジョンを生み出すために、条約機関の議長が6月にニューヨークで会合したことに留意した。 彼らは、国家の作業を簡素化するために、問題のリスト間の不必要な重複を減らし、問題のリストを25の質問に制限することを議論しました。 委員会に提出される統合報告書のアイデアが議論され、特定の場合に可能になるでしょう。 議長は、結論の観察をより簡潔にすることも議論した。 議長は、報告書の審査を加速するための措置を提案しました。例えば、委員会が個々のコミュニケーションに関する2つの会議室で活動するためです。 ファタラ氏は、目的は国家との対話をより良く調整し、報告書の審査を同期させることであると述べた。

Concerning the simplified reporting process, the Chairs agreed that all treaty bodies could offer it for all periodic reports, but they still had to decide about initial reports. All treaty bodies would coordinate lists of issues to ensure that they were comprehensive and that there was no overlapping. On the reporting cycle, the Committee on Civil and Political Rights and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights had decided to review countries on an eight-year cycle and to synchronize them. This involved only these two committees. Some States were interested in holding back-to-back reviews, while others were more interested in spacing out the reporting process. For follow-up, the Committee had agreed to have a maximum of four urgent recommendations, and States would be given two years to reply to them. The Committee had also agreed to increase its capacity to review reports of States parties, and it was now dealing with individual committees in two chambers. 

簡素化された報告プロセスに関して、議長は、すべての条約機関がすべての定期的報告のためにそれを提供できることに同意したが、彼らはまだ最初の報告について決定しなければならなかった。 すべての条約機関は、問題のリストを調整して、それらが包括的で重複しないようにしました。 報告サイクルでは、市民的および政治的権利に関する委員会と経済的、社会的および文化的権利に関する委員会は、8年間のサイクルで各国を見直し、それらを同期することを決定しました。 これには、これら2つの委員会のみが関与しました。 いくつかの州は、連続したレビューの開催に関心があり、他の州は、報告プロセスの間隔を空けることに関心がありました。 フォローアップのために、委員会は最大4つの緊急勧告を行うことに同意しており、州はそれらに回答するために2年を与えられます。 委員会はまた、締約国の報告書をレビューする能力を高めることに同意しており、現在は2つの会議室の個々の委員会を扱っている。

Mr. Fathala said the Chairs of the treaty bodies had agreed to align their procedures and working methods, and this would coordinate and streamline the dialogue process for States. He reminded that the Chairs had met in New York from 22 to 26 June, and had met with the Secretary-General to discuss the financial crisis of the United Nations and how it was affecting the treaty bodies; they had also met with Member States of the United Nations and with civil society.

ファタラ氏は、条約機関の議長が手順と作業方法を調整することに同意し、これにより国家の対話プロセスを調整し合理化すると述べた。 彼は、6月22日から26日までニューヨークで議長が会合し、事務総長と会合して国連の金融危機とそれが条約機関にどのような影響を与えているかを議論したことを思い出した。 彼らはまた、国連加盟国や市民社会とも会っていました。

YUVAL SHANY, Committee Vice-Chairperson, said he had served as the Committee’s focal point for the 2020 review of resolution 68/268 on strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the human rights treaty body system. The Committee adopted in its March 2019 session a position paper on certain elements which they would like to see as outcomes of the 2020 process. These elements were largely endorsed by the vision document adopted by the Chairs of the treaty bodies in June 2019. Most of the main elements agreed on would allow the treaty bodies to increase the efficiency of their work and enhance the sustainability of the treaty body system. What they offered was budget neutral vis-à-vis the 68/268 formula. On individual communications, the backlog continued to grow because in the last biennium, less than 50 per cent of the staffing requested by the Office of the High Commissioner to prepare the extra weeks was allocated. Concerning simplified reporting, the Committee had adopted simplified reporting, or list of issues prior to reporting as a permanent feature of its procedures and encouraged Member States to switch to it. The Committee also decided to limit the number of questions on each list of issues to 25 questions. The Committee had adopted certain measures to increase coordination and predictability of the reporting process, and its first predictable review cycle for 2020-2027 would be published in the coming weeks. 


PHOTINI PAZARTZIS, Committee Vice-Chairperson, said she would focus on the main elements of the measures taken in order to enhance the work of the Committee. The Committee had decided to adopt the simplified reporting procedure as a permanent feature, as this would make reporting more focused for the States parties and would increase efficiency and the burden of over-reporting. The Committee had seen a positive response from States. The Committee had decided to make the simplified reporting procedure the rule, but States that wished could opt out of the procedure and go back to the old reporting procedure would be able to do so. A list of issues would be limited to 25 questions. States would be informed by the secretariat on this. The Committee was looking at aligning the lists of issues with other Committees and keeping in mind what other Committees were doing so as not to duplicate work. The Committee had adopted a new set of rules, including the possibility to examine individual communications in dual chambers, and also the use of a thorough, complete and expedited process for repetitive issues. 

委員会副議長のPHOTINI PAZARTZISは、委員会の作業を強化するために講じられた対策の主要な要素に焦点を当てると述べた。委員会は、簡素化された報告手順を恒久的な特徴として採用することを決定しました。これにより、報告は締約国により焦点が絞られ、効率と過剰報告の負担が増すからです。委員会は、州からの肯定的な反応を見た。委員会は、簡素化された報告手順を規則にすることを決定しましたが、希望する国は手順をオプトアウトし、古い報告手順に戻ることができます。問題のリストは25の質問に制限されます。これについては、事務局から州に通知されます。委員会は、問題のリストを他の委員会と整合させ、作業を重複させないために他の委員会が行っていることを念頭に置いていました。委員会は、デュアルチャンバーでの個々のコミュニケーションを検討する可能性、および反復的な問題に対する徹底的で完全かつ迅速なプロセスの使用を含む、新しいルールセットを採用しました。

TANIA MARIA ABDO ROCHOLL, Committee Vice-Chairperson, said the Committee had started its first reading of the General Comment on article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on the right of peaceful assembly. It would provide States parties with interpretation of this important right. It also raised new issues, like how social networks were now used broadly to reach participants and inform about what was happening. The Committee hoped that the first draft would be ready by the end of the year, and it would then be made available to the public and to States to allow them to provide detailed comments. The Committee hoped the General Comment would be finalized in 2020. 

TANIA MARIA ABDO ROCHOLL委員会副議長は、委員会が平和的集会権に関する市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約第21条に関する一般的コメントの最初の読み上げを開始したと述べた。 それは、締約国にこの重要な権利の解釈を提供するでしょう。 また、参加者に連絡を取り、何が起こっているかを知らせるためにソーシャルネットワークが広く使用されるようになったなど、新しい問題も提起されました。 委員会は、最初の草案が年末までに準備ができ、その後、国民および国が詳細なコメントを提供できるようにすることを望んでいました。 委員会は、一般コメントが2020年に最終決定されることを望んだ。

Statements by States


Paraguay said it fully supported the work of the treaty bodies to ensure the protection of human rights. Paraguay believed that improvements needed to be made in the working methods to improve the efficiency of the treaty bodies. The differences in the methods of work of the treaty bodies led to a lack of understanding among States. Paraguay also believed that the calendar of the Committee must take into consideration a State’s scheduled dialogue with other Committees as well as the Universal Periodic Review process. 

パラグアイは、人権の保護を確保するための条約機関の作業を完全に支援したと述べた。 パラグアイは、条約機関の効率を改善するために作業方法を改善する必要があると考えていました。 条約機関の作業方法の違いは、国家間の理解不足につながりました。 パラグアイはまた、委員会のカレンダーは、他の委員会との国家のスケジュールされた対話および普遍的定期審査プロセスを考慮しなければならないと考えました。

Spain expressed its support for the work of the Committee and the whole treaty body system. Spain recommended that the Committee declare inadmissible individual communications that had already been examined by another international court, like the European Court of Justice. Spain did not agree with how the Committee looked at this issue. On the draft General Comment, Spain requested clarification on objects that may be interpreted as weapons, and also what was meant by serious violence. 

スペインは、委員会の作業および条約機関システム全体に対する支持を表明した。 スペインは、欧州司法裁判所のような別の国際法廷ですでに審査された容認できない個人の通信を委員会が宣言することを推奨した。 スペインは、委員会がこの問題をどのように見ているかに同意しなかった。 一般コメントのドラフトで、スペインは武器と解釈される可能性のあるオブジェクトと、深刻な暴力が意味するものについての明確化を要求します。

France believed the Human Rights Committee was a major pillar of the international human rights system and it supported the work of the treaty bodies. It recommended that the Committee compare the compatibility of its General Comments with international jurisprudence, as the divergence of interpretation was problematic. A dialogue between judges and Committee Experts would benefit human rights. 

フランスは、人権委員会が国際人権システムの主要な柱であり、条約機関の活動を支援すると信じています。 委員会は、解釈の相違に問題があるため、委員会が一般的なコメントと国際法学との適合性を比較することを推奨します。 裁判官と委員会の専門家との対話は、人権に利益をもたらすでしょう。

Iran said the choice of Committee Experts should better reflect equal geographic representation and also diverse judicial systems. Different cultures and civilizations should be taken into consideration by the treaty bodies, as some issues raised by them were against the cultures and religions of the States. Many States had to deal with the effect of unilateral coercive measures. Could the Committee consider drafting a General Comment on the negative impact of unilateral sanctions on States. 

イランは、委員会の専門家の選択は、平等な地理的表現と多様な司法制度をよりよく反映すべきだと述べさせていただく。 異なる文化や文明は、条約機関によって考慮されるべきです。それらによって提起されたいくつかの問題は、国家の文化や宗教に反するものだったからです。 多くの国は、一方的な強制的措置の効果に対処しなければなりませんでした。 (国連人権)委員会は、国家に対する一方的な制裁の負の影響に関する一般的意見の草案を検討することができるのでしょうか。

Responses by the Committee


In response, the Committee Experts said that one of the purposes of resolution 68/268 was to tackle the differences in the working methods of the various treaty bodies and now they would all almost have the same working methods. The Chairs of the treaty bodies were also working on the issue of the calendar. Their document following the June meeting dealt with moving toward the simplified reporting procedure, the alignment of the methods of work of the Committees, and their greater productivity. The Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural rights were collaborating closely. As for the 2020 review of the treaty body system, there was a need to work together on a new resolution that had to deal with many issues. States had to examine the situation of funding. As for visits to the regions, this was an interesting idea, but it would need funds. 

これに対して、委員会の専門家は、決議68/268の目的の1つは、さまざまな条約機関の作業方法の違いに取り組むことであり、現在はほぼすべて同じ作業方法を使用することになると述べました。 条約機関の議長もカレンダーの問題に取り組んでいた。 6月の会議に続く彼らの文書は、簡素化された報告手順、委員会の作業方法の調整、および生産性の向上に向けて取り扱われました。 人権委員会と経済的、社会的および文化的権利に関する委員会は緊密に協力していた。 条約機関システムの2020年のレビューに関しては、多くの問題に対処しなければならなかった新しい決議に協力する必要がありました。 国家は資金の状況を調査しなければなりませんでした。 地域への訪問に関しては、これは興味深いアイデアでしたが、資金が必要です。

One Expert said the Committee had to strike a balance between the different elements related to the respect of civilizations and cultures and the universality of human rights. On the draft General Comment on the right of assembly, an Expert said General Comments provided updated interpretation of articles. States were always involved in the process and their comments were incorporated as much as possible. Concerning individual communications and their consideration by other international entities, each entity had its different rules. They lived in a world with many mechanisms and courts working on human rights, but each worked in a legal environment with specific rules, and this could lead to divergent interpretations of issues. The Committee was conscious of this issue, but it was also aware of what was happening in the world and what other courts were doing. The comment by the State party was well taken and the Committee understood that States did not want to repetitively take up the same issue. 


Concerning the comment on the independence of the various treaty body Experts, an Expert said that it was States that presented their candidates and that evaluated and voted for them. So this issue was in the hand of States, not the treaty bodies. 

様々な条約機関の専門家の独立性に関するコメントに関して、ある専門家は、候補者を提示し、評価し、投票したのは国であると述べた。 したがって、この問題は、条約機関ではなく、国家の手にありました。

Statements by States


Tunisia reiterated its commitment to cooperate with all the treaty bodies, including the Human Rights Committee. Tunisia welcomed all efforts to improve the efficiency of the treaty bodies and to ensure more openness with Member States.
Tunisia believed that the implementation of recommendations of the treaty bodies and follow-up to recommendations was vital. At the same time, each State should take ownership of the recommendations. Did the treaty bodies have a vision on ways in which national human rights mechanisms could be supported, as they had a vital role to play in this procedure. 

チュニジアは、人権委員会を含むすべての条約機関と協力するというコミットメントを繰り返します。 チュニジアは、条約機関の効率を改善し、加盟国との開放性を確保するためのあらゆる努力を歓迎しました。
チュニジアは、条約機関の勧告の実施と勧告へのフォローアップが不可欠であると信じています。 同時に、各国は勧告の所有権を取得する必要があります。 条約機関は、この手順で重要な役割を果たすため、国内の人権メカニズムをサポートする方法についてビジョンを持っているのでしょうか。

Germany said it was encouraging to see the progress that had been made on the issue of the reform of treaty bodies. The situation of the budget was difficult and multi-layered. Could the Committee say more about what the Secretary-General had told the treaty bodies about the budgetary situation. As for individual communications and their consideration in dual chambers, how did the Committee make sure that decisions were considered unanimously by the Committee?

ドイツは、条約機関の改革の問題について進展が見られたことを歓迎します。 予算の状況は難しく、多層でした。 委員会は、事務総長が予算の状況について条約機関に伝えたことについて、もっと言うことができるのではないでしょうか。 個々のコミュニケーションとデュアルチャンバーでの検討に関して、委員会は、委員会が決定を全会一致で検討したことをどのように確認しましたか?

Japan expressed its appreciation for the work of the Human Rights Committee and thanked the Experts for their informative briefing. Japan said that at one meeting with treaty bodies, an Expert had said that there was no more room to improve the work of the treaty bodies, and Japan had found that shocking. It was very important to continue to improve the work of the treaty bodies, and many issues could be tackled, including the overlap between the work of Committees. 

日本は、人権委員会の作業に感謝の意を表明し、専門家に有益な説明を行ったことに感謝します。 日本は、条約機関とのある会議で、専門家が条約機関が作業を改善する余地はもうないと言っていたのを聞いて、日本は衝撃を受けています。条約機関の作業を改善し続けることが非常に重要であり、委員会の作業の重複を含む多くの問題に取り組むことができると考えています。

Switzerland said it noted the range of measures that the Committee had implemented to improve the efficiency of its work, reduce overlaps and align procedures with other Committees. Concerning the calendar, had it been established to enable States to benefit from the option of back-to-back reviews with the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This seemed to be a useful solution. Switzerland did not fully understand whether some of the reforms were in a pilot phase or if they had been adopted, particularly the possibility of presenting a consolidated report under the two Covenants. Was this already possible, or was it still in the pilot test phase. Would it be possible to have a common list of issues for the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, if they were moving towards a consolidated report under the two Covenants?

スイスは、委員会が作業の効率を改善し、重複を減らし、他の委員会と手順を調整するために実施した措置の範囲に留意したと述べた。 カレンダーに関しては、人権委員会および経済的、社会的および文化的権利に関する委員会との連続したレビューのオプションから国が恩恵を受けることを可能にするために設立されたのだろうか。 これは有用な解決策であると思われました。 スイスは、一部の改革がパイロット段階にあるのか、それとも採択されたのか、特に2つの規約の下で連結報告書を提示する可能性について完全には理解していませんでした。 これはすでに可能だったのか、それともパイロットテスト段階にあったのか。 人権委員会と経済的、社会的および文化的権利に関する委員会が、2つの規約の下で統合報告書に向かっている場合、共通の問題リストを作成することは可能でしょうか?

Pakistan said it valued the work of the Committee. Staggering the consideration of reports to be presented to the treaty bodies was important for Pakistan, which in 2017/2018 had presented eight reports. Also, institutionalizing the code of conduct was important. There was a need to further develop the Addis Ababa guidelines and to build on them. On the veracity of sources of information, this issue was also extremely important. There was a need for overall objectivity, transparency and an even-handed approach in all processes between treaty bodies and States parties. The simplified reporting procedure was enticing, but Pakistan wanted to know if after opting for it, a State could change its mind and return to the old reporting procedure. There was confusion about this. The delegation had had a positive view of the draft General Comment on the right of peaceful assembly and had shared it with its capital. Pakistan asked whether it would be possible for medium-sized States to hold dialogues with the Committee via skype or other video conferencing, as this could ensure broader participation of officials. 


Costa Rica said it was important to hear from the Chair about the decisions taken by the Chairs of the treaty bodies in New York. Some measures on the paper presented by Costa Rica could be promptly implemented and would give short- and medium-term results. Costa Rica believed that the simplified reporting procedure and the coordinated calendar were important, adding that some measures would require larger budget allotments. It hoped some of them could be started in an experimental manner. 

コスタリカは、ニューヨークの条約機関の議長が下した決定について議長から聞くことが重要だと考えています。 コスタリカが提示した論文に関するいくつかの措置は、迅速に実施することができ、短期および中期の結果をもたらします。 コスタリカは、簡素化された報告手順と調整されたカレンダーが重要であると考え、一部の措置ではより大きな予算配分が必要になると付け加えました。 それらのいくつかが実験的な方法で開始できることを望んでいます 。

Egypt said this was a good opportunity to communicate between States and the Committee. Egypt was always keen on commenting on General Comments and would provide the Committee with a response in due course. Egypt accorded great importance to collaborating with the treaty bodies, including this Committee. In Egypt, a committee had been created to prepare national reports to the treaty bodies after benefitting from technical support. Egypt was also interested in improving the methods of work of treaty bodies. The main objective had to be to alleviate the burden of preparing the reports, and Egypt looked forward to the better management of resources. 

エジプトは、これは国家と委員会との間で意思疎通を図る良い機会だと考えています。 エジプトは常に一般的なコメントにコメントすることに熱心であり、委員会にやがて回答を提供します。 エジプトは、この委員会を含む条約機関と協力することを非常に重要視しました。 エジプトでは、技術サポートの恩恵を受けた後、条約機関への国内報告書を作成するための委員会が設立されました。 エジプトはまた、条約機関の作業方法の改善にも関心がありました。 主な目的は報告書作成の負担を軽減することであり、エジプトは資源のより良い管理を期待しています。

United States said the thought that the Committee had put into reform and strengthening its work was encouraging. The Committee Experts had mentioned the new calendar and how it would follow the eight-year reporting period. However, for States that were already scheduled to be reporting under a Committee, would there be new information that would modify those dates, and would they be looking at different deadlines for the reviews.

米国は、委員会が改革に取り組み、その活動を強化したという考えは勇気づけられます。 委員会の専門家は、新しいカレンダーと、それが8年間の報告期間にどのように続くかについて言及していました。 ただし、すでに委員会のもとで報告する予定の国については、それらの日付を変更している新しい情報があり、レビューのさまざまな期限を検討しています。

Responses by the Committee Experts and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


A representative of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said that capacity building was a central part of the work of the Office, and they had been trying to shift the focus toward national ownership of programmes. The money for capacity building had been found from savings made by the treaty bodies. For example, the Experts of the various Committees were working with less comfort with limited interpretation and other measures so that money could be saved and used to bolster national human rights mechanisms. This process had been experimental, but now was the reality check and the 2020 review would have to decide if these measures had been useful. 

人権高等弁務官事務所の代表は、キャパシティ・ビルディングは事務所の仕事の中心部分であり、プログラムの国家所有権に焦点を移そうとしていると述べた。 キャパシティビルディングのための資金は、条約機関による貯蓄から発見されました。 たとえば、さまざまな委員会の専門家は、限られた解釈や他の手段で安心感を失い、お金を節約して国内の人権メカニズムを強化するために使用していました。 このプロセスは実験的なものでしたが、今では現実性の確認であり、2020年のレビューではこれらの手段が有用かどうかを判断する必要があります。

A Committee Expert said the Secretary-General had said that he had been able to solve the problem of the holding of the third session of the Committee in October, but had warned that 2020 would not be better than 2019 vis-à-vis the budget. He said his concerns were not only about the treaty bodies but the whole United Nations system. When money was received priority would be given to peacekeeping, and to replenishing the reserve fund which was now empty.

委員会の専門家は、事務総長が10月に委員会の第3回会合を開催する問題を解決できたと述べたが、2020年の予算に関して2019年よりも良くないだろうと警告したと述べた。  彼は、懸念は条約機関だけでなく、国連システム全体に関するものだと述べた。 お金が受け取られたとき、平和維持と、現在空になっている準備金の補充が優先されます。

As for the question on examining individual communications in dual chambers, the cases were considered in dual chambers, but all cases were finally adopted by the plenary. This gave the Committee the opportunity to catch up with the backlog, but in the end everything was adopted by the Committee as a whole. 

デュアルチャンバーでの個々のコミュニケーションの調査に関する質問については、ケースはデュアルチャンバーで検討されましたが、すべてのケースは最終的に本会議で採択されました。 これにより、委員会はバックログに追いつく機会を得ることができましたが、最終的には委員会全体ですべてが採択されました。

Concerning the calendar, an Expert said it currently did not offer the back-to-back feature. It would also be important to get reaction from States on whether they were interested in back-to-back reviews. Some States wanted to spread out reviews over different years, while others saw back-to-back reviews as beneficial. It was premature for the Committee to adopt this as a permanent feature. The issue of the consolidated reports had been adopted in the Chairs’ vision as an idea of going forward, but the Committee was not implementing it yet. 

カレンダーに関して、専門家は現在、バックツーバック機能を提供していないと述べた。 また、連続したレビューに関心があるかどうかについて、州から反応を得ることが重要です。 いくつかの州はレビューを異なる年にわたって広めたかったが、他の州は連続したレビューを有益であるとみなした。 委員会がこれを恒久的な特徴として採用するのは時期尚早でした。 統合報告書の問題は、今後のアイデアとして議長のビジョンで採用されていましたが、委員会はまだそれを実施していませんでした。

Video conferencing was not optimized in all the treaty bodies. The Human Rights Committee had used video conferencing in a handful of cases and apart from some glitches, this had worked pretty well. At the same time, the Committee believed that exchanging views face to face with a delegation was important to ensure the dialogue, so it preferred not to deal with video conferencing. It was open to discuss this. Coordinating work to avoid overlapping was important as it would be good for the Committees to think together as a system. It would good to avoid repeating questions. Concerning the question of whether States that had opted for the simplified reporting procedure could opt out and return to the old reporting procedure, an Expert said this had not been discussed but it would probably be allowed. With regard to the variety of sources of information, an Expert said the Committee received information from non-governmental organizations, media, and other United Nations bodies, and when they received it, they asked delegations about it and whether or not it was true, then the Committee made up its mind. Another Expert noted that all information received from non-governmental organizations was published on the website of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and States could consult it.


The Committee believed in working in complete objectivity, transparency and even handedness. It followed the Addis Ababa guidelines and always sought to ensure its objectivity. As for considering the comments by States on its draft General Comments, it considered them as far as possible, but the Committee had to have some balance in the responses and would be responsive to what the majority of States wished. The calendar for was based on the existing reporting schedule, which would be followed for now. 

委員会は、完全な客観性、透明性、利き手でさえ働くことを信じていました。 アディスアベバのガイドラインに従い、常に客観性を確保するよう努めました。 一般コメントの草案に関する各国のコメントを検討することに関しては、可能な限りそれらを検討しましたが、委員会は回答にある程度のバランスをとる必要があり、大半の国の希望に対応します。 のカレンダーは既存のレポートスケジュールに基づいており、現時点ではこれに従う予定です。


