【記事】土壌汚染の報告・調査義務が生じる場合と義務を負う者 – 2019年改正土壌汚染対策法対応

「BUSINESS LAWYERS」において、猿倉健司弁護士が執筆した「土壌汚染の報告・調査義務が生じる場合と義務を負う者 – 2019年改正土壌汚染対策法対応」と題する記事が掲載されました。

1. 土壌汚染対策法の改正
2. 土壌汚染対策法上の土壌汚染調査・報告義務を負う場合
 (1) 土壌汚染調査・報告義務を負う場合
 (2) 土地の形質変更を行う者による土壌汚染調査・報告義務(土壌汚染対策法4条調査)
 (3) 条例などで土壌汚染調査が必要となる場合
3. 土壌汚染調査・報告義務を負う者(原則)
 (1) 原則として土地所有者が義務を負う
 (2) 土地を共有している場合には共有者全員が義務を負う
4. 土地所有者以外が土壌汚染調査・報告義務を負う場合
 (1) 土地の賃借人・借地人
 (2) 土地に設定した担保権の権利者
 (3) 土地区画整理事業の施行者
 (4) 不動産証券化対象地の管理処分権者
5. 都条例で土壌汚染調査・報告義務を負う場合
 (1) 都条例116条の有害物質取扱事業者
 (2) 都条例117条の土地の改変者


An article titled “Cases Where Investigation and Reporting on Soil Contamination Are Required and Persons Subject to Such Requirements — Addressing the 2019 Amendment to the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act,” written by Kenji Sarukura, was posted on “BUSINESS LAWYERS.”

1. Amendment to the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act
2. Cases where investigation and reporting on soil contamination under the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act are required
 (1) Cases where investigation and reporting on soil contamination are required
 (2) Obligation for persons intending to change the form or nature of land to investigate and report on soil contamination (an investigation under Article 4 of the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act)
 (3) When it is necessary to investigate soil contamination under ordinance or other regulations
3. Persons assuming the obligation to investigate and report on soil contamination (as a rule)
 (1) In general, the owner of the land assumes the obligation
 (2) In the case of jointly owned land, all joint owners have the obligation
4. Cases where persons other than landowners assume the obligation to investigate and report on soil contamination
 (1) Lessees/leaseholders of the land
 (2) Holders of security interest created on the land
 (3) Constructors of land readjustment project
 (4) Holders of the right to manage and dispose of land subject to real estate securitization
5. Cases where investigation and reporting on soil contamination are required under the Metropolitan Ordinance
 (1) Hazardous substances handling operators under Article 116 of the Metropolitan Ordinance
 (2) Persons intending to change land under Article 117 of the Metropolitan Ordinance

弁護士 猿倉 健司

牛島総合法律事務所  Ushijima & Partners
E-mail: kenji.sarukura@ushijima-law.gr.jp
TEL: 03.5511.3244 (直通)
FAX: 03.5511.3258 (代表)
