
毎週のメッセージ「イエスの臨在と イエスの力の8つの違い!」ゲヤス・ローレンス




 イエスから さらに力を受けるために、私たちは主を待ち望まなければなりません(使徒1:8、ルカ24:49)。私たちが聖霊の満ち満ちたさまを受けるにしたがって、私たちは神から さらに力を受けることができるようになります(ルカ4:1,14)。


以下が「イエスの臨在」と、 「私たちのうちに、また私たちを通して働くイエスの力」との違いです。

1.−「神の臨在」は私たちの人生の源であり、また「神の臨在」は私たちのうちにいつまでも とどまります。

















 イエスからのフレッシュな油注ぎを受け取るための おもな鍵とは何でしょう? それは主の臨在を待ち望むことにあります(イザヤ40:31)。私たちは、主だけを待ち望むようにと命ぜられています(詩62:1,5)。



使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message-8 differences between the Presence of Jesus and His Power!

Dear Spirit-filled saints!

  I want to thank everyone who prayed as I went to Tokyo and Kanagawa. It was a great time to equip believers with faith in the power of God, so that we can move into the next level of God's power. God wants us in this season to receive a new level of power from Heaven, so that we can see God's Kingdom advance.

To receive more power from Jesus, we must wait upon the Lord (Acts 1:8; Luke 24:49). As we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we can receive more power from God (Luke 4:1,14). We must believe that Jesus is in us through the Holy Spirit (John 14:17).

Here are 8 differences between the Presence of Jesus in us and through us.

1. -God's presence is the source for our life and the presence of God abides in us forever.

- God's power is given to the church believers for service.

2. - God's presence in us is for fellowship with God.

- God's power is to be able to do what God calls us to do.

3. - God's presence is given to us so that we might know Jesus.

- God's power is given to let others know Jesus.

4. - God's presence is for us.

- God's power is for someone else.

5. - God's presence produces Christ like character in us.

- God's power is the fruit of God's presence.

6. - God's presence is God Himself and He comes in us and stays.

- God's power multiplies and can be transferred.

7. - God's presence affects our spirit, which is our inner man.

- God's power affects our soul and our bodies.

8. - God's presence stills the activities of the soul, which is our mind, will, and emotions.

- God's power releases noise. This power comes for a season and for a reason. God's power for service does not abide.

  It is possible for us to have the presence of Jesus in us and never see the power of Jesus manifest in our lives. We must want more fellowship with God so that He can flow through us to demonstrate His power. What is the main key to receive fresh anointing from Jesus? It is to wait upon the Lord's presence (Is.40:31). We are told to wait only upon the Lord (Ps.62:1,5). We must be filled with God's presence. We mainly learn to wait by becoming quiet before God in our daily lives. We open up our hearts for Jesus to fill our soul and even our bodies. Lets learn to have a daily contact with our living Jesus!

All for the manifest presence of Jesus!

apostle Gaius Lawrence

