
毎週のメッセージ「神のみこころは すべての国に繁栄と平和をもたらすこと !」 ゲヤス・ローレンス

親愛なる 祈りを捧げておられる聖徒の皆様!







1.私たちは常に 私たちの政府の要職に就いている人たちのためにまず祈り、そして執り成しをしなければなりません。





6.神のみこころは信者たちが祈ることによって、すべての国やすべての町が繁栄することです。なぜでしょう? 神はすべての人に、いつくしみ深くあられるからです。神はすべての人に優しくあられます。サタンこそが、死と破壊をもたらす者です。サタンこそが、人々から盗む張本人なのです(ヨハネ10:10)。神はすべての国を祝福したいのです。邪悪な国々でさえも!


宣言:天のお父さま、イエスの御名によって、私たちの政府の要職に就く人たちが平安と知恵を持つことを祈り宣言します。私たちの国は平安、繁栄と健康にあふれる国になります。私たちは病と貧困を縛ります。それらが私たちの国から消えて無くなるよう 命じます。イエスの御名によって、コロナウイルスが消えて無くなるよう 命じます。イエスは私たちの国を癒し、解放されます。私たちの国に働く、恐れの霊を縛ります。私たちの国に、信仰と自由が来るという宣言を解き放ちます。私たちの国は救われ、福音の真理が知られ 聞かれるようになります。神は、ご自身の良さといつくしみを私たちの国に示してくださいます。神が、私たちの家族や友人たちを救う力を持っておられることを宣言します。イエスの御名によって、私たちは信じ受け取ります! 主よ、感謝します!


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message- God"s will is to bring prosperity and peace to every nation!

Dear praying saints!

I want to thank everyone for being positive and trusting the Lord in this season.

It is a hard time but let us learn to receive the peace and joy that only Jesus can give us through the Holy Spirit. The Lord is now declaring that we are moving into a four months of recovery.

We must believe that what Satan and his antichrist kingdom has tried to do, we will see the Holy Spirit overcome and bring in the greatest harvest of God we have ever seen. Lets believe that God is still good!

1 Timothy 2:1-4 says, "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties, prayers, intercession and thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

From these verses we have to 7 Biblical principles:

1. We must always first pray and intercede for our government leaders.

2. The purpose of prayer for the government leaders is so that we can live a life of peace. God wants peace, and not chaos and sickness.

3. God wants everyone to be saved. God does not want to bring destruction to nations. God does not want to put sickness on people. God wants to save and deliver every nation.

4. God wants everyone to come to know the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Satan will try to hinder the church so that we will not share the gospel. But we must keep on teaching the Word of God.

5. Jeremiah 29:7 says, "Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will have welfare." God told His people to pray for the welfare and prosperity of the nation of Babylon and its cities.God did not want destruction, because for God to bring prosperity to His people, the cities they lived had to prosper.

6. God"s will is for every nation and every city to prosper as believers pray. Why? Because God is good to all people. God is kind to all. It is Satan that bring death and destruction. Satan is the one who steals from people (John 10:10). God wants to bless every nation, even evil kingdoms!

7. We are called to bless every nation as we pray and declare the good news of the love of Jesus (Genesis 12:2-3). We must rise up and bless our nations and our cities because that is God"s will!

Declaration:Fasther, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray and declare that our government leaders will have peace and wisdom. Our nation will be a nation of peace, prosperity and health. We bind sickness and poverty and command it to disappear from our nation. We command the coronavirus to disappear in the name of Jesus. Jesus will heal and deliver our nation. We bind the spirit of fear in our nation. We release faith and freedom to come to our nation. Our nation will be saved and the truth of the gospel will be known and heard.God will show His goodness to our nation. We declare that God has power to save our family members and our friends. We believe and receive in the name of Jesus! Thank you Lord!

All for the prosperity and salvation of our nation!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
