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使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message- When the Lord shuts the heavens (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)

Dear heavenly saints!

We are now in the season of wanting to see the heavens open and see the Glory of God fill the earth. God wants to fill the earth with the knowledge of His manifest presence (Ps.72:19; Habakuk 2:14;Numbers 14:21). God wants to pour out His Glory through His Church so that every living person on the earth can experience the manifest presence of God.

What happens when the Lord shuts up the heavens? (2 Chron.7:13)

1. There will be no rain for the people of God.

- Rain speaks of the blessing of God that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. The locust will devour the people of God.

- Satan will take things away from us. Spiritual blessings and material blessings will disappear.

- Satan will make sure that our churches will not grow and many people will not be saved.

3. Pestilence will come among the people of God.

- Pestilence does not just speak of the virus and sicknesses, but it speaks of sickness in the soul.

- Many believers are weak and have mental issues because the heavens are closed. Believers should be strong in the Lord.

What should we as the people of God do to see the heavens open? (2 Chron.7:14)

1. We must humble ourselves!

- To humble ourselves means that we stop our lifestyle of pride. We need God and His Glory back!

2. We must pray!

- We need to come back to fellowship with God. We must start talking to Him and ask Him for help.

- A praying believer is one that draws near to God and to His Glory.

3. We must seek the face of God

- This means that we want to actually want to listen to His Word. Many try to pray but do not want too listen and obey the Word of God.

- We must want the favor of God back again because we want His Glory!

4. We must turn from our wicked ways

- Repentance is always the road to see God's Glory come back.

- Our wicked ways is what is hindering the Glory of God to come as the heavens open.

What is the result of turning back to God?

1. God will hear from Heaven.

-This is another verse that shows us that God does not answer all of our prayers. We must meet the conditions to receive the Glory of God and His power.

2. God will forgive our sin.

- God will not just forgive our personal sins, but God will forgive the sins of His people.

- Without forgiveness of our sins, the heavens will be closed.

3. God will heal our land

- Our land first speaks of the body of Christ. Healing comes after we turn back to the Lord.

- Our land also speaks of the city or country that we are in. God blesses every nation through His people. Our nation receives the Glory of God when we turn to Him again!

All for the Glory of God!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
