
毎週のメッセージ「神の宮を守るには? 5つの鍵」 ゲヤス・ローレンス






1.私たちが ねたみや争い、分裂のうちに歩む時、神は私たちの神殿を滅ぼされます(1コリント3:3,17。1コリント3:3。KJV, NKJV訳は「ねたみや争い」の他に「分裂」という言葉がある)。私たちは愛のうちに歩まなければなりません。

 −「もし、だれかが神の神殿を汚す(KJV, NKJV訳)なら、神がその人を滅ぼされます。神の神殿は聖なるものだからです。あなたがたがその神殿です」(1コリント3:17)。











 −イエスが教会のかしらでしょうか? あるいは私たちが「仰ぎ見る」ほかの人々がいるのでしょうか? イエスはご自身の御霊によって、キリストのからだである教会を導かれます。

 −私たちが守りと導きのために仰ぐ「牧師」あるいは「教会のリーダーたち」と呼んでいる教会の中の「偶像」が存在するでしょうか? すべての信者は、今や祭司なのです!



 −誰が、神と人との間の「仲介者」なのでしょう? イエス・キリストだけです!(1テモテ2:5)。





神と小羊に すべての栄光を!

使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message- 5 keys on how to protect the Temple of God

Dear saints!

I want to thank everyone who prayed as I went to Sendai and Tokyo to teach the Word of God. We have moved into the 3 months of battle for our harvest. We are also in the season of recovery until the end of September. This is the month that we must be careful that Satan and sin does not get into our lives. This is the season to make sure that we are still the temple of God.

Here are 5 points to help us protect the TEMPLE of God;

1. When we walk in envy, strife and divisions, God will destroy our temple (1 Cor.3:3,17). We must walk in love.

- "If any man defile the TEMPLE of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are " (1 Cor.3:17).

- Always remember that God can destroy the TEMPLE. If we are being accusers of the children of God, then we must repent and come back to God.

2. We are to flee fornication because we are the TEMPLE of God (1 Cor.6:19)

- "What? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, who you have of God, and you are not your own (1 Cor.6:19).

- The building is not the temple. We must give our bodies to God as pure vessels.

3. We must flee every kind of idol (2 Cor.6:16)

- " And what agreement has the TEMPLE of God with idols? You are the temple of the living God, as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them and I will be their God, and they shall be my people" (2 Cor.6:16).

- An idol is whatever that we think about the most. We must destroy the idols of pride, selfishness, self-love, love of money and false trust.

- God is the Source of our lives. We think about God and His Kingdom the most. We can trust God!

4. The antichrist kingdom and its kings sits in the TEMPLE of God to claim that they are God (2 The.2:3-4)

- "Who (antichrist kingdom and its kings) opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he as God sits in the TEMPLE (the false religious Christianity) of God, showing himself that he is God." (2 This.2:3-4).

- Is Jesus the head of the church or are there others that we look to? Jesus leads the Church, the Body of Christ, through His Spirit.

- Are there idols in the church called "pastors" or "church leaders" that we look to for protection and guidance? Every believer is now a priest!

- The job of every church leader is to connect everyone to Jesus Christ, His voice and His Word. Jesus is the ONLY head of the Church.

- We should only worship God who is invisible. When we worship what is visible, it becomes idolatry.

- Who is the mediator between God and man? Only Jesus Christ! (1 Tim.2:5).

5. The Lord God almighty and the Lamb are the TEMPLE of the New Jerusalem (Rev.21:22)

- "And I saw no temple therein, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the TEMPLE of it" (Rev.21:22).

- God does not dwell in buildings because He now dwells in us. Gods presence must be able to dwell in us completely.

- As we come together, we can see the manifest presence of God and His power. The church meetings must be filled with the presence of God.

All Glory to God and to the Lamb!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
